Roundup In Fast Foods

Roundup In Fast Foods

Any wonder Americans are getting sicker rather than healthier! Careful what you eat if you visit the US of A!

New Test Results show 100% of the top 20 US fast food brands contained alarming glyphosate residues.

• Studies show that .1 ppb of glyphosate causes animal liver and organ damage.

• The highest levels detected: 213.58 ppb and 225.53 ppb, totaling 439.11 in two samples- were in Panera Bread.

Abhorrent Misinformation Campaign

Abhorrent Misinformation Campaign

Leftist playbook, exactly what the Biden regime did to stop the truth coming out. Albanese will use the Voice and his opinion of what misinformation is to push through the bill on this, and the real reason is to steal the next election. The LAST people I would trust to impose their view of truth is the government!

Making The World A Better Place, One Small Deed At A Time

The Candy Man - Bob Williams

(Tom: Here’s a man making a positive difference in people’s lives!
Not many of us cannot do something this simple.
Doesn’t take an iron will, superhuman strength or millions of dollars. Just a bit of money, time, care and the intention to make the world a better place.

And if you want to start with zero dollars down, here’s a great quote I saw yesterday:
“You cannot add to the peace and goodwill of the world if you fail to create an atmosphere of harmony and love right where you live and work.” – Thomas Dreier

So, on your list of things to do today, what are you going to add that makes the world better than it was yesterday? Here are some suggestions.
Smile more. Especially when you first make eye contact and answering the phone.
Compliment people.
Hold a door open.
Let someone merge into your lane when driving.
Smile and wave or say thank you when someone lets you cut in or is otherwise polite to you.
Pay more attention when someone is talking to you.

Make a game of this.)

Every weekend, 93-year-old Bob Williams walks into his local dollar store in Long Grove, Iowa, and buys a box of Hersheys. Not those small, regular-sized candy bars… but the really big ones.

Bob, however, typically doesn’t enjoy them himself. He gives one to the cashier, and then to the person waiting behind him in line. And then he walks the downtown area handing them out to everyone he sees… …young, old, men, women, happy, sad… …everyone. He has been doing this for the past 11 years and he’s known as “The Candy Bar guy.”

It’s estimated that over the years, Bob has handed out about 6,000 chocolate bars.

So why does Bob do it? Because it puts a smile on everyone’s face. And THAT’S always worth it.

Transfection Defined

Transfection Defined

Getting to know this term is crucial. It may be life or death. More to come.

eukaryotic defn. Having complex cells in which the genetic material is organized into membrane-bound nuclei.

as against

prokaryotic defn. Having cells that lack membrane-bound nuclei.

Mike Donio, MS
Founder @ScienceDefined | Husband | Father | Senior Scientist | Biochemistry | Molecular Biology | Biotech | Christ in you, the hope of glory

I worked for a top infectious disease doctor who studied under Fauci at NIH.

I worked for multiple pharmaceutical companies.

I worked for a contract research organization (CRO).

I worked for a biotech company.

I had the audacity to question the “vaccines” but I don’t know of a single one of my former coworkers who did.

Not only that but they could not understand why I would decline to take it and risk my career.

They didn’t think I should have had a choice, that I should have known better.

I did and that’s why I didn’t take it.

But you need to understand something.

This is the entirety of the pharmaceutical industrial complex and really all of mainstream science now.

There is no one left who either thinks critically or believes that anyone else should be able to.

Remember this as they continue to push the next generation gene therapies.

They will try to convince you that it was just the Covid “vaccines” but that the mRNA technology is ok.

It’s not.

They will try to convince you that it can be fixed and improved.

It can’t.

There’s never been a more important time for everyone to gain even a cursory understanding of science.

You are your own last line of defense.

Head on over to

Contains Insects

Contains Insects

E904 is the food additive number for Shellac, a resin excreted by the female lac bug. It is used as a glaze for candy (including Jelly Belly jellybeans) as well as pills, and as a coating on citrus fruit and apples to prolong shelf-life.

Caution To Cat Owners

Distressed Cat

I wanted to share the horrors we went through for the past 3 weeks.

We first noticed drainage coming out of her right nostril. It was mostly clear in nature and she was sneezing quite a bit. We took her to our vet and they thought she had an upper respiratory infection. We gave her antibiotics and went on our way.
One week later, the drainage had increased and turned bloody and her appetite was starting to decrease. We called the vet again and they had us come in an pick up another antibiotic/immune boost to add to her food.

That Sunday, she stopped eating, stopped drinking, was isolating herself and I noticed she wasn’t going to the bathroom as much.

At this point, nothing was helping. She was dying and we knew it. All day Friday I cried and kept thinking about what we had done differently around the house and that’s when it hit me. About a month ago Adam found these really good smelling plug in fragrance wall diffusers. I immediately unplugged them, opened windows and turned on fans. By Friday evening Mit Meow was able to walk to us. Saturday morning she woke me up at 4:45 am meowing and hungry. Her nasal drainage had stopped, she was eating, her balance was improving and she wanted attention.

After further investigation we learned that several of these diffusers are toxic to animals and that they have more severe reactions to cats because they are at nose level to them.

Audrey Van Dyne Tucker & Adam Scott Tucker.
September 18 2023