How Electric Cars Save The Planet

How Electric Cars Save The Planet

And that is just the current stupidity.
It will get worse.
Unless we avert the coming police state, first there will be insufficient electricity to power said cars, (like in California recently when people were asked not to charge their electric cars)
Then there will be travel limits and penalties for exceeding them,
After that you will no longer be able to buy any sort of a car,
And all of this is provided you make it through the next pandemic that Warren Buffet and Bill Gates have told us is coming,
Or the medical procedure mandated for it by the all powerful WHO, having assumed total power over the decision making governments of all nations.
Well past time to be waking up those in your circle of family, friends and acquaintances. Just start at a very low gradient and don’t try to overwhelm or impress them. Just feed them questions that make them think.
For instance on the subject of 911, “Do you know there was a third building that came down that wasn’t hit by a plane?”

US Climate Czar Announces War Like Effort To Shut Down American Food Supply

John Kerry

This is what planned genocide looks like. Climate grifter extraordinaire, John Kerry, announces the need for a war-like effort to collapse the global farming industry, in order to tackle the imaginary “climate crisis”. “You just can’t continue to both warm the planet, while also expecting to feed it. It doesn’t work… So we have to reduce emissions from the food system.”