Are You Dancing With The Devil?

Dancing With The Devil
This could be interpreted in several ways. If you are a toxic relationship you might perceive the devil to be your partner. If you are unhappy at work you may regard your boss as the devil. If you are not enjoying sensational energy and health, might I suggest you look at your diet and lifestyle as being the devil in your life. Most people dance too long with the devil of a standard diet, toxic overload and inactive lifestyle. Read my book and learn how to dance with a better partner than the devil!

PR and Marketing Lesons

Great read from Susie and a fascinating look at the manipulative shenanigans behind the scenes.
Where on Earth did ethics and doing the right thing go?
Were they ever there?
Is an ethical society a new thing we need to b ring into being?
I’m thinking so.
From Susie…
Now, whatever your opinions on Trump, this is a very interesting video to watch – and to understand… See, by trade I am a graphic designer and as a part of my degree, I’ve studied marketing and the history of marketing. Later, working as a designer and senior designer for industries like health (The Cancer Council), media (Foxtel), finances (MLC) and the government (departments of Health, Eductation and Fair Trading), I have often observed and applied various marketing tactics to achieve a certain outcome – a desired effect to benefit my client.
This is where a designer’s true value lies – not in making pretty pictures but in projecting ideas, in creating desire, manipulating the reality. It’s important to understand this because our society today is entirely run on marketing. ENTIRELY. Whatever you think your thoughts are on ANY given subject, it is important to understand that someone, somewhere GOT PAID to come up with an idea, a viewpoint, a desire, and that huge campaigns have been crafted to get the public to agree or disagree with these ideas.
Mind-boggling but true, and you can see it done in EVERYTHING, good or bad: politics, foods, immigration, vaccine-safety, health foods, medicine, even general ideas…
Do you know, for instance, that the whole idea of babies sleeping away from their mothers only came about (read: was artificially created and promoted) in the last century, in conjunction with the industrial revolution and the businesses of war, when the traditional family model was shattered and both men and women were needed in the workforce? For thousands of years babies have slept with their mothers but since mothers now were needed elsewhere, a method was created to detatch them from their children at an early age (and children from their mothers), promoting co-sleeping unsafe and old-fashioned…
This is around the same time formula was being pushed as superior to breast milk and the crying-it-out method was introduced – these were all deliberate ideas, created for a specific purpose, and then huge campaigns were created and experts paid for to lend their support. CRAZY!!
This video is quite informative on how some of these tactics work, and marketing is not only used for products.
When I did my degree, one of my lecturers introduced this subject to us by stating that in the state of war, WE – the designers (together the other creative professions) – would be the first ones to be targeted and killed off. Because we UNDERSTAND how masses are manipulated, because WE CAN manipulate the masses, because WE ARE TOO DANGEROUS. So this knowledge is dangerous… But so, so VITAL in this world!!
You have to be able to see through propaganda, you absolutely must keep looking for information yourself and draw your own conclusions based on what you find – everything today is rigged; in this capitalistic society, you can bet your life on that EVERY SINGLE VIEWPOINT being pushed is a paid-for marketing campaign. Marketing is the science on how to make people like or dislike something. Look, like most people I know I have been disgusted at how on earth Trump got into this position – yet now, having watched this video, I recognise soooo many things that we have been fed already based on these smearing campaigns… Maybe he is not such a bad guy after all? What is the truth? Who knows…
“Fake news” is absolutely real but who is spreading them?? We really need to be aware and awake and not just blindly follow what we are being fed. Question everything!!
Live as best as you can and don’t go crucifying others for their decisions – either they are being unawarely manipulated or they have woken up and done their own research – in any case, our compassion and understanding toward one another needs to be much stronger than the drive for money!!
Peace & Love.
Off my soapbox now…

Microbes Influence Food Choices

I recently listened to a very good sales pitch for a prebiotic formula. Prebiotics are those nutrients that feed the good bacteria in your intestinal system. Bottom line, it is not enough to take a probiotic, you also need to be feeding them the proper nutrients otherwise they will die off and you get no benefit from them.
Here’s some data from the video and other source:
You have both “Good” and “Bad” bacteria in your gut.
Antibiotics kill both bad AND good bacteria.
A single one week course of anitibiotics can disrupt your gut for 2 years!
One serving of Splenda was found to destroy 50% of your gut bacteria!
Your good gut bacteria crave healthy food and your bad gut bacteria love sugar and processed foods. They each survive better on a different diet. This is why after eating sweets and processed foods you crave more of them and find super healthy food distasteful. Andy why after 2-4 weeks on a really healthy diet, most people can more easily tolerate more healthy food and find highly sweet things distasteful.
Ghrelin is a hormone produced and released mainly by the stomach but also the small intestine, pancreas and brain. Ghrelin has numerous functions. It is termed the ‘hunger hormone’ because it stimulates appetite, increases food intake and promotes fat storage.
H. Pylori is a gut bacteria that regulates Grehlin.
Leptin (from Greek leptos, “thin”) is the “satiety hormone”, made by fat cells, helps regulate energy balance by inhibiting hunger. Leptin is opposed by the actions of the hormone grehlin.
Leptin normally kicks in 20 minutes after you start eating. Consume your meal in a hurry and your grehlin is still signalling “I’m hungry” as the Leptin has yet to kick in! So eat slowly and chew thoroughly!
Bifidobacteria is one of the best gut bacteria to boost the immune system.
Dr Kellman says, “If you get your gut biome right, you wil lose weight!”
Sooooo, cut the sugar and processed foods, eat a more natural diet and you will be supporting your gut biome and your future health.
To see how to do that quickly and easily, head on over to and pick up a trial pack of bars and slices or a tub of NutriBlast.Microbes Influence Food Choies