Neurotransmitters: Our Natural Secret Weapons to Boost Brain Function and Mood

Dr Todd Watts

I received a promotion for some brain nutrient supplements that contains some interesting data that might expand your understanding of why I include certain nutrients in my personal supplement regime and Healthelicious products. Here is the text from the email and the link to the presentation.

In 1921, an Austrian scientist named Otto Loewi abruptly woke up in the middle of the night. He jotted down a few notes on a tiny slip of paper before falling asleep again.

In the morning, he had a sense that he’d written down something important, but he couldn’t decipher his own scrawled message.

The next night, at 3 A.M., the idea returned. He dreamed about an experiment to determine whether chemicals could be transmitted between nerve cells to create a certain physiological effect.

In the morning, Otto got up, went to his laboratory, and performed an experiment on frog hearts — the very same experiment he had dreamed about. Because of his dream, he ended up discovering the first neurotransmitter, one called acetylcholine.

Over the next century, scientists have discovered over 200 unique types of these chemical messengers.

This article explains the importance of maintaining your neurotransmitter health as part of a natural healthy brain protocol.

When you read it, you’ll discover:

Why maintaining normal levels of neurotransmitters in your brain is so critical to your health and well-being…

7 common reasons why you may suffer from an imbalance in your brain neurotransmitters (see how to fix the problem)…

3 key neurotransmitters responsible for your happiness as well as your ability to remain calm, relaxed, and motivated…

Top doctor-recommended nutrients to restore balance to these crucial chemical messengers…

And much more…

When your neurotransmitters are healthy and in balance, you’ll think more clearly, feel less anxious, and enjoy a positive outlook on life.

On the other hand, when neurotransmitters don’t work the way they are supposed to, this can lead to many adverse effects on the body.

Click the link to view a short video on keeping your brain healthy, your mood steady, and your memory intact by balancing your neurotransmitters and other brain functions

Please take five minutes from your busy day to discover why neurotransmitter balance should be a key part of your overall strategy to maintain optimal brain health as you grow older.

To your health,

Jonathan Otto

P.S. How can you fortify your brain cells and neurotransmitters for optimal memory, happiness, mental calmness, and restful sleep — and do it simply and easily?


Dear Mr Bolt, we Ukrainians in Australia are a tolerant multicultural bunch.

Your statements about the Chornobyl Nuclear accident of 1986, however, have stirred us to comment and respond. (yes, Chornobyl is the Ukrainian and not Russian name of this Ukrainian landmark associated with the tragedy).

In doing so, we have consulted with our colleagues from the Belarus and Russian Federation communities in Australia.

We do NOT wish to insert ourselves into your alt-Right vs. Left cultural war in Australia. Far from it. Our members come from across the Australian political spectrum, and we like it that way.

We seek to point out to you, that your public statements diminish the human, environmental, social and economic impact of the Chornobyl Nuclear disaster.

When you say that fewer than 100 people died as a direct impact of the disaster, we firmly believe you are undertaking an exercise in political sophistry in support of your own private political pro-Nuclear agenda. 100 or 4000, an unforgiveable ‘faux pax’, which we cannot let pass.

As Australian Ukrainians – we say this motive is just fine (although most of us are horrified by it), if you had taken account of the empirical, lived and on the ground facts relating to that disaster, for the people directly impacted. You have, of course ignored us. You are of course, entitled to your own set of opinions, but you are not entitled to your own set of “Facts”.

The real life, empirical evidence in Ukraine, Belarus and the Russian federation is clear. Today, more than 50,000 families receive government health payments because of the death of their primary income earner from Radiation poisoning from Chhornobyl. Yes official payments.

These real and lived circumstances do not represent those deaths from amongst non- income earners. So they are a severe underestimate of the negative impact of Chornobyl.

In addition to this, congenital and birth defects have also continued – 3 generations later! The health and social cost of these has been estimated in the millions of US Dollars, and is ongoing.


Mr Bolt, we who have a lived, real experience of this tragedy appeal to you to better asses your facts when seeking to argue your case for Nuclear Energy in Australia.

We ask that you apologise for diminishing the enormous national and regional tragedy of Chronobyl, and withdraw your offensive characterisations of the eyewitness and victim accounts in the HBO – SKY documentary as ‘lies’ & ‘eco porn’.


The Australian Ukrainian Congress Presidium

Spokesman: The Hon. Andrew Olexander mob: 0409 513 465