Spike Protein Completely Replacing Sperm

Dr Arne Burkhardt On Infertility Post Jab

Dr. Arne Burkhardt. Born in 1944 in Germany, a pathologist with more than 40 years diagnostic and teaching experience at the Universities of Hamburg, Bern, and Tabingen. He is the author of more than 150 original publications in international journals, currently engaged in autopsy studies of persons dying after taking the Covid vaccine.

He is shown in a brief clip here: https://www.facebook.com/reel/1408073526456199 talking about and showing slides from males who have dies post COVID jab showing few or no spermatozoa.

He comments: “If I were a woman in fertile age I would not plan a motherhood from a man who had been vaccinated.”

Here is a more complete presentation:

UVC: Prof. Arne Burkhardt: Autopsies: Evidence for Jab Related Harm and Death

DNA Contamination Found in the mRNA COVID Vaccines

“The sequence that’s in these doses, at billions of copies per dose, interacts with the P53 gene. This is a tumor suppressor gene so anything that interacts as a contaminant in the gene is a red flag. Hit the brakes, stop cold. You’ve got billions of copies of something that interacts with our tumor suppressor system. This is a cancer risk. It’s in Moderna’s patents. We know it’s now in the Pfizer vaccines. This needs to be a red stop halt.”

“Like buckshot going into your genome!”

Phizer deliberately removed mention of the SV40 in their filings to the WHO and FDA who are covering for them.

(Tom: Read this article to see how this is playing out in the real world. https://thelibertydaily.com/new-cancer-diagnoses-projected-be-highest-ever-people/)

Dr. David E. Martin exposes the criminal racket that both Republicans and Democrats have covered up.

COVID Who Benefits?
Moderna paid Anthony Fauci’s NAID $400,000,000 for the rights to distribute the vaccine.

Where was it from?
COVID was engineered at University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill. Published admission.

21 Minute True Story: Hear A Story That Will Change Your Mind Forever – David Martin

Hear about his biggest failure to date – a resounding success. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0c-nI1ut6rg

And if you are interested, here’s the link to his 21 minute failure:

and more:

Dr. David Martin – The Great Setup

The Most Concentrated Truth Shot Of Key Data

Yet Another Instance of Corrupt Science

Yet Another Instance of Corrupt Science

Mike Donio posted on Twitter:

“If all the papers that should be retracted were then there wouldn’t many left.

This is just the tip of the iceberg.

Science is a huge house of cards.

I’ve seen it firsthand.”

Curl Grubs

Curl Grub

Erez Ben asked: Can anyone help identify these grubs. They came out of a pot with a chilli plant in it.
Horticulturist Brian Answers: Those strange juicy looking things are called Curl Grubs and they do quite a bit of damage to plants especially if they are in a pot.
They are so called because the ‘C’ shape they form when found as they curl up. They usually have 6 legs and a white/cream body and are the larvae stage of black beetles. Whilst there is thousands of native Scarab beetles in Australia, the ones that damage your lawn and pot plants are generally introduced species from Africa and Argentina. These chunky larvae get that way by eating the roots of your lawn or plants. The adult female beetles lay eggs in soil which hatch and become these curl grubs.
If you have brown patches in your lawn, try lifting the turf in that area and you will very likely find it can be rolled back easily because the roots have been eaten. Birds are attracted to them so if you see large birds like magpies pecking at the ground it usually means there is curl grubs underneath.
To control curl grub there are granular insecticides that you can sprinkle across your lawn or pots and water them in. It is effective but it has lead to the poisoning of a lot of birds who then eat the curl grubs that come to the surface.
An organic alternative is to use Eucalyptus Oil and Tea Tree Oil.
Australian company Amgrow makes a great product for this purpose that also has fertiliser and wetting agents to help your lawn and plants get water and nutrients. Professor Mac 3 in 1 Organic insecticide is available at the Aussie Gardener Store as a 1litre concentrate or a 2litre hose on. It is non toxic to use and smells great too.
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And So, The End

The View From The Shore

(Tom: I am working hard to make this potential reality a fiction and I know a lot of others are too, bless them.)

“So the final conclusion would surely be that whereas other civilizations have been brought down by attacks of barbarians from without, ours had the unique distinction of training its own destroyers at its own educational institutions, and then providing them with facilities for propagating their destructive ideology far and wide, all at the public expense. Thus did Western Man decide to abolish himself, creating his own boredom out of his own affluence, his own vulnerability out of his own strength, his own impotence out of his own erotomania, himself blowing the trumpet that brought the walls of his own city tumbling down, and having convinced himself that he was too numerous, labored with pill and scalpel and syringe to make himself fewer. Until at last, having educated himself into imbecility, and polluted and drugged himself into stupefaction, he keeled over–a weary, battered old brontosaurus–and became extinct.” Malcolm Muggeridge

The UK and USA via their proxy, Ukraine, are guilty of war crimes by shelling civilian populations in Donetsk.

In an exclusive video report, The Islander’s own Steve Sweeney provides a chilling eyewitness account from the Donetsk marketplace, a site of senseless devastation earlier today.

Capturing scenes too inconveniently graphic for the West’s client media, Sweeney’s report exposes the grim reality of a community torn apart. The marketplace, once a hub of life and laughter, now stands as a haunting symbol of the brutality inflicted by Ukrainian forces, armed and enabled by Western arms, NATO issued 155mm shells.

The bloodstained streets of Donetsk lay bare the West’s hand in this tragedy. Their weapons, their support, directly fuel a fascist puppet regime’s brutality. Here lies the undeniable justification for Russia’s SMO: a stark, necessary shield against the West’s cynical game of human chess. As Donetsk mourns, Russia stands as the only bulwark against this orchestrated carnage. – Intel Report