Stop the suppression of your health choices!

There is currently a push to outlaw the over the counter sale of useful amounts of vitamins and to restrict access to non-mainstream medical advice like naturopaths. This group is pushing against that to defend our health freedoms and should be supported. If you know anyone from Europe please ask them to check out these links and sign if they agree.
This is a pdf of the politically correct explanation of their objectives:
And this is their home page from which you can click on the link [1 million signatures] and sign.

Keep 'em cool and airy

In 2004 researchers from the State University of New York found that habitual use of notebooks on man’s lap could lead into fertility hazards. The temperature increase of the male’s scrotum due to heat generated by the laptop could lead to lower sperm count. The study shows that one degree raise in scrotum temperature, sperm concentration drop by as much as 40%. Prolonged scrotum hyperthermia could lead to infertility.