Insight on Competence

Insight on Competence
Insight. It comes from all sorts of places.
The least likely place is bought and paid for politicians in a condition of treason to the people who voted them into office.

We Are A Species With Amnesia

We Are A Species With Amnesia
One of my purposes is to delver sufficient nourishment so that we can again think straight. My product in life is a more aware being. Somebody more aware after they met me than before. And you can’t be more aware when your attention is being dragged down into a malnourished, underslept or sick body.
I think Mr Hancock is spot on the money here. With Harvard just announcing that fluoride reduces IQ by 7%, the chemtrails, vaccination poisons, sugar and other toxins overloading the body’s defences, the GMOs altering our DNA, the pasteurisation, homogenisation, microwaving and irradiation of foods killing nutrients, the preservatives preventing the food from being broken down and digested properly, the growing of crops in nutrient deficient soil so we are lacking minerals necessary to absorb vitamins, eating too narrow a range of foods before we even get to poor food choices and junk food – it is indeed a scene of horror and destruction compared to the ideal.
No wonder cancer rates and other degenerative diseases continue to climb.