Sign Language Help

Sign Language Help

“I saw this gentleman, Tim, in Boston’s Logan airport with the sister he’d been visiting. It appeared he was both deaf and blind, as I observed her signing into his hand for him to feel her words.

When he came aboard the plane he had been assigned the middle seat of my row. The kind gentleman who had the aisle seat graciously gave it up for him. At this point Tim was traveling alone. The flight attendants sincerely wanted to assist him, but had no way to communicate. I watched as they didn’t flinch when he reached out to touch their faces and arms.

They took his hand and tried so hard to communicate with him, to no avail. He had some verbal ability, but clearly could not understand them.

The man who had given up his seat did his best to assist him with things like opening coffee creamer and putting it in his coffee.

When Tim made the attempt to stand up and feel his way to the restroom, his seat mate immediately was up to help him. The flight attendants were talking among themselves and someone suggested paging to see if anyone on board knew sign language.

That’s when this lovely young woman came into the picture. 15 years old, she learned ASL because she had dyslexia and it was the easiest foreign language for her to learn. For the rest of the flight she attended to Tim and made sure his needs were met.

It was fascinating to watch as she signed one letter at a time into his hand. He was able to ’read’ her signing and they carried on an animated conversation. When he asked her if she was pretty, she blushed and laughed as the seat mate, who had learned a few signs, communicated an enthusiastic yes to Tim.

I don’t know when I’ve ever seen so many people rally to take care of another human being. All of us in the immediate rows were laughing and smiling and enjoying his obvious delight in having someone to talk to. Huge kudos to the flight attendants of Alaska Airlines who went above and beyond to meet Tim’s needs.

I can’t say enough about this beautiful young woman named Clara who didn’t think twice about helping her fellow passenger. It was a beautiful reminder, in this time of too much awfulness, that there are still good, good people who are willing to look out for each other.“

On Ukraine

Another interesting piece not following the usual drivel espoused by the media.

Dr. McCullough: The Powers That Be Are Telegraphing the Next Pandemic

Telegraphing The Next Pandemic

“They [Tedros, Hotez, Fauci, Gates] are all publicly stating with great enthusiasm that there will be another pandemic — a serious one. And that COVID-19 is just a warm-up for the next pandemic,” reported Dr.

. “We ought to be ready for treatment and not necessarily concede to lockdown, social distancing, and wait for a vaccine. That failed miserably with COVID,” he expressed. “And I think that’s what these vaccine enthusiasts want. They want one after another. In fact … CEPI, the Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovation. The business plan says there will be a wave of pandemics, one after another. And there’s only going to be one solution for each one — a vaccine.”


Reserve YOUR Spot in the 2023 Superfood Garden Summit

There’s a common activity among cultures where people routinely live past 100.

Research shows almost ALL of them grow vegetables!

And it makes sense. Because more and more studies are showing that gardening can reduce stress, anger, fatigue, depression, and anxiety…all of which can help increase both life span and health span.

Not to mention that you can grow the healthiest, freshest, most nutrient-packed, and most delicious superfoods on the planet!

That’s why my good friend and gardening expert, Stacey Murphy, is teaming up with 15 visionary gardeners and superfood experts (including yours truly!) for the Superfood Garden Summit.

So you can learn to grow fresh, organic food right at home and enjoy a higher quality of life… Imagine all that nutrient-rich, supercharged food, flavor, and FUN!

The Superfood Garden Summit is the gardening event of the summer. And it’s totally free!

Cinnamon – Get It Into You!

Reduces Covid inflammation and spike protein replication. (Not recommended for use while pregnant.)