Less Nutrition These Days

Some of the statistics I see report an even greater loss of nutrients. Spinach has 10% of the iron it had 60 years ago.
Many of us are over fed and starving to death!

Bred To Be Mediocre

If a dumbed down education, vaccinations, nutritionally degraded food, added toxins and GMOs are going to have this sort of effect, maybe we should disagree.Do your homework on vaccinations, eat non-GMO organic, nutritionally dense foods, filter out the fluoride and give your kids a better education than their peers.Oh, and pass the word!
If a dumbed down education, vaccinations, nutritionally degraded food, added toxins and GMOs are going to have this sort of effect, maybe we should disagree.
Do your homework on vaccinations, eat non-GMO organic, nutritionally dense foods, filter out the fluoride and give your kids a better education than their peers.
Oh, and pass the word!

My Medicine Cabinet

My Medicine Cabinet
Come to think of it, I don’t have a medicine cabinet. Got a fridge full of veggies, a drawer full of vitamins and a box of bandaids above the glasses in the kitchen, a pair of runners at the front door, that’s about it.