The Value of B Group Vitamins to Memory and Depression

Some good information on B group vitamins from a newsletter received from Nutrition and Healing:
Dear Reader,
Remember the good old days when your mind and memory was like a steel trap? You could tick off every family member’s birthday and anniversary at the drop of a hat!
For years, we’ve been told that memory loss is just a natural part of ageing – and that it’s only going to get worse over the years.
If that’s NEVER sounded acceptable to you, it’s time to start making some changes – because new research proves that you could start turning the tide on brain fog, memory loss and even depression.
And all it takes is just a couple of months, starting with a simple B vitamin regimen that you can begin right away.
Now, we all know that B vitamins are good for you. They support thyroid function, and they’re crucial to the health of your brain, heart, bones, and arteries.
But Korean scientists wanted to find out specifically whether an influx of B vitamins could ease the symptoms of mental decline by decreasing a potentially harmful amino acid in the brain called homocysteine.
In the study, Korean researchers gave vitamins B6 and B12 and folic acid to seniors living in an assisted facility.
Not only did homocysteine levels drop in those who supplemented with B vitamins – but also their memories improved and depression faded.
After just three short months, their results on a popular mental evaluation were dramatically improved.
And OF COURSE they were less depressed! I mean, is there anything more depressing than losing your precious memories?
B complex vitamins are also known as nature’s “chill pill” because they can help melt away even the toughest stress.
Elderly patients in particular tend to be deficient in some B vitamins because of absorption issues that arise as we age. And if you’re deficient in B vitamins, you could notice a real difference even more quickly than the subjects in the study.
Supplementing with B vitamins is a good idea even if you haven’t noticed too many of those “senior moments” occurring. You may just see your brain fog lifting and experience a better mood as a result.
Dr. Glenn S. Rothfeld
Nutrition & Healing

Modern Medicine Is A Religion

Modern Medicine Is A Religion
This is really hard core, and truthful!
‘If medicine takes the form of a game, as Ivan Illich posited, then the doctor is the umpire representing the social body. His job: making sure that everyone plays the game and follows the rules.
Rule 1: you can never leave the game
Rule 2: the umpire determines which ways of dying are “acceptable” and no other ways may be used.
The only allowable death is that sanctioned by the doctor-priest, and through this intensive medicalization of death, “health care” has grown into a monolithic global religion.’*
Note: Rules 1 and 2 apply to the “game” of civilization. Civilization neurotically prevents people opting out of the “game”–unless it’s by dying, but even then, only under state-sanctioned supervision. The clue is in how homeless people are treated. They are “non-participants” and the System can’t STAND it.
*Quote adapted from The Global Freedom Truthiversity Health and Medicine Faculty –

Macaroni And Cheese Toxic Meal

Macaroni And Cheese Toxic Meal
“If man made it, don’t eat it!” was a famous quote from one of the greatest health legends of the 20th century, Jack Lalanne.
The more I read the more true his words ring.
That’s the tide I swim against with Healthelicious Foods.
A famous Rugby League player reordered 4 of my NutriBlast powders this week and texted me, “I love this stuff!”

Stop Asking Why Real Food Is Not Cheap

Stop Asking Why Real Food Is Not Cheap
Doing things right takes more time and money.
Producing bad products can usually be done for far less time and $.
All other things being equal, your health and lifespan is directly proportional to the quality of your food.
As is the case with most things in life, you get what you pay for.
You buy cheap, processed food and you get an unhealthy shorter life.
You buy quality ingredients and spend the time to make your own meals and you miss all those fun visits to the doctor and monthly drug prescriptions with their 75 side-effects per drug.
Sorry. That’s just the way it goes. You miss out big time on the bad stuff.
Over to you now. It’s your life and your choice.
But choose careully, only one choice allowed per lifetime.
Nah, just kidding.
Every bite you take in your life you are choosing health or sickness.
But be careful, the years pass and those bites add up mighty quickly!

Are There Toxic Chemicals in Your Yoga Pants?

Are There Toxic Chemicals in Your Yoga Pants
I received this from Ty Bollinger at The Truth About Cancer and thought it worth sharing with you.
Hi Tom,
In the past few years yoga pants have become synonymous with lounging around the house, running errands or heading to the gym.
They’ve become almost a default outfit for most women because they’re handy, comfortable, and you can wear them on just about any occasion.
But what you may not know, is that these comfy pants could be making you (and everyone else) sick.
Research has shown that hazardous chemicals such as phthalates, perfluorinated chemicals, dimethylformamide, and others are found in most sportswear.
There have been numerous studies showing that the substances used to make yoga pants contain known hormone disruptors and even have direct links to cancer.
This article by Elon Jacobs outlines some of the risks of wearing yoga pants on a daily basis (and it’s not just limited to women).
Men’s workout gear contains the same harmful chemicals and have been linked to testicular and other cancers as well.
No one’s saying that you shouldn’t wear these cozy pants, but you might not want to wear them all day, every day.
Go here to learn more about the chemicals in your yoga pants.
Let me know what you think about this article in the comments section below the article.
Ty Bollinger

The Enormous Benefits of CoQ10

Oxidation And Inflammation
I make no secret of the fact that I take about 30 tablets and capsules a day as well as the products I make myself. There are some supplements I cannot purchase in other than capsule form and yet others I am not legally allowed to put in my products. CoQ10 is one I have consumed for years.
Tonight I received this promotional piece for a CoQ10 supplement that has a lot of data in it worth you knowing. As well as a link to the aricle and advertisement, I have also added a link to the CoQ10 I just purchased from in case you also want to boost your cell regeneration too. It has PQQ in it as well as CoQ10.
A next-generation coenzyme is being introduced called pyrroloquinoline quinone or PQQ that has been shown to induce mitochondrial biogenesis—the growth of new mitochondria in aging cells. While CoQ10 optimizes mitochondrial function, PQQ activates genes that govern mitochondrial reproduction, protection, and repair.
To access the full article/advertisement:

Sugar is poison. My heart attack has finally opened my eyes to the truth

Giles Fraser, The Guardian
Globally, diabetes has almost quadrupled in 35 years and yet the multibillion-dollar sugar industry is happy to keep us in the dark about why
Iam now a member of the zipper club. I know, I thought it sounded rude too. But apparently it’s the club name for those of us who have a scar right down the middle of our chest. I have one down my leg too, from groin to ankle. And as I spend time recovering from a heart bypass operation – mostly doing very little, watching the cricket, reading the paper – I have started to reflect on my condition. How did it come to this? How did the arteries of my heart become so clogged with gunk that I may have been just weeks from meeting my maker?
“Diabetic,” they said. “Pah,” I thought. I don’t feel any different. I just get up to pee a bit more at night. Some biochemical medical problem just seemed a bit too elusive, abstract, distant. I mean, when Diane Abbott blamed a bad interview on diabetes, who really took that seriously? Earlier this year, I was sent on a diabetes awareness day and spent the time looking out of the window, bored. They tried to explain it to me but I wasn’t concentrating.
Well, now that someone has sliced through my breastbone as they might a Christmas turkey, the whole thing doesn’t seem quite so distant. And suddenly – and unsurprisingly – I am concentrating. All ears to, and pretty evangelical about, the evils of sugar. Sorry to have doubted you, Diane.
Back in September 2016, the Journal of the American Medical Association published papers, discovered deep in the Harvard University archives, that demonstrated how the sugar industry has been manipulating research into heart disease for years. These papers revealed that the purveyors of this white poison – in behaviour straight out of the tobacco industry playbook – had been paying Harvard scientists throughout the 1960s to emphasise the link between fat and heart disease and ignore the connection with sugar. Since then, Coca-Cola has funded research into the link between sugar and obesity. And the confectionery industry has paid for research which “demonstrated” that children who eat sweets are thinner than those who don’t.
As I write, my son returns from the shops, perfectly on cue, laden with a chocolate bar, a full-fat Coke and a packet of lollipops. I want to tell him that Willy Wonka is a death-dealing drug dealer. But I bite my lip for now. He will think me a crank. Everything he likes has sugar in it. That’s my fault – he got hooked on sugary breakfast cereals as a child. As Gary Taubes explained in his remarkable book The Case Against Sugar, published last year, it has “assimilated itself into all aspects of our eating experience”. Advertisements have normalised the omnipresence of sugar as a part of a balanced diet. And my son’s brain has become accustomed to the dopamine it releases. He has become an addict. Most of us are addicts.
In 1996, 1.4 million people in the UK had diabetes. Since then the figure has trebled to over 4 million. Diabetes now gobbles up more than 10% of the NHS budget, with that percentage set to rise steeply in the coming years. The World Health Authority published a major report on global diabetes last year. Its figures show that the number of people with diabetes has gone up from 108 million in 1980 to 422 million in 2014. This is not just a matter of bad individual choices. You can’t dismiss this as the aggregate of many millions of singular decisions, each one nothing more than a matter of weakness of will and responsible for itself alone. This has become a global epidemic.
For the last 30 years I have built a pretty effective protective shell against fat-shaming. I would probably have taken losing half a stone if offered, but I wasn’t especially unhappy with my body shape. But now I see things differently. Now I see a multibillion-dollar industry that makes its profits by keeping us obese and in the dark about why. After my operation, I cut out sugar and carbohydrates as best I could. I have lost 10 kilograms in the five weeks since. And I plan to lose a lot more. It’s not a diet – I hate diets. It’s a form of protest. The scales have fallen from my eyes. Beware the candy man. A Teaspoon Of Sugar

Mass Sterilization: Kenyan Doctors Find Anti-fertility Agent in UN Tetanus Vaccine

Apparently the confront of evil is one of our worst abilities. Most of us do not care to confront evil. I mean, after all, it’s evil, isn’t it?
According to LifeSiteNews, a Catholic publication, the Kenya Catholic Doctors Association is charging UNICEF and WHO with sterilizing millions of girls and women under cover of an anti-tetanus vaccination program sponsored by the Kenyan government.