What Consumes Your Mind

What Consumes Your Mind
You either control your mind by focusing on what you wish to create or your negative past controls you. Your choice.
If that is not true for you, go for a walk. Look at things until you feel better.

Vaccination Freedom of Choice

All the way down the long and often tortuous path of history there have been men who sought to inflict by force their views on others.

Long term, that practice always fails.

When you gradually or rapidly remove from an individual the right to self-determinism, the end result is slavery.

Slave societies do not last.

Societies last longest that are built on a stable, solid foundation of strong men and women of intelligence, courage and integrity who respect the rights of others and defend their own and other’s life, liberty, property and reputation.

Those men desire and deserve freedom.

For themselves and others.

They seek not to enforce their own choices and personal preferences on others.

They know that a person does best when unrestricted and free to pursue his higher purposes.

There is a debate raging at present over the rights of the individual parent to make what he or she believes to be the best informed decision for their child’s health and welfare.

It is patently wrong for ANYONE to mandate the health choices an individual makes for him or herself or their family.

The individual has an innate awareness of their own body and how it responds.

So the idea of forced medication was determined at Nuremburg after World War II to be a war crime.

That single fact should be enough to lay the entire mandatory vaccination argument to rest in the grave of bad ideas.

But in case not, let’s look at each of the premises and principle arguments of the pro-vaccination protagonists and look at the readily available counter-arguments.

Premise: Drug Companies Are Honest, Ethical and Can Be Trusted

Merck, the make of the MMR vaccine, is embroiled at least in two federal court cases.

The first court case, United States v. Merck & Co., arises from two former Merck scientists claiming that Merck “fraudulently misled the government and omitted, concealed, and adulterated material information regarding the efficacy of its mumps vaccine in violation of the FCA [False Claims Act].” According to the court documents, Merck “(i) failed to disclose that its mumps vaccine was not as effective as Merck represented, (ii) used improper testing techniques, (iii) manipulated testing methodology, (iv) abandoned undesirable test results, (v) falsified test data, (vi) failed to adequately investigate and report the diminished efficacy of its mumps vaccine, (vii) falsely verified that each manufacturing lot of mumps vaccine would be as effective as identified in the labeling, (viii) falsely certified the accuracy of applications filed with the FDA, (ix) falsely certified compliance with the terms of the CDC purchase contract, (x) engaged in the fraud and concealment describe herein for the purpose of illegally monopolizing the U.S. market for mumps vaccine, (xi) mislabeled, misbranded, and falsely certified its mumps vaccine, and (xii) engaged in the other acts described herein to conceal the diminished efficacy of the vaccine the government was purchasing.” These fraudulent activities, say the whistleblowers, were designed to produce test results that would meet the FDA’s requirement that the mumps vaccine was 95 % effective.


Risperdal: the Little Known Story of Janssen Pharmaceutical’s Fraud – $1.65 billion

Former Eli Lilly & Co. executive Dr. John Rengen Virapen speaks out about his time working within the pharmaceutical industry.

Gardisil not proven to be effective for longer than 5 years yet being marketed to 11 year olds:

Gardasil Researcher Speaks Out

Baxter And h2N1 in Seasonal Flu Vaccinations

Baxter just missed creating its own pandemic then by mixing deadly H5N1 virus with a mix of H3N2 seasonal flu viruses, or did they?

Baxter [Pharma] Caught Shipping Vaccines With Live Avian Flu Virus To 18 Countries Worldwide

Czech newspapers are questioning if the shocking discovery of vaccines contaminated with the deadly avian flu virus which were distributed to 18 countries by the American company Baxter were part of a conspiracy to provoke a pandemic.

The claim holds weight because, according to the very laboratory protocols that are routine for vaccine makers, mixing a live virus biological weapon with vaccine material by accident is virtually impossible.

“The company that released contaminated flu virus material from a plant in Austria confirmed Friday that the experimental product contained live H5N1 avian flu viruses,” reports the Canadian Press.

Baxter flu vaccines contaminated with H5N1 – otherwise known as the human form of avian flu, one of the most deadly biological weapons on earth with a 60% kill rate – were received by labs in the Czech Republic, Germany, and Slovenia.


According to LifeSiteNews, a Catholic publication, the Kenya Catholic Doctors Association is charging UNICEF and WHO with sterilizing millions of girls and women under cover of an anti-tetanus vaccination program sponsored by the Kenyan government.

The Kenya Catholic Doctors Association, however, saw evidence to the contrary, and had six different samples of the tetanus vaccine from various locations around Kenya sent to an independent laboratory in South Africa for testing.

The results confirmed their worst fears: all six samples tested positive for the HCG antigen. The HCG antigen is used in anti-fertility vaccines, but was found present in tetanus vaccines targeted to young girls and women of childbearing age


Premise: Standard Medicine Offers the Protection of Double Blind, Peer-Reviewed Clinical Trials

Major publisher retracts 64 scientific papers in fake peer review outbreak


The announcement comes nine months after 43 studies were retracted by BioMed Central (one of Springer’s imprints) for the same reason.


In 2014, SAGE Publishers retracted 60 articles from the Journal of Vibration and Control after uncovering a “peer review ring” in which researchers reviewed their own and each other’s papers under aliases.


A third of researchers admitted to exagerating results to benefit sponsers.

And if you are up for some more evidence, read this doctor’s chapter: http://genius.com/Ben-goldacre-bad-pharma-annotated

Premise: Vaccines Were Responsible For The Eradication of Polio and Other Diseases

Not according to the graphs showing the decline in disease BEFORE the introduction of vaccinations for them:

Premise: Vaccines Do Not Cause Autism

Autism is an acknowledged side-effect in one vaccine insert:

Baby Monkeys Develop Autism Symptoms After Getting Popular Childhood Vaccines

By 2010, the U.S. Court of Claims had awarded nearly $3 billion dollars to vaccine victims for their catastrophic vaccine injuries, although two out of three applicants have been denied compensation.

30 Scientific Studies Showing the Link between Vaccines and Autism

Vaccine – Autism Connection Explained
Dr. Stephanie Seneff discusses the potential connection between vaccines and autism.

Autism Rates Explode In Asia After Introducing Western Vaccines

Premise: Vaccines Prevent Infection From Disease or Confer Immunity

Many of the more recent outbreaks of mumps, measles and polio are amongst the vaccinated:


Whooping Cough and Pertussis:
Every single person who fell ill with a recent outbreak of whooping cough in Kansas, United States, had previously been vaccinated against the disease.

Premise: Vaccines are Tested and Safe

Merck Mumps Vaccines Are a Total Fraud: Company Can Only Provide the Courts with Efficacy Data from 50 Years Ago

A pair of former Big Pharma scientists have accused their former employer, Merck & Co., of falsifying tests of an exclusive mumps vaccine in recently filed court papers, charges they say the pharmaceutical giant has yet to answer.

The polio vaccines developed in the 1950s by Jonas Salk and Albert Sabin allegedly eradicated one of the most feared diseases of the 20th century. The media hailed the success of these vaccines as a modern day miracle. However, the polio story has a much darker side that has mostly been kept a secret.

Both Sabin’s live virus vaccine given orally and Salk’s inactivated virus vaccine given by injection were far from perfect. In fact, in 1955 the vaccine used in Berkley, California infected some 200 children, leaving several dead and many paralyzed. Yet this incident proved minor compared to what was later discovered.

In order to grow large quantities of the poliovirus, scientists needed to use Rhesus monkey kidney cells, which carried many different viruses. As a result, their polio vaccine became contaminated with a cancer-causing virus carried by these monkeys. This vaccine was given to almost 100 million people.

Canadian physician Dr. Andrew Moulden provided clear scientific evidence to prove that every dose of vaccine given to a child or an adult produces harm. The truth that he uncovered was rejected by the conventional medical system and the pharmaceutical industry. Nevertheless, his warning and his message to America remains as a solid legacy of the man who stood up against big pharma and their program to vaccinate every person on the Earth.

Archie Kalikerinos reports 50% of vaccinated kids died from the vaccination.

5 Flu Vaccines Increase Risk of Alzheimer’s Disease TEN Times

According to Hugh Fudenburg, MD – the world’s leading immunogeneticist (Immunogenetics or immungenetics is the branch of medical research that explores the relationship between the immune system and genetics) and 13th most quoted biologist of our time (nearly 850 papers in peer review journals) – “If an individual has had 5 consecutive flu shots between 1970 – 1980 (the years of the study) his/her chance of developing Alzheimer’s Disease is 10 times greater than if they had 1, two or no shots.” When asked why, Dr. Fudenberg stated that it is due to the mercury and aluminum buildup that is in EVERY flu shot (and in almost all childhood shots). The gradual mercury and aluminum buildup in the brain causes cognitive dysfunction. Dr. Fudenberg’s comments above were from his speech at the NVIC International Vaccine Conference, Arlington VA September, 1997.

NOTE: When I researched the internet for the above quote, it only seemed to appear on chiropractic sites and alternative treatment sites, so I wrote to Dr Fudenberg to validate that this was what he stated and also asked for a cite or article. His answer to me was:

“Statement is correct. See my papers, Hazards of Vaccines 1 & 2 in Internat. J. Clin. Invest., 2000 & 2004”

Dr Hugh Fudenberg, MD

Doctor’s bio and achievements can be found at: http://www.nitrf.org/fudenberg.html


Yet do not prevent the flu: http://rense.com/general45/flu.htm

Lawsuits For HPV Vaccine Damages Begin in Spain:

Board Certified Medical Doctor Explains Why Vaccine Policies and Injections Onto Children Are An ‘Egregious Crime’

ZERO U.S. Measles Deaths in 10 Years, but Over 100 Measles Vaccine Deaths Reported http://healthimpactnews.com/2015/zero-u-s-measles-deaths-in-10-years-but-over-100-measles-vaccine-deaths-reported/

(Since this article, one woman died in New York from pneumonia and was tested positive for measles. She had been vaccinated.)

Human papilloma virus vaccine and primary ovarian failure: another facet of the autoimmune/inflammatory syndrome induced by adjuvants. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/23902317

Investigation of a measles outbreak in a fully vaccinated school population including serum studies before and after revaccination. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/8483623

Vaccines deliver 4,925 mcg of aluminum by 18 months, safe limit is 25 mcg

Scientists at the University of British Columbia point out that aluminium clearly causes a negative impact on the nervous system of all ages. http://www.naturalhealth365.com/vaccines-aluminum-neurotoxicity-1536.html

“The chief, if not the sole, cause of the monstrous increase in cancer has been vaccination” – Dr. Robert Bell, once Vice President International Society for Cancer Research at the British Cancer Hospital. http://www.salem-news.com/articles/november292011/vaccines-contaminated-se.php

Premise: Vaccinated Kids Are Less Likely To Get Sick

New JAMA Study Confirms Nurse Whistleblowing: Routine Hospital Vaccine Damage Happening to Infants

It was not long ago that headlines were made by Michelle Rowton of Nurses Against Mandatory Vaccines during a live interview with David Knight of infowars.com. The nurse turned whistleblower spoke of the callous, daily operating procedure she witnessed happening in the hospital she worked at. Her admissions were yet another log on a fire lit long ago burning for people’s right to have medical freedom and choice. In that viral interview, Rowton went on record to state:

“I’ve sat in a room with our on-call staff of physicians and practitioners (when they say) “Oh wow, this is so embarrassing this 25 weeker never actually required a breathing tube and going on the vent after he was born, he was so strong. But we gave him his two month vaccinations and he got intubated last night ha ha, oops how embarrassing. The step-down units are calling the NICU’s and saying “hey we’re going to go ahead and give these four babies their two month shots today, make sure you have beds ready because we all know they’re going to have increased breathing difficulties, feeding and digestion difficulties, apnea, and bradycardia. This is what goes on”

New research from the JAMA Pediatrics journal titled Adverse Events After Routine Immunization of Extremely Low-Birth-Weight Infants now confirms essential 100 percent of Rowton’s whistleblowing statements which, just a month ago, seemed almost surreal. http://www.jeffereyjaxen.com/blog/new-jama-study-confirms-nurse-whistleblowing-routine-hospital-vaccine-damage-happening-to-infants

Studies Prove Without Doubt That Unvaccinated Children Are Far Healthier Than Their Vaccinated Peers

In addition to these two studies, there was also a clinical study conducted in Hong Kong in in 2012 comparing vaccinated with unvaccinated children in regards to the flu vaccine. Researchers conducted a double-blind placebo-controlled trial on children with the trivalent inactivated influenza vaccine. Their results were published in the journal Clinical Infectious Diseases in 2012, and they found that the seasonal trivalent flu vaccine resulted in 5.5 times more incidents of respiratory illness than the placebo group. Read more about the study here.


Premise: The Government and Responsible Agencies Know Best And Are Looking Out For Our Welfare

US CDC whistleblower reports CDC destroyed evidence of vaccinations increasing the rate of autism in negro boys:

UK Government Allows Banned Vaccine to Damage UK Kids:

This Year the CDC Withdrew Data on Vaccine Adverse Reactions From Its Web Site

Premise: More recent Vaccinations Are Better Than Earlier Ones

This is what one Merk Doctor had to say about that.

Merck’s Former Doctor Predicts that Gardasil will Become the Greatest Medical Scandal of All Time

“The full extent of the Gardasil scandal needs to be assessed: everyone knew when this vaccine was released on the American market that it would prove to be worthless! Diane Harper, a major opinion leader in the United States, was one of the first to blow the whistle, pointing out the fraud and scam of it all.

Gardasil is useless and costs a fortune! In addition, decision-makers at all levels are aware of it!

Cases of Guillain-Barré syndrome, paralysis of the lower limbs, vaccine-induced MS and vaccine-induced encephalitis can be found, whatever the vaccine.

I predict that Gardasil will become the greatest medical scandal of all times because at some point in time, the evidence will add up to prove that this vaccine, technical and scientific feat that it may be, has absolutely no effect on cervical cancer and that all the very many adverse effects which destroy lives and even kill, serve no other purpose than to generate profit for the manufacturers.

There is far too much financial interest for these medicines to be withdrawn.


Premise: It’s Important To Vaccinate Kids Early In Life

That is not for any benefit to the children. That is to train the parents to getting their kids jabbed:

The first was that it is pointless to administer drugs intended to stimulate antibody production to babies who are too young to produce antibodies. Infants in their first year mostly depend on generalized, non-specific immunity, including (hopefully) immunoglobulins from breast milk, to protect their young bodies from infection. They do not produce antibodies of their own until about age one. Despite this basic fact, the medical establishment insists administering a total of 19 shots, containing 24 vaccines, to infants on the 2, 4 and 6 month pediatric visits (Source: cdc.gov). Somehow, the basic facts of human physiology and development do not apply to vaccines.

And it is provably untrue. The younger the child, the more upset is their body by injecting foreign toxins into it.
“Joanne: I worked as a Paediatric nurse and vaccinated lots of babies throughout the years. My own daughter was part of a research project, testing a baby’s stress level after receiving vaccines at 2, 4, and 6 months, by checking cortisol levels of saliva post vaccination. I believe the results showed that babies had the greatest stress at 2 months, and less at the following 4 and 6 months.”

Premise: All Medical Professionals Endorse Vaccinations

“We are a non-vaccinating family, but I make no claims about people’s individual decisions. We based ours on research and discussions with our pediatrician, and we’ve been happy with that decision, but obviously there’s a lot of controversy about it.” ~ Mayim Hoya Bialik, PhD in Neuroscience

And, finally,

In Conclusion, Why Are We Still Vaccinating? Are Vaccines are The Best Way to Prevent Infection?

Here’s a link to a dissenting view from someone who should know, an immunologist:

The Vaccine Illusion: How Vaccination Compromises Our Natural Immunity and What We Can Do To Regain Our Health

“Vaccination at its core is neither a safe nor an effective method of disease prevention.” – Tetyana Obukhanych, Ph.D Immunologist


25 Questions From A Former Pro-Vaccine Advocate

Do We Need a New Approach to Vaccine Recommendations? Wouldn’t it be More Logical to Stop all Vaccination Instead? – by Viera Scheibner (PhD)

I sincerely hope that this compilation will spark the following in those who read it:
1. Minimally, a less dogmatic viewpoint in those proposing the enforcement of mandatory vaccinations.
2. A desire among all peoiple, parents especially, to not accept as truth anything from any “authority” not able to be backed up by logic and genuine test results.
3. A strengthened determination on the part of those who do not subscribe to the vaccination hysteria to add their voice of sanity to the debate.

Yours in the interests of a world full of healthier, saner, more aware individuals injoying greater personal liberties and less restrictions.

Tom Grimshaw

School Nurse Confesses: “I Would Have NEVER Vaccinated My Own Children!”

Sleeping Baby
We need to start doing more critical thinking in order to make informed choices. As a parent, I would much rather see my child have a normal illness than develop lupus, cancer, MS, or sterility. As a nurse, I feel we need to start educating and developing a whole culture of health professionals who argue against vaccines.