Pesticide Women Organizers

Pesticide Women Organizers

Three local Wisconsin women are spearheading an effort to persuade city officials to abandon a plan to use herbicides in Stoughton parks and athletic fields beginning this spring. After learning of the plan about two weeks ago, Sylvia Lawrence, Gennifer Weaver and Sara Downie – all mothers with young children – contacted friends in the city who share their concerns. They established a grassroots group opposed to using chemicals to control broadleaf plants such as dandelions and clover. They also offered to help maintain park lawns and playing fields and have encouraged the city to adopt alternatives to chemical applications. The three and about two-dozen supporters calling themselves Naturally Stoughton-Cultivating Sustainable Solutions attended a Public Works Committee meeting last Monday to question the new policy. They hope the city can find organic solutions to what some people are considering a significant weed problem. [Photo by Bill Livick: From left, city residents Gennifer Weaver, Sylvia Lawrence with baby Felix, Hannah Lawrence, Eve Downie, Sara Downie and Drew Downie gather at Veterans Park, in which the women hope city officials will not use chemicals to control weeds.]

British Oil Company Threatens Ancient Ayahuasca Culture

Siona Survival

Right now we have the opportunity to put enormous pressure on Amerisur to do the right thing and respect the Siona’s decision to keep their lands oil-free. With your help, we can show the company that violating indigenous rights is detrimental to their reputation and their profits.

Not Disease Prevention

Not Disease Prevention

The more you learn about the lack of efficacy and safety testing, the huge number of toxic ingredients, the vast range of adverse reactions, the widespread collusion and coverup, the more you come to the conclusion that this statement is by no means as radical as it first sounds.