It Really Ain’t Gonna Work in the Real World!!!

A word from an experienced electrician regarding the installation of EV charging stations at apartment blocks in Docklands, Melbourne.

I recently did some work for the body corporate at the Dock 5 Apartment Building in Docklands in Melbourne to see if we could install a small number of electric charging points for owners to charge their electric vehicles.

We had our first three applications and we discovered:
1. The building has no non- allocated parking spaces ie public ones. This is typical of most apartment buildings so we cannot provide shared outlets.

2. The power supply in the building was designed for the loads in the building with virtually no spare capacity. Only 5 or 6 chargers could be installed in total in a building with 188 apartments!!

3. How do you allocate them as they would add value to any apartment owning one. The shit-fight started on day one with about 20 applications received 1st day and with many more following.

4. The car park sub-boards cannot carry the extra loads of even one charger and would have to be upgraded on any floors with a charger as would the supply mains to each sub- board.

5. The main switch board would then have to be upgraded to add the heavier circuit breakers for the sub mains upgrade and furthermore:

6. When Docklands was designed a limit was put on the number of apartments in each precinct and the mains and transformers in the streets designed accordingly.

This means there is no capacity in the Docklands street grid for any significant quantity of car chargers in any building in the area.

7. It gets better. The whole CBD (Hoddle Grid, Docklands) and Southbank is fed by two sub stations. One in Port Melbourne and one in West Melbourne.

This was done to have two alternate feeds in case one failed or was down for maintenance. Because of the growth in the city /Docklands and Southbank now neither one is capable of supplying the full requirement of Melbourne zone at peak usage in mid- summer if the other is out of action. The Port Melbourne 66,000 volt feeder runs on 50 or 60 year old wooden power poles above ground along Dorcas Street South Melbourne. One is pole is located 40 cm from the corner Kerb at the incredibly busy Ferrars /St Dorcas St Intersection and is very vulnerable to being wiped out by a wayward vehicle.

The infrastructure expenditure required would dwarf the NBN cost & that’s not including the new power stations required!

These advocates of electric vehicles by 2040 are completely bonkers! It takes 5-8 years to design and build a large coal fired power station like Loy Yang and even longer for a Nuclear one (That’s after you get the political will, permits and legislative changes needed). Wind and solar just can’t produce enough. Tidal power might but that’s further away than nuclear.


It’s just a Greenie’s dream for the foreseeable future, other than in small wealthy countries.

The grid simply cannot support it in most places in Australia!

An agenda driven by stupid Greenies and supported by stupider Politicians.

Israel Caught Concealing Children’s Vaccine Injuries

Israeli Flag Vaccine

Israel’s Ministry of Health commissioned a study analyzing reports of adverse events from Pfizer’s COVID vaccine to Israel’s vaccine database, known as the Nahlieli system, between December 2021 and May 2022.

The research team was headed by Professor Matti Berkowitz, director of the Clinical Pharmacology and Toxicology Unit at Assaf Harofeh Hospital (Shamir). Prof. Berkowitz’s team found that children in the 5-11-year age group had twice to four times as many adverse events following the Pfizer shot as children in the 12-17 age group.

This doubling of vaccine injuries is, in itself, extremely disturbing — and should have been immediately brought to the attention of the nation’s parents. The parents were not informed. What’s more, the Ministry officials recommended booster shots for youngsters aged 5-11—thereby increasing the risk for serious harm.

It is unconscionable that the Israeli Health Ministry knew about the serious risks of harm posed to young children, concealed the evidence, and further expanded the ever-increasing risk for children by authorizing the use of these UNSAFE and medically unjustifiable genetically manipulated injections for infants and toddlers! The exposure of children to unjustifiable risks constitutes — as the late Dr. Vladimir Zelenko fearlessly categorized diabolical child sacrifice.

Why Organic Potatoes


Do you eat potatoes? Are all your potatoes organic? If not, you should know that while in storage, potatoes are sprayed with chemicals to keep them from sprouting. One of those chemicals is chlorpropham. It is not thought to be cancer-causing, but chlorpropham is metabolized into 3-chloroaniline which is categorized as a carcinogen. What’s more, some cattle are fed potato peelings. If those peelings are not organic (meaning the beef is not organic), then 3-chloroaniline makes its way into the liver and milk of the cow. (Photo by Eric Prouzet on Unsplash)

Shelf Life After Best Before Dates

Shelf Life After Best Before Dates

Shelf Life After Best Before Dates

It is never a bad idea to rotate your cupboards to eat the oldest canned and packet items first. That way you rarely have to toss out stale dated food. With food shortages on the horizon you might be needing to look at things in a new light. If so, this might be of assistance.

Bear in mind I have read some pathogens cannot be smelt or tasted so the “if it looks, smells and tastes OK, I’ll eat it” is not always the wisest philosophy.

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