Edible dispersant could provide more eco-friendly way to fight oil spills

Some people believe that there’s no problem that peanut butter, chocolate and whipped cream can’t solve. These people could be onto something with news that a team of researchers has developed a new, safer oil dispersant that uses edible ingredients found in the aforementioned trio of treats. The new dispersant could save the lives of thousands of birds and animals caught in environmental catastrophes.

The History of Medical Tyranny with Dr. Peter Glidden

Some quotes from the video by Dr Peter Glidden.
The treatments doctors administer for chronic disease DO NOT WORK!
Your MD is the number one cause of death in America at present. 780,000 Americans die a year from medical admistered treatments. More than cancer, more than heart disease, more than any other single cause of death.
The medical dostore is not trained in medical science. He is training in a very small sub-section of it – reductionistic, allopathic, pharmaceutical medicine.
Your MD does not believe your body has the ability to fix itself.
If you are drinking fluoridated water you are being dumbed down.

Risk Failure Every Day

Risk Failure Every Day
Reduce the downside of the risk by making small wagers more often till you find that which works. Then you can press the pedal to the metal with even more confidence.
Invest small amounts in many different advertisements and different media to find what works for your niche.

CONFIRMED: Psychiatric Manual DSM-IV-TR Labels free Thinkers, non conformers as Mentally Ill

“It is now confirmed by USWGO News that the DSM-IV-TR Manual labels free thinkers, non conformers, civil disobedient advocates, those that question authority, and people considered hostile toward the government (aka Oath keepers, survivalist, and local militias) as mentally ill with the illness titled “oppositional defiant disorder” or ODD.”
So it is official, anyone who can think, create, act independently according to their own good sense and judgement is not a robot who can be told what to do and therefore needs to be drugged to zombie state.
Yeah, that makes sense.
If you are an insane, totalitarian control freak!