Advocates and Industry Giants Take Sides in California's Label Law Proposition

Lines are being drawn and money raised in the fight over Prop 37 – the California Right to Know Genetically Engineered Food Act – which would require foods with genetically modified organisms to be labeled. The California Democratic Party, minus three Monsanto-funded defecting elected officials, has officially endorsed the proposition along with companies such as Amy’s Kitchen.
Standing firmly on a pile of advertising and lobbying dollars is the DC-based Grocery Manufacturer’s Association (GMA) which has contributed $375,000 so far to the opposition effort. The GMA is backed by the $1.2 trillion “Big Food” industry and boasts a membership list of companies with familiar household names such ConAgra Foods, J.M. Smucker, Hormel Foods, Kellogg Co., Coca-Cola North America and PepsiCo – many of which are reinforcing the GMA funds with money of their own.
Major grassroots efforts will be needed to pass Prop 37. Opponents such as the deceptively named Coalition Against Costly Food Labeling Proposition will be garnering support from across the country. To find out the truth about the labeling bill, visit

Traitor Quote From Cicero

Traitor Quote From Cicero
There’s the overt criminals who steal by force, then the covert ones who steal by outright lies, deceit and deception. The nickname for them is con men. That’s short for confidence man – one who steals from you by first gaining your confidence, making you believe an untruth.
While the papers and news put our attention on the former, it is the latter who are more prevalent at higher strata and therefore more destructive, partly because it is not suspected and partly because they control those who would otherwise defend us from them.
So in evaluating people look mostly at what and how good are their products, what they have produced.
You will live a longer, happier and more prosperous life if you learn to tell people by their products rather than their sales pitch. Any fool can lie, and most fools and all cowards do. They cannot confront the consequences of telling the truth, so they lie.

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There is an old definition for self discipline:
Doing what should be done,
when it should be done,
whether you like it or not!
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This may be so, but it is a sad thing that it is.
The ultimate accountability is to oneself.
You are with yourself always.
If you make an agreement with yourself, keep it.
You should NEVER need to rely on another person to keep your word.
Those who cannot trust themselves are not happy people.
When you can fully trust yourself you will be truly happy.
Self discipline is a mental muscle.
It needs to be exercised to gain strength.
On what are you going to exercise your muscle today?