I'll Be Watching You

I'll Be Watching You
Our late, lamented poodle Moet was like this. No, on second thoughts, he was a tad more causative. Once merely staring you down faile to achieve the desired result he would bark at you as if to say, “Can’t you see I’m looking at you like I want some!”

Let's follow the logic with this one:

1) California just officially listed the Monsanto herbicide Glyphosate as cancer inducing.
2) Glyphosate is an ingredient in many major vaccines.
3) California made vaccines mandatory with the passage of their house bill SB277.
So in essence…
4) California just made it mandatory that parents inject their children with ingredients that they now admit cause cancer.
It doesn’t make sense, because it can’t make sense, unless you realize who’s in charge…
Copied from Scotty Michele Brown

The Value of B Group Vitamins to Memory and Depression

Some good information on B group vitamins from a newsletter received from Nutrition and Healing:
Dear Reader,
Remember the good old days when your mind and memory was like a steel trap? You could tick off every family member’s birthday and anniversary at the drop of a hat!
For years, we’ve been told that memory loss is just a natural part of ageing – and that it’s only going to get worse over the years.
If that’s NEVER sounded acceptable to you, it’s time to start making some changes – because new research proves that you could start turning the tide on brain fog, memory loss and even depression.
And all it takes is just a couple of months, starting with a simple B vitamin regimen that you can begin right away.
Now, we all know that B vitamins are good for you. They support thyroid function, and they’re crucial to the health of your brain, heart, bones, and arteries.
But Korean scientists wanted to find out specifically whether an influx of B vitamins could ease the symptoms of mental decline by decreasing a potentially harmful amino acid in the brain called homocysteine.
In the study, Korean researchers gave vitamins B6 and B12 and folic acid to seniors living in an assisted facility.
Not only did homocysteine levels drop in those who supplemented with B vitamins – but also their memories improved and depression faded.
After just three short months, their results on a popular mental evaluation were dramatically improved.
And OF COURSE they were less depressed! I mean, is there anything more depressing than losing your precious memories?
B complex vitamins are also known as nature’s “chill pill” because they can help melt away even the toughest stress.
Elderly patients in particular tend to be deficient in some B vitamins because of absorption issues that arise as we age. And if you’re deficient in B vitamins, you could notice a real difference even more quickly than the subjects in the study.
Supplementing with B vitamins is a good idea even if you haven’t noticed too many of those “senior moments” occurring. You may just see your brain fog lifting and experience a better mood as a result.
Dr. Glenn S. Rothfeld
Nutrition & Healing

Modern Medicine Is A Religion

Modern Medicine Is A Religion
This is really hard core, and truthful!
‘If medicine takes the form of a game, as Ivan Illich posited, then the doctor is the umpire representing the social body. His job: making sure that everyone plays the game and follows the rules.
Rule 1: you can never leave the game
Rule 2: the umpire determines which ways of dying are “acceptable” and no other ways may be used.
The only allowable death is that sanctioned by the doctor-priest, and through this intensive medicalization of death, “health care” has grown into a monolithic global religion.’*
Note: Rules 1 and 2 apply to the “game” of civilization. Civilization neurotically prevents people opting out of the “game”–unless it’s by dying, but even then, only under state-sanctioned supervision. The clue is in how homeless people are treated. They are “non-participants” and the System can’t STAND it.
*Quote adapted from The Global Freedom Truthiversity Health and Medicine Faculty –

Macaroni And Cheese Toxic Meal

Macaroni And Cheese Toxic Meal
“If man made it, don’t eat it!” was a famous quote from one of the greatest health legends of the 20th century, Jack Lalanne.
The more I read the more true his words ring.
That’s the tide I swim against with Healthelicious Foods.
A famous Rugby League player reordered 4 of my NutriBlast powders this week and texted me, “I love this stuff!”

Stop Asking Why Real Food Is Not Cheap

Stop Asking Why Real Food Is Not Cheap
Doing things right takes more time and money.
Producing bad products can usually be done for far less time and $.
All other things being equal, your health and lifespan is directly proportional to the quality of your food.
As is the case with most things in life, you get what you pay for.
You buy cheap, processed food and you get an unhealthy shorter life.
You buy quality ingredients and spend the time to make your own meals and you miss all those fun visits to the doctor and monthly drug prescriptions with their 75 side-effects per drug.
Sorry. That’s just the way it goes. You miss out big time on the bad stuff.
Over to you now. It’s your life and your choice.
But choose careully, only one choice allowed per lifetime.
Nah, just kidding.
Every bite you take in your life you are choosing health or sickness.
But be careful, the years pass and those bites add up mighty quickly!