Raw Milk

Raw milk is called Cleopatra’s Bathing Milk and is carried by Dr. Earth in Sydney. The shop in Newtown gets a new delivery every Monday, they have plenty of stock and sell the milk in 2 litre bottles for $7.90 each. The milk is unpasteurised, organic and from grass-fed cows. The shop is open until 7pm on weekdays and 6pm on weekends (Sat & Sun). http://www.rejoiceinlife.com/kefir/prodNSW.php

If You Vaccinate, Ask 8!

What You Need to Know Before & After Vaccination.
Under the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 1986, over $2 billion has been awarded to children and adults for whom the risks of vaccine injury were 100%. Vaccines are pharmaceutical products that carry risks, which can be greater for some than others. NVIC encourages you to become fully informed about the risks and complications of diseases and vaccines and speak with one or more trusted health care professionals before making a vaccination decision. http://www.nvic.org/Ask-Eight-Questions.aspx

"Carbon is a Pollutant" is a Big Fat LIE!

Numerous scientific studies identify the benefits of increased levels of atmospheric carbon dioxide, and since current concentration is only at around 390 ppm (parts per million)—in other words a mere 0.039 per cent of the atmosphere by volume, our natural environment is craving for more. For most of the last 600 million years of life on Earth, atmospheric carbon dioxide concentration exceeded 1,000 ppm and much of the time, including during the era of the dinosaurs, concentration exceeded 2,000 ppm. To date, 31,487 scientists (9,029 with PhDs) have signed the Global Warming Petition Project debunking the theory of man made global warming and adding that “there is substantial scientific evidence that increases in atmospheric carbon dioxide produce many beneficial effects upon the natural plant and animal environments of the Earth. http://www.smh.com.au/opinion/politics/an-inconvenient-fallacy-20110626-1glmu.html