Supplement Your D3

COVID Mortality Vitamin D

As the Northern hemisphere enters the less sunny months it probably pays to reiterate the following:

Many months ago now an Indonesian study reported on the mortality of COVID-19 infected people based on their blood levels of Vitamin D.

Blood level of vitamin D: Mortality rate:
Under 50 nmol/L 98.8%
50-75 nmol/L 87.7%
Over 75 nmol/L 4.1%

This and many other interesting (and potentially life-saving) facts on the plandemic can be found at:

Coronavirus Data And Resource Compilation (Last Updated 6 September 2020)

Human Rights Video #18: Freedom of Thought

One of my principle concerns with the current scene is the rapidly escalating speed with which human rights are being trampled. The lack of peace in certain regions is proof positive that these principles are actually valid and needed, more than ever.

This trend needs to be reversed. The entrance point is educating people that they do have rights. Hence this post and the request you share these posts so more people are aware of and insist upon their rights so that we can live in a peaceful society.

Watch the video and if you think so too, please share it!

Do you know it is a fundamental right of yours to have your own opinion? You would not think so from the way some people (including the government) try to belittle you for disagreeing with them but it is.

Governments and Companies Lie About Vaccine Safety

Pandemrix Vaccine

Everyone who pays attention to fast-tracked vaccines knows that governments hide the problems as best they can.

The US government was warned that the initial polio vaccine wasn’t properly made and went ahead anyway. The result was “The Cutter Incident”.

The fast-tracked 1976 flu vaccine was yanked from the market because of too many adverse events, including paralysis. The initial reports were ignored as long as possible until the damage was too great to sweep under the carpet.

The 2009 flu vaccine Pandemrix was causing damage that was hidden from the public, as the associate editor of The BMJ explains, resulting in debilitating cases of narcolepsy:

He explains that the various exclamations of safety simply weren’t true. A lawsuit uncovered the truth only much later – eight years later, in fact.

And now the public should expect the companies and governments who have lied before to suddenly tell the whole truth about vaccine safety?

The smart money is *not* to be first with any vaccine pushed by a government that is under tremendous pressure to show that it is doing something and pushed by companies that have been given indemnity.

And with it taking 8 years and a lawsuit to discover the truth about Pandemrix, it’s reasonable to refuse any fast-tracked vaccine completely.

Pandemrix vaccine: why was the public not told of early warning signs?, Sep. 2018

Food Diversity

The rows of produce at the grocery store may appear to be an abundance. But this illusion couldn’t be farther from reality.

According to the FAO of the United Nations, 75% of genetic diversity of agricultural crops has been lost over the past 2 decades, AND 75% of the world’s food today is generated from just 12 plant and 5 animal species.

Farmers around the world are giving up planting local varieties to grow genetically-uniform varieties bred for yield and profits, not nutritional value.

This is just one of the reasons we are experiencing declining nutritional value in crops, and more insecurity in the world’s food supply.

That’s where you come in.

Experts like Hillie Salo, one of the speakers at this Experts like Hillie Salo, one of this ear’s Global Seed Summit, are saying that the future of biodiversity lies not with our industrial food system, but with HOME GROWERS.

Indeed, small farmers and hobby gardeners worldwide are paying attention and making efforts to preserve seed diversity not only for the sake of their own thriving gardens, but also for the sake of humanity’s collective food future.