Frank Zappa On The Army

Frank Zappa On The Army
This was no dumb muso!
Neither was John Lennon.
I’m wondering if their level of perception has something to do with music.
Not just the fact that the more you can imagine and create, the saner you are.
But the fact that kids who study music do better scholastically too.

Age Prejudice

This is an issue but not for everyone. It depends very much on the willingness of the individual young person to grant beingness – to allow you to be who you are without judgement or prejudice.
Some youngsters are really cool with communicating to older dudes like me.
Some don’t even make eye contact, like anyone outside their age group does not exist.
I guess the former group enjoy the benefits of exposure to a wider variety of viewpoints and their experiences as a result of their advanced ability to grant beingness.

Are our perceptions of age distorted

We set out to see if subconscious ageism existed and couldn’t believe what happened.

Posted by Apia on Monday, 30 November 2015