A GREAT Response!

(Tom: Copied from a post on another social media site.)

I answer questions on Quora, normally about COVID and COVID vaccines. Lately, I am being moderated and having more posts removed when I respond about a COVID question, making me feel that they may be compromised as well. Here is the most recent answer I posted that was removed:

Question on Quora:

What are your thoughts on Alex Jones’ claims about the COVID vaccine being dangerous?

My Answer:

I am not a doctor or nurse but was requested to answer this question and will attempt to do so.

Of course, Alex Jones’ is correct about the COVID vaccines being dangerous.

The truth about this claim is SO obvious now that those COVID-vaccinated who are still in denial of this fact are being looked at by the unvaccinated as either being in collusion with the group who was behind this vaccine rollout or they are obvious victims of the neurological/IQ issues caused by the COVID mRNA vaccines, and now have their intelligence diminished so substantially they are no longer capable of reading and interpreting articles and graphs on the horrific damage being done by these shots.

I suspect there are also some people who cannot look the reality of the horrors being caused by these “vaccines” in the face as well. No doubt, they are slowly waking up and seeing the injuries and deaths caused by these shots and have to lie in bed at night wondering what damage is being done on a minute-to-minute basis within their own bodies, whether from the Spike Proteins, Graphene Oxide, or the potential damage that could be done by the Lipid Nanoparticles if they do indeed carry a “payload” of some type as Todd Callender and Karen Kingston has suggested.






Insights Into Pfizer’s Lipid Nanotechnologies


One of the issues Alex Jones addressed was how these mRNA vaccines cause infertility, and you would have to have your head in the sand to NOT realize that this is true.

First, even when hard data showed in one study that four out of five women who took the vaccine during the first two trimesters suffered a miscarriage, the CDC misrepresented this and included the bulk of the women who were vaccinated in the final trimester in the number, and pretended there was only a 12% miscarriage rate for women who were COVID-vaccinated when pregnant.

In reality, by medical definition, a child lost in the first two trimesters is considered a “miscarriage”, and a child lost in the final trimester is a “stillbirth”. The study showed that 84% of all women who had a COVID injection during the first two trimesters did indeed lose their baby. They used their lie (by including the bulk of the pregnant women injected during the final trimester) to plaster ads all over Facebook (and other media) pushing, prodding, and threatening women to get COVID-vaccinated for the sake of their baby. All the while, they will intentionally KILLING the babies of the women who miscarried. Clearly, this shows that these vaccines do indeed affect fertility, at the very least in the short-term. This was reinforced in other studies as well.

When 4 Out of 5 Pregnant Women Had a Miscarriage, The CDC Changed Study Data to Suggest the Covid-19 Vaccine Was Safe For Them – The True Defender !



Additionally, they are finding the Spike Proteins in ALL organs (including the reproductive organs of men and women) MONTHS after COVID vaccination. Remember, there is an “on switch” for the body of the vaccinated to create Spike Proteins but no “off” switch was created.

Additionally, they included SV40 in the vaccines, which inhibits your natural ability to fight cancer.




Why this is not being reported by normal media outlets is completely beyond me, as it is becoming so obvious how dangerous these COVID injections are on multiple fronts.

And as a reminder, Nobel Laureate Dr. Luc Montagnier reported in his last speech before the Luxembourg Parliament in January of 2022 that he had over twenty patients who died from a fast-progressing Creutzfeldt-Jacob Disease (aka, CJD or Mad Cow Disease) within five months of their second COVID injection (one took Moderna, all others had taken Pfizer shots). CJD is a prion disease, as are Alzheimer’s, Lewy Body Disease, and Parkinson’s Disease. This does not bode well for any of us.

Luc Montagnier: “They are not vaccines, they are poisons”

https://www.soulask.com/luc-montagnier-they-are-not-vaccines-they-are-poisons-speech-to-the-luxembourg-parliament/ Luc Montagnier said in his speech “These vaccines, will go. This is therefore a terrible unknown.

Edward Dowd has reported that blood-related issues are up over 500% above trend in 2022. I fear this will only increase, as the damage being done to the COVID-vaccinated continue to produce Spike Proteins.


And autopsies being done on people who had supposedly died from COVID are now showing that it was the COVID VACCINES that actually killed most of them.

Bhakdi/Burkhardt pathology results show 93% of people who died after being vaccinated were killed by the vaccine


The really sad part is that by NOT accepting that these COVID vaccines are dangerous and causing serious harm (including death), the COVID-vaccinated are not able to get readily available, inexpensive treatments which can mitigate the damage being done by the COVID mRNA injections.

There are a number of things that appear to help break down the Spike Proteins and the Graphene Oxide, yet unless we can get the COVID vaccinated to wake up and accept the damage that is being done from these injections, their window when they can address health issues from the shots is quickly closing.



Remember, just the Pfizer COVID mRNA shots came with NINE PAGES of Adverse Events that the CDC and Pfizer KNEW could potentially happen to everyone following vaccination! If everyone had been warned about this horrific list of possible side effects of these mRNA injections, I suspect most of the human race would have literally RUN out of every doctor’s office, pharmacy, hospital, and “health center” who was pushing, prodding, and threatening people with their jobs if they didn’t get injected!

Again, the Adverse Events start on page 30 of the following Pfizer document (that both the CDC and Pfizer were trying to hide for 75 years – but was forced to release by COURT ORDER!):


If there is nothing to hide, why were they trying so hard to HIDE THIS INFORMATION FOR 75 YEARS??? This does NOT indicate that these shots were either “safe OR effective”!

Why wouldn’t EVERY DOCTOR and NURSE warn their patients about the possibility of this type of horrific outcome? This one document is a never-ending list of potentially debilitating health conditions (including DEATH) if one got these injections.

And clearly, death is on the rise from these injections, no matter WHAT anyone at the CDC or Pfizer claims! These injections were NEVER “safe OR effective”!

Here is the chart from the Home – OpenVAERS system, which clearly shows the HUGE jump in deaths following COVID vaccination in 2021, compared to all deaths for ALL OTHER VACCINES COMBINED GOING BACK OVER 30 YEARS just here in the US. Now, multiply this by the billions of people who have been forced to take these injections in most first-world countries around the world!


How can ANYONE claim that Alex Jones is a “COVID Conspiracy Theorist” when you follow all these links and realize the damage being done, including DEATH, to all the COVID-vaccinated now thanks to our supposed “health authorities” – the CDC, the FDA, the NIH, WHO, doctors, nurses, and pharmacists who pushed these dangerous, experimental injections into the arms of innocent, ignorant, and trusting people???

And remember that Craig Paardekooper showed that there was obvious TOXIC, DEADLY DOSES of COVID “vaccines” that were deployed by all three pharmaceutical companies here in the US in a well-orchestrated, sequential manner. These were batches (lots) that were OBVIOUSLY meant to KILL people, as they were between 1,000 and 5,000 times the minimum dose shown to provide (fleeting) immunity to COVID at the time! Obviously, 1,000 to 5,000 times ANY medication or vaccine is going to KILL PEOPLE!!! These toxic, deadly lots were also distributed to a wider geographic area than the “normal doses”, as well, as if in an attempt to HIDE the fact that people would be dying from these deadly lots.


Excess Death from All Causes is on the rise in EVERY heavily COVID-vaccinated country, especially in what was once the healthiest groups – the younger and middle-aged working class!

EXCESS (all-cause mortality) deaths: Why the silence? Why the ignorance and pretense, as the data is clear in that something, likely the COVID gene injection vaccine, has contributed to this!

We are talking about deaths from all causes in one period compared to a prior period, and if there is excess, that is defined as ’excess deaths’ or ’excess mortality’. We have strong clear data!







So, say what you want about Alex Jones. In my book, he is using his platform to warn people about the dangers of these mRNA “vaccines”, and he should be commended for doing so.

Please remember that these pharmaceutical companies are now coming out with additional “vaccines” using this SAME mRNA platform. Regardless of the “vaccine” they may again claim is “safe and effective”, this mRNA platform has a 20-year history of FAILED Animal Trials where ALL the vaccinated animals died of “Antibody Dependent Enhancement” (i.e., Immune Erosion) according to Dr. Lee Merritt, former Naval Surgeon.


According to Dr. Lee Merritt, What happened is all animals died… but they didn’t died of the “vaccine”. What they died from what used to be called “immune enhancement” and now they call it “antibody dependent enhancement” (ADE). Here’s what happens: They make the RNA and you get the “vaccine” and you do fine. Now, you challenge the animal with the virus that you are supposed to be immunizing against. So when they challenged those cats with SARS [a.k.a. SARS-CoV-1, is a coronavirus species], instead of killing the virus or weakening it, the immune response that they built into your system when out and codded the virus, so the virus came into the cat’s body like a Trojan Horse, unseen by the cat’s own immune system, and then it replicated without checking and killed the cat with overwhelming sepsis and cardiac failure. And that [also] happened in ferrets, that happened every time they tried this. Let me just point out. We have never made it through an animal study successfully for this type of virus. We have never done this in humans before… We don’t really have a track record of success. This vaccine was rolled out to distribution centers before they even made a show of caring about the FDA approving it. Do you realize that? I’ve never seen that happen before. Read More @ HumansAreFree.com


So, please, do NOT believe all the “hype” about the “exciting possibilities of these mRNA injections”. This is BS and yet another propaganda campaign to get more people injected with these dangerous, deadly, and toxic substances!

6 Other mRNA Vaccines Currently in the Pipeline – GoodRx

This is NOT a “safe and effective” platform to be used as a foundation for ANY injection!

Unless, of course, the same pharmaceutical companies who injured you will then offer a “medication” to combat the very illnesses and health issues they are intentionally creating can make money off of the damage they are causing!

Oh, that’s right! They ARE doing that, aren’t they? So, it really IS a GREAT FINANCIAL BOON for them – VERY EFFECTIVE for their bottom line, one could say! The only thing these “vaccines” are effective at is that and injuring and killing people. Remember that, at best, these pseudo-vaccines merely mitigated the symptoms of COVID, more people were spreading new variants, and potentially increasing the possibility of a deadlier variant occurring in the future.

But then again, I am merely another “Tinfoil Hat Wearing COVID Conspiracy Theorist” (and proud of it BTW)!

Mitochondrial Dynamics in SARS-COV2 Spike Protein Treated Human Microglia: Implications for Neuro-COVID – PubMed
Emerging clinical data from the current COVID-19 pandemic suggests that ~ 40% of COVID-19 patients develop neurological symptoms attributed to viral encephalitis while in COVID long haulers chronic neuro-inflammation and neuronal damage result in a syndrome described as Neuro-COVID. We hypothesize t

Covid Leak Cover-Up

Covid Leak Cover-Up

Anthony Fauci’s Former Boss & Head of Operation Warp Speed Has Reportedly Disclosed the Origins & Coverup of COVID-19

“Robert Kadlec, who was Assistant Secretary for the US Department of Health during the pandemic – and formerly Anthony Fauci’s boss – has given an interview to The Weekend Australian Magazine.

‘We think vaccine research resulted in the pandemic – that vaccine ­research was the proximate cause.’

In an extraordinary admission, Dr Kadlec said they decided to try to encourage a group of leading international scientists to calm down speculation on the origins of the virus.

Kadlec told The Weekend Australian that he, Dr Fauci and NIH director Francis Collins privately discussed how to ‘turn down the temperature’ on accusations against China in the early days of the pandemic while they were trying to encourage Beijing to co-operate and share a sample of the virus.”


Handle With Care

Handle With Care

Just gotta share this!
This teacher is beyond GOLD!
This teacher is beyond PLATINUM!
They hit supernova status with this level of care.

Anti-vaxxers, I’d like to hear your side. Why do you believe as you do, and what led you to believe it?

Well James, before I add my own slant on this question, I’m sure your phrasing using a divisive epithet was purely to inspire controversy rather than honest answers …

James Question

…. and, we can also interpret that as you’re a professional “question asker” predominently, rather than answering any at all …

James Profile

… then we can assume the answers you receive you’re not really bothered about understanding.

But that aside, let’s go into it.

“What we believe”. I’ve already got a problem with this. It’s not really a case of differences of belief, like religious stances, or whether there’s a Father Christmas. You see, science is something that is always moving, always being questioned, always challenged and replicated. It’s not the case that one pharmaceutical company launches a product on a dubious research study and then that’s it; no further questions, no dissent, settled science, take it or else! Oh wait …

Researchers and academia can, and should, always question the results of the scientific findings, learn more, improve the outcomes etc.

For me personally, right back in the distant 2019/20 memory of this strange “pandemic”, when all these wonder drugs miraculously came into being by the end of that year, I wasn’t listening to the media, I wasn’t listening to the Government, I was focused only on the research, only on the process and methods, only on the findings, the outcomes. I had questions that needed answers. I didn’t want to hear some armchair journalist with guidance on approved talking points from the Government or biased press with financial interests interpetation of reality, I wanted to know the clinical aspects of the research.

If you want to read about the details of many of the reasons, with citations, I answered them here:

Why will you decline COVID 19 vaccination?

Initially because their real world ARR (absolute risk reduction) was less than 1% and didn’t touch the virus at the population level; neither preventing infection nor transmission . Because there were more deaths in the intervention arm of the initial phase 3 trial than the placebo. The IFR (infection fatality rate) for my demographic was 0.035% Because my own innate and adaptive immune response is far more robust and durable against a respiratory virus than any “vaccine induced” response. The use of mRNA therapy prophylactics intramuscularly injected to somehow prevent a respiratory mucosal infection? Seriously? All the vague nonsense about “training your immune system to recognise the virus” implies the virus can be cleared upon the narrow recognition of a fast mutating spike associated with an extinct variant NOT the nucleocapsid. Every mRNA apologist fails to realise that the mechanism does not leave those transfected cells intact and this trade off is creating at most damaged organs / scarring where the body cannot replace the cells lost (i.e heart tissue, myo-pericarditis), or at worst autoimmune reactions (see next reason) that then drive more problems as your immune response cannot discern virus proteins from human proteins. Because the risk of autoimmunity and Original Antigenic Sin / Immune Imprinting / Pathogenic Priming is too great Because the LNP mRNA delivery system creating a cytotoxic S protein in the human body is not a benign mechanism and carries with it additional health risks (e.g ramping down the interferon response or switching your antibody response to tolerate the virus not clear it) Because “the Science” never measured how long mRNA with N1-methylpseudouridine nucleotides persisted within cells. Claims of these mRNA payloads “disappearing” in hours is plainly false when they have been measured 60 days post injection. Because the biodistribution of the delivery mechanism spreads LNP’s uncontrollably throughout the body and can breach different barriers that weren’t meant to be crossed. Because the more shots you take, the more increased risk and instances of infection are seen Because the shots quickly descend into negative efficacy ranges very quickly Because the manufacturers have NO LIABILITY TO BE PROSECUTED should things go wrong Because governments of the world coerced, nudged and pressured people into taking them when there’s clearly no discernible benefit.
And here:

Does the COVID-19 vaccine ever leave our system?

Even now 2 years later, reading some of the answers lacking in references already on this question, there remains a lot of people who still have no idea how the gene based mRNA therapy injection works.

Did you want the noble lie answer, or the inconvenient truth?

Noble lie

The lie would have everyone believe that the mRNA in the jabs is cleared from the body within hours after injection (just like natural mRNA in the body), that the spike protein generated only persists for a few days to a week. In that time your immune system is supposed to learn from the recognition and destruction of the spikes to “create” memory antibodies coded specifically for the SARS-CoV-2 virus so that, for the future, in the event of encountering the virus / variant, your body will leap into action and clear any virus before it can infect you. If that’s what you prefer to believe then don’t read any more.

Inconvenient truth

Now, the truth as we understand it. The lack of appropriate studies measuring the time of persistence of mRNA in the jabs by the pharmaceutical companies is woefully pitiful in the area of your question. Anyone who says otherwise is spreading false information. So we have to look to independent studies to piece it together. Let’s start with the mRNA. Normal mRNA consists of a uridine nucleotide, as well as the coded pairs to create the spike instruction. However, it was found historically that the mRNA with uridine set off the toll like receptors and the body recognised the mRNA as an invader, so synthetic pseudouridine was substituted. (Source on history) The body “normally” breaks down mRNA but this isn’t normal mRNA and the body doesn’t know what to do with it.

How long has it been seen to last?

This study shows the mRNA and spike has been detected in the lymph nodes at many time points, the maximum measured at 60 days but which could be longer; the researchers had to submit to publish and so it cut the study short. This was confirmed by Dr Ryan Cole (Pathologist) who knows the researchers.

Beyond this, we have the latest research that shows perpetual injections are causing a switch in blood based antibody classes, from the viral clearing IgG3 to the lesser helpful tolerating IgG4 that usually suppresses symptoms.

Since the total amount of anti-spike IgG antibodies was only moderately (1.6-fold) elevated after the third compared to the second vaccine dose, we next investigated whether the increased proportion of IgG4 antibodies had functional consequences. To this end, paired sera from a representative subcohort of ten volunteers were analyzed. First, RBD-specific IgG1 and IgG4 antibodies were determined via ELISA. IgG4 levels were significantly increased after the third vaccination, whereas the levels of RBD-binding IgG1 were not different at the two time points (Fig. 3B). The avidity was clearly increased after the third vaccination (Fig. 3C), which is in line with recent reports.

[…] Together, these data show that spike protein-reactive IgG2 and IgG4 exhibit reduced Fc-mediated effector functions.

Impact of breakthrough infections on vaccine-induced antibody responses

The fact that individuals, who experienced a breakthrough infection after being three times vaccinated with mRNA, showed the highest IgG4 levels in cohort 1 (Fig. 1) suggested that infections with SARS-CoV-2 can also activate IgG4-switched memory B cells.

So not only is the body “tolerating” the virus upon reinfection rather than clearing it, we also can see evidence in the research of infection enhancing antibodies.

Enhancing antibodies facilitate SARS-CoV-2 infectivity

The effect of enhancing antibodies on ACE2 binding to the spike protein suggested that the infectivity of SARS-CoV-2 would also be increased, similar to the effect of the D614G mutation (Hou et al., 2020; Korber et al., 2020; Li et al., 2020; Plante et al., 2021).

To investigate this question, we utilized vesicular stomatitis virus (VSV)/?G-GFP SARS-CoV-2 spike pseudovirus (SARS-CoV-2 PV) to quantify the effect of representative enhancing antibodies on SARS-CoV-2 infection. As expected, enhancing antibodies increased the infectivity of SARS-CoV-2 PV to ACE2-transfected HEK293T cells in an enhancing-antibody-dose-dependent manner (Figures 3A and S1D).

Considering the spike has been seen in many places, none more so than the heart and brain , and no anti-N protein was detected in that referenced case showing it wasn’t from natural infection, then we can assume it was the vaccine that was responsible.

It was surmised in September 2020 that these injections could cause ADE (antibody dependent enhancement) from this published study … … as well as this mouse model study showing how repeated injections caused lower humoral and cellular immunity.

Our findings demonstrate potential risks with the continuous use of SARS-CoV-2 vaccine boosters, providing immediate implications [emphasis added] for the global COVID-19 vaccination enhancement strategies.

We found that the protective effects from the humoral immunity and cellular immunity established by the conventional immunization were both profoundly impaired during the extended vaccination course.

In long covid sufferers (PASC), the spike protein has been seen after 15 months

Our previous results show that during early stages of the disease, PASC group have reduced classical monocyte and increased intermediate monocyte percentages compared with healthy controls (5). We find an increase in non-classical monocytes in PASC group 6-15 months post infection, and higher percentages of intermediate and non-classical monocytes at day 0 in severe cases, suggesting augmented classical-intermediate-non-classical monocyte transition in both groups but with different kinetics.


Whether the effects of the injections eventually fade, we just don’t know until a proper independent investigation is carried out. The body may produce spike for a long time, with toleration being its primary response, unable to recognise the virus variants beyond the original WH1 strain, because of immune imprinting and suppression / pathogenic priming / OAS / ADE. The perpetual reinfections people are experiencing, despite being jabbed multiple times, is very concerning.

But more jabs is the antithesis to the solution, considering more jabs equal more infection, as per the Cleveland Clinic study and the mouse study example above lowering the response. Willingness to increase your personal risk to further spike protein damage by continuing injections is folly.

Not wanting to limit my search with my own personal bias, I wrote to Pfizer, I called Moderna, I carried out FOIA requests to the MHRA in the UK, I messaged the CDC, I contacted researchers in the UK, ones in the US, I read paper after paper from the years before and during the investigation into their launch on the mechanisms, the delivery methodology, the impact on the individual participants etc.

After all that, none of the information I found could answer my questions, none of the research that was touted as the ones we should “follow” satisfied my own personal benchmark of risk to benefit judgement.

With each passing month since 2021, I read study after study, all pointing in one direction of travel, and that is to avoid them at all costs; irespective of condition. The particular method of action is not one I wanted working inside my body, my cells, distributing to a lot more places than was “originally promised” and still believed by a lot of ill informed people. The UK Government, with less than obvious fan fare, dropped the necessity of recommending these less than effective wonder drugs when their own data on NNV (Number needing to vaccinate) for the prevention of ONE SINGLE CASE of severe hospitalisation came out:


Appendix 1 NNV values (number of patients needed to be vaccinated in order to prevent 1 single case) https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/1131409/appendix-1-of-jcvi-statement-on-2023-covid-19-vaccination-programme-8-november-2022.pdf

But you know, out of all of this, I’ve personally learnt a lot of valuable lessons; from how the psychological manipulation of the public has been implemented and how easily they can be fooled and remain ignorant, being turned on one another so readily, how research can be misleading, how statistics can be fudged to suit the narrative, how public servants can be “bought and influenced” through lobbying and capture, and how the media distorts the evidence to a given narrative.

It’s been a truly eye opening event horizon to cross and now my eyes are open, they won’t ever be closed.

Shocking ONS Report: COVID Vaccinated 18-39 Age Group at 91% Higher Death Risk than Unvaccinated Peers in UK

The above chart shows the monthly age-standardised mortality rates by vaccination status for all-cause deaths, per 100,000 person-years among adults aged 18 to 39 in England. The green line is the mortality rate among the unvaccinated, which while fluctuating has remained pretty stable throughout.

The other lines however represent different vaccination statuses, and they are extremely concerning. The orange, yellow, and pink lines represent mortality rates within 21 days of receiving a first, second or third dose. And they reveal that the risk of death increases significantly immediately after vaccination.

This may explain why figures found in ‘table 4’ of the same ONS dataset reveal 41,449 people died within 21 days of vaccination in England between 1st Jan 21 and 31st Jan 22 –
