Fruit Art

E gads some people can do AMAZING things with food! Simple yet elegant.Fruit art

Chris Hedges "Brace Yourself! The American Empire Is Over & The Descent Is Going To Be Horrifying."

An interesting history lesson woven throughout in interview on the impending demise of America.
The transition of America in the 1970s from a production to a consumption economy.
Obama codified the destruction of civil liberties put in place by Bush.
Inverted totalitarianism is corporate control of the powerless citizenry.
“Goldman Sachs… …a criminal enterprise.”
“Education has become increasingly geared towards keeping people within their economic strata and giving them the vocational skills to serve the interests of the corporate state.”

Woman shocks doctors by using superfoods like turmeric to treat cancer – and lives!

There’s no way for any of us to completely avoid the DNA damage that leads to abnormal cells. The Cancer Society says that 50 percent of American men and 33 percent of American women will develop some form of cancer in their lives. Causes are not just from poor diet, smoking or alcohol, lack of exercise, and environmental pollution. It can also come from genetics, viruses, and exposure to chemicals from a variety of places. The best we can do is to take care of our bodies in a way that limits the number of cells damaged and the severity of the damage so that our bodies can keep up with destroying the abnormal cells and maintaining cellular equilibrium.