Study: Aluminum Exposure During Puberty Disrupts Hormonal Development

Syringe Dripping Aluminum

Study: Aluminum Exposure During Puberty Disrupts Hormonal Development

Tom: This humungous and continuing tragedy brings me to the point of tears over the amount of heartache it will cause. Here is an excerpt but the full article is well worth reading.

To find out more, we asked women’s health educator and expert in women’s hormonal health, Ms. Leslie Carol Botha, what her views were on vaccinating adolescents with vaccinations containing the aluminum adjuvant during puberty and whether or not she believed it was safer to vaccinate pre-adolescent boys than it was girls?

She told us that:

Puberty in adolescents is a fragile transition. It is a time when the endocrine system is developing its own reproductive rhythm. The neurological, immune and endocrine systems are all involved in this transition. Introducing any toxin into the blood stream to infiltrate the blood brain barrier becomes a disruptor. PERIOD. How that manifests may differ from child to child – however, there is no doubt that one or all three of the systems will be involved. We have analyzed VAERS data that suggests that until puberty boys are affected more by vaccine injury than girls (due to estrogen protection). However, once puberty is reached, rates of vaccine injury among girls increases (data was compared before and after the introduction of the HPV vaccines to the market) and the injury gap between genders is higher for women throughout their lifetime.

Vaccinating any child at puberty is a disruption may alter a child’s development. The brain does not even fully mature until the early 20’s.

She continued:

By depressing the immune system a child becomes more susceptible to other pathogens. And with the high rates of infertility – one must wonder how vaccines play a role. We do know that the HPV vaccine Gardasil is causing premature ovarian failure in young girls. Many are unaware until they are ready to have a child and are told by their physician that their ovaries have atrophied. They are now considered to be in menopause – with a total breakdown of the endocrine system.

A Beautiful Story

Franz Kafka and Friend

When he was 40, the renowned Bohemian novelist and short story writer Franz Kafka (1883–1924), who never married and had no children, was strolling through Steglitz Park in Berlin, when he chanced upon a young girl crying her eyes out because she had lost her favorite doll. She and Kafka looked for the doll without success. Kafka told her to meet him there the next day and they would look again.

The next day, when they still had not found the doll, Kafka gave the girl a letter “written” by the doll that said, “Please do not cry. I have gone on a trip to see the world. I’m going to write to you about my adventures.”

Thus began a story that continued to the end of Kafka’s life.

When they would meet, Kafka read aloud his carefully composed letters of adventures and conversations about the beloved doll, which the girl found enchanting. Finally, Kafka read her a letter of the story that brought the doll back to Berlin, and he then gave her a doll he had purchased. “This does not look at all like my doll,” she said. Kafka handed her another letter that explained, “My trips, they have changed me.” The girl hugged the new doll and took it home with her.

A year later, Kafka died.

Many years later, the now grown-up girl found a letter tucked into an unnoticed crevice in the doll. The tiny letter, signed by Kafka, said, “Everything you love is very likely to be lost, but in the end, love will return in a different way.”

Artist ~ Isabel Torner

A beautiful story indeed. And a wonderful man, doing what he could to ease the burdens of another.

Effectiveness of HPV vaccines Cervarix and Gardasil under question

Effectiveness of HPV vaccines Cervarix and Gardasil under question

Researchers analysing the design of HPV vaccines Cervarix and Gardasil efficacy trials found the Phase II and III trials had methodological problems that could have overstated the effectiveness of these vaccines against HPV.

We found insufficient data to clearly conclude that HPV vaccine prevents the higher-grade abnormal cell changes”

The researchers from Newcastle University and Queen Mary University of London, both UK, found that the trials were not designed to detect cervical cancer because it takes decades to develop; instead they detected low grade abnormal cell changes. These changes, according to the study collaborators, are not clinically important because “they often resolve spontaneously without progressing,” into cancers.

“We found insufficient data to clearly conclude that HPV vaccine prevents the higher-grade abnormal cell changes that can eventually develop into cervical cancer,” said Dr Claire Rees, Lead researcher from the Queen Mary University of London.

Not safe to eat: Rats fed lifetime of GMO corn grow horrifying tumors, die very early


Genetically modified (GM) corn is rat poison. That is at least what the results of a controversial study linking GM feed with cancerous tumor growths in rats would seem to suggest.

During a two-year study, originally published in the journal Food and Chemical Toxicology, Professor Gilles-Eric Seralini of the University of Caen and colleagues discovered that rats fed Monsanto’s “Roundup Ready” corn developed significantly more tumors than rats not fed GM corn. In addition, rats fed a GMO diet developed aggressive tumors and died sooner than rats in the control group, reports Natural News.

Even more alarming, the study found these adverse health reactions were observed in rats exposed to Roundup Ready herbicide at levels many regulators regard as safe.

Soy Accelerates Breast Cancer Says Top US Cancer Centre

Soy Accelerates Breast Cancer

For the past several years, we have been under the impression that soy is great for you. I am here to tell you that soy isn’t all that. It has been our enemy from the beginning; soy causes breast cancer.

A study conducted by researchers at the Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center and Weill Cornell Medical College found that for many women, adding a small amount of soy to their diets, can cause cancer to grow.

While soy products might be very tasty to many, they contain a very high concentration of isoflavones, which are weak estrogen-like compounds that can boost the growth and development of breast cancers.

The study found changes in the expressions of certain genes largely known to promote cancerous cell growth among the women consuming the soy supplement.