CDC Finally Admits PCR Test Invalid For Detecting Infection!

CDC Finally Admits PCR Test Invalid For Detecting Infection!

Well the cat really is out of the bag with this one! How in the name of heaven are they going to be able to continue the lockdown scam now that this is admitted? Of course anyone who listened to Kary Mullis, the inventor of the PCR test, say it cannot detect infection, knew all along that number of cases bases on the PCR test was a complete lie. How will the Premiers tackle this one?

How Long To Create A Vaccine?

How Long To Create A Vaccine?

Vaccine apologists and big pHarma shills will say we are getting smarter and faster with more modern technology.

Those who know the truth about the true unadulterated cause of disease reduction know that the drop in mortality from deaths was largely prior to the introduction of vaccines and due to cleaner drinking water and better sanitation.

Those aware of a large amount of data concerning the current scamdemic are aware of another major piece of the puzzle that is missing from the slide – that the “vaccine” was being developed well before the disease was let loose. All part of the plan.

Post Jab Trauma


Every vax is a tragedy. Their deaths we mourn, their illnesses and disabilities we grieve over and sympathise and after both we resolve to make our voices heard more broadly!

You know those stats the governments compile that say, 30,000 deaths and 500,000 adverse event after receiving the jab? This is just one of those adverse events.

I recently saw a video from a nurse saying many of these adverse events are not a mild fever or the like they are life altering disabilities like this one.

COVID Jab Body Count 11 July 2021

COVID Jab Body Count 11 July 2021

I saw stats elsewhere that said here in Australia we have had two deaths this year from COVID and closer to 500 coincidentally die soon after receiving the jab. I’d be very surprised if the true figure were not orders of magnitude greater, considering the stories I hear from people still living but suffering disability straight after receiving their jab that their medicos deny were caused by the jab.

America’s Frontline Doctors Are Taking Vax Forcing Colleges To Court

Received from America’s Frontline Doctors
I urgently need your help stop Covid-19 Vaccine mandates in our schools.
Forcing young, healthy adults to take a vaccine as a prerequisite to attending college is immoral and wrong.
AFLDS’s legal team is are looking for college students whose school wants to force them to take the Covid-19 vaccine. We are taking colleges and universities to court!
If your college is located in Colorado, Michigan, New Jersey, New York, or Pennsylvania, please fill out this plaintiff form:
If you’re not a student in these states but know someone who is, please forward this link to them.
Our legal strategy is to get the courts, including the Supreme Court, to reject tyranny and acknowledge individual human sovereignty.
For Liberty,
Simone Gold Signature
Dr. Simone Gold, Founder
America’s Frontline Doctors

From Where The Blood Clots Are Coming In The COVID Vaccinated

Please watch and share these two videos far and wide. Every share has the potential to save multiple lives because the media, the pHarma/medical cartel and the government will not share this until it is too late to save a great many from permanent harm and/or premature death.

Here’s the tip of the iceberg in a news clip format providing the evidence that the CDC and FDA (remember those two agencies who are supposed to protect American’s health) knew of the risks long ago:

And here’s the rest of the iceberg, (one of) the reasons why certain doctors are of the opinion that all who get it should make out their will:

PCR Test Cycles

PCR Test Cycles

It would have nothing at all to do with creating a large number of false positives to justify the lockdown and control agenda and scare more people into getting the jab.

Never mind that the inventor of the test, Kary Mullis, said it was not designed for or appropriate for testing for infection.