The Coming SARS-CoV-2 Vaccine

(Tom: The data in this letter is in perfect accord with data from the Vaccines 2020 Roundtable and other sources I have heard/read.

Please do your own homework and satisfy yourself that this is the case then pass it on. We must raise awareness and rejection of this potentially extremely destructive experiment on our bodies from those who have no liability for whatever damage they cause.)

An omnious letter of warning from German Naturopath, Anette Lillinger, to all of her patients inquiring about the upcoming coronavirus vaccine.

“For all my patients:
I would like to urgently draw your attention to important issues regarding an upcoming Covid-19 vaccination:

Over the past 20 years, patients came to me again and again, who had developed symptoms after being vaccinated, which I then had to treat. Of course, such artificially produced symptoms/diseases were always a special challenge in individual cases and somewhat more difficult to treat than the predominant diseases that arise from the nature of the patient, i.e. are of natural origin.

However, because the consequences of vaccination have up to now been mainly based on the already frequently mentioned adjuvants (active substance boosters), whose excretion the body could not cope with in individual cases and therefore developed a corresponding mild to severe symptomatology, a homeopathic therapy in which the individual vital force was stimulated to excrete the toxins from the body was successful in the end and the side-effects of vaccination disappeared, even if it often took many months.

Due to the novel mode of action of the future coronavirus vaccine, however, such healing successes will no longer be possible in the future. For the first time in the history of vaccination, the so-called mRNA vaccines of the latest generation intervene directly in the genetic material of the patient and thus change the individual genetic material, which represents a genetic manipulation – something that has been banned, even considered criminal up to now. This intervention can be compared with that of genetically manipulated food, which is also highly controversial. As much as the media and politicians are currently trivialising the issue and even unreflectively calling for such a new type of vaccination in order to be able to return to normality, such a vaccination is problematic in terms of health, moral and ethical issues and also in terms of genetic damage, which, unlike the damage caused by previous vaccinations, will now be irreversible and irreparable.

Dear patients, after such a novel mRNA vaccination, you will no longer be able to have the symptoms of the vaccination cured in any complementary way. You will have to live with the consequences, because they can no longer be cured simply by removing toxins from the human body, just as one cannot cure a person with a genetic defect such as Trisomy 18 or 21, Klinefelter syndrome, Turner syndrome, genetic heart diseases, haemophilia, cystic fibrosis, Rett syndrome etc.), because the genetic defect remains once present forever!

In plain language this means: Should you develop a vaccination symptomatology after an mRNA vaccination, neither I nor any other therapist will be able to help you causally, because the vaccination damage will be genetically irreversible.

In my opinion, these novel vaccines represent a crime against humanity that has never before been committed in such a broad form in history.

As Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg, an experienced physician, put it just yesterday:

In reality, this “promising vaccine” for the vast majority of people is in fact a forbidden genetic manipulation!”

Here is the link again to The Truth About Vaccines 2020 Roundtable presentation in case you did not get a chance to watch it last week:


Human Rights Video #14: Right To Asylum

One of my principle concerns with the current scene is the rapidly escalating speed with which human rights are being trampled.

The UK just passed a 350+ page bill that gives the government unfettered, tyrannical powers.

The USA and Australia are undertaking similarly ill advised actions.

This trend needs to be reversed. The entrance point is educating people that they do have rights.

Watch the video and if you think so too, please share it!

Bill Maher Speaks Truth

Bill Maher Speaks Truth

Truth from a layman to laymen/women. Love it! More sense in 4 minutes than all the politicians in the world in 4 months!

The New Normal

The New Normal

All very well if the new normal is closer to an ideal scene but from what I see it is a step (or two) in the wrong direction!

Human Rights Video #13: Freedom To Move

One of my principle concerns with the current scene is the rapidly escalating speed with which human rights are being trampled.

The UK just passed a 350+ page bill that gives the government unfettered, tyrannical powers.

The USA and Australia are undertaking similarly ill advised actions.

This trend needs to be reversed. The entrance point is educating people that they do have rights.

Watch the video and if you think so too, please share it!

Human Rights Video #12: Right To Privacy

One of my principle concerns with the current scene is the rapidly escalating speed with which human rights are being trampled. The UK just passed a 350+ page bill that gives the government unfettered, tyrannical powers. The USA and Australia are undertaking similarly ill advised actions. This trend needs to be reversed. The entrance point is educating people that they do have rights. Watch the video and if you think so too, please share it!