Research / Information

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Diabetes Fix

Diabetes Fix

(Tom: I received a newsletter promoting a fix for diabetes. The newsletter contains some useful information so I thought I’d share it with you. I do not have diabetes, I do not make a commission on the product they are selling so make your own decision as to whether or not you purchase it.)

For decades, mainstream media has demonized foods like eggs and meats, claiming they cause all sorts of metabolic diseases.  The truth is, they were wrong all along, and the science has consistently shown that in recent years (although pasture-raised is the most important choice for max health benefits).  

But let’s take a look at something even more specific in today’s email…the relationship between eggs and diabetes…

A study performed at The University of Eastern Finland, and published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition studied the diets of men aged 42 to 60, and followed them for 20 years on average to find out if they developed Diabetes.  The study concluded that people who ate an average of 4 eggs per week had a 37% lower risk of developing type 2 Diabetes compared to people that only ate 1 egg per week (Hmm, I wonder how much lower the Diabetes risk would have been for people eating 10-20 eggs per week!)…

They also concluded that egg eaters had lower blood sugar levels on average.  As a health researcher, this doesn’t surprise me at all… eggs are almost a perfect food (especially if they’re pasture-raised), and are loaded with appetite-controlling protein, a plethora of vitamins & minerals, powerful antioxidants, healthy cholesterol and saturated fats (yes, HEALTHY fats!), and other nutrients that all help to benefit your hormones and control blood sugar levels.  

In fact, other studies have shown that people that eat eggs for breakfast (instead of carb-based breakfasts like cereals, muffins, or bagels), have reduced appetite levels for the remainder of the day, and less cravings for sugar and carbs, thereby successfully losing or maintaining weight easier.

And speaking of blood sugar & diabetes… If you think that Type 2 Diabetes is irreversible like many misinformed doctors will tell you, then you need to read some of the proof below on how to naturally reverse Type 2 Diabetes… Although eating “paleo” or even low-carb is a good first step, you’ll also see below other techniques on just how simple it can be to “fix” your diabetes, control your blood sugars, and lose all of that excess fat sitting on your stomach.

Are Moderna and Pfizer the Next Enron?

Edward Dowd Interview

Former Blackrock fund manager Edward Dowd paints a grim picture for Big Pharma’a vax kings in a recent interview with Thomas Paine.

Dowd, who grew his fund to $14B by anticipating the next big news, believes bankruptcy is in the cards for the Pharma giants.

“Wall Street is… starting to smell something went really wrong during the whole EUA clinical trials process… Pfizer’s clinical trial data was fraudulent. They didn’t report the all cause mortality endpoint, which is the gold standard in the drug approval process. They failed that endpoint but they rammed it through,” Dowd said.

Comparing the situation to the Great Financial Crisis, Dowd points out that in both cases, “the supposed watchdog… wasn’t an objective, disinterested party.” Leading up to 2008, “they gave AAA ratings to bonds that lost 60%, which never should have happened.” In Covid-1984, instead of the ratings agencies facilitating the con, it’s the federal government. “The FDA gets 50% of its budget from Pharma. The fraud couldn’t have been perpetuated without CDC and FDA help,” explained Dowd.

The falsified trial data and adverse event reports are being “heavily suppressed by our tech overlords and the mainstream media,” Dowd continued. “This couldn’t have happened without their silence and/or active suppression. I view this as a multi-siloed fraud, called meta-fraud: There’s Pharma [where] the fraud originated… media and tech censoring the truth [in exchange for] Pharma spend… and then you’ve got the government, which was corrupted…”

“It’s all going to unravel,” Dowd predicts. “People have become rich off of the death and disability of others… Forget about conspiracy theory. This is good old fashioned greed and power… Let me tell you what Pfizer’s potential revenues could be if they are successful in mandating this vaccine quarterly… Their revenues go from $52B to $350B overnight… If you don’t think that’s enough incentive to bribe government officials, you’re naive.”

Dowd believes Big Insurance will be the catalyst that causes the wheels to come off. Major life insurance firms are reporting multi-sigma increases in non-Covid-related death claims.

OneAmerica saw deaths climb 40% among the 18 – 64 age cohort during the third quarter of 2021 from the prior year. “Just to give you an idea of how bad that is, a three-sigma or a one-in-200-year catastrophe would be 10% increase over pre-pandemic,” CEO Scott Davison said. “So 40% is just unheard of.”

Reuters reported that Dutch insurer Aegon, which does two-thirds of its business in the United States, is facing a similar brobdingnagian spike: “claims in the Americas in the third quarter were $111 million, up from $31 million a year earlier.”

“Once the [life insurance] trial lawyers get involved in this discovery, that’s when the kimono opens up and the flood gates open,” Dowd argues. “It gets wild and woolly then. But that’s further down the road once their stock prices have already been beaten into submission.”

What about the blanket immunity protection for vaccine manufacturers, Paine asked. “Fraud eviscerates all contracts,” Dowd responded. “Moderna and Biontech are going to zero… Pfizer could be a $5 stock.”

Common Law Sheriffs

I read this and was interested. Do you have any personal knowledge of this being effective?

Common Law Sheriffs

Common Law Sheriffs are empowered by the people to uphold the law, and to maintain the peace in their communities.

The police are employees of a private corporation, but they are still bound by the laws of the Commonwealth of Australia Constitution.

When you serve the common law court verdicts and orders to the police they MUST accept any report of a crime, give it a case number, and then act on the court orders. Their failure to do so renders them liable to a prison term of 17 YEARS!