Koch’s 4 postulates apparently cannot be applied to a virus

I wish to share a correction that may burst some people’s bubbles.
Koch’s 4 postulates apparently cannot be applied to a virus as a virus cannot grow without being in a cell.
But the elephant in the room that main stream medicine and the media almost completely ignore is this gem:
“many microbes can live in and on people and only cause disease under certain circumstances”
Which is what we are observing with COVID. The vast majority of the deaths are in people with comorbidities!
So where is the race to determine how to help us all get healthy so we are more infection resistant?

Black Cumin Seed And Pine Needles


Black cumin seed. We’ve seen a lot of reactions and side effects (anyone paying close attention) from the shedding of spike proteins. Those who turned themselves into walking talking experiments have in fact negatively affected some of those who did not line up for the experiment. It’s a very scary thing but we never want to live in fear.

Trust and build up your immune system instead. Black cumin seed is one thing I’d suggest to those looking for a nice natural solution to spike shedding protection. Pine needle extract is another one I’d recommend. They are not the only two options, but they are two readily available and relatively cheap options. Two is better than one I’d say, in this case.

It’s good to be cautious or wary of toxins and harmful things, but it’s not good to be in fear. Fear makes us vulnerable to health problems in general but people also tend to attract that which they fear, or manifest it by thinking about it all the time. Self care and healthy living is the best bet. Wouldn’t hurt to add a few protections, as far as the immune system and spike shedding goes.


Ivermectin. It’s as Aussie as Vegemite

Vegemite On Toast

As more than five million Sydneysiders woke up to their fourth week under house arrest, they were greeted with the news that a woman in her fifties had died of Covid, the fifth person since they were confined to their homes. NSW Chief Health Officer Kerry Chant used the woman’s tragic demise to point out how deadly Covid can be, yet no one questioned why Saeeda Akobi Jjou Stu, only 57, was allowed to die.

Tested on Thursday, confirmed positive on Friday, she was not offered early treatment that would have reduced her risk of dying by up to 75 per cent despite the fact that she was at high risk of developing severe Covid because of her weight and possibly related co-morbidities.

That treatment was discovered by Australian Professor Thomas Borody based on research by Australian scientists at the Doherty Institute and Monash University. Borody, who discovered the cure for peptic ulcers using a triple-therapy, has developed a triple-therapy for Covid using safe, cheap, approved medications.

Ivermectin. It’s as Aussie as Vegemite

Australian develops effective Triple Therapy to treat COVID-19

Covid-19 Pills

‘A combination of FDA and TGA approved Ivermectin, Zinc and Doxycycline has shown positive results for COVID-19 and should be considered immediately to fight the pandemic’ says CDD Medical Director Professor Thomas Borody


Covid is a Global Propaganda Operation

Dr Piers Robinson

Dr Piers Robinson is an expert on communication, media and world politics, focusing on conflict and war and especially the role of propaganda


Pandemic Of The Unvaccinated is A BLATANT LIE! Variations Come From Mutations IN THE VACCINATED!

Pandemic Of The Unvaccinated

As a response to the threat to its survival, the virus mutates! The ‘Pandemic Of The Unvaccinated’ is another complete lie from the ‘authorities’ who are supposed to be providing the best health advice based on accurate science. They are criminally corrupt by following the fear strategy to forward the totalitarian one world government agenda as outlined in the Rockerfeller ‘Lockstep’ document released in 2010 https://thealterofdeceit.net/2020/05/09/rockefeller-foundation-paper-published-in-2010-lockstep/. If you think that extreme, read Klaus Schwab’s book ‘COVID and the Great Reset’. It’s all been planned for years.



Do you believe ANYTHING the authorities say at this point?
I don’t.
Did you hear the audio recording of a lass who rang the laboratory listed on the NSW health site for COVID testing and they said they are still using the PCR test to see if a person has COVID or not (despite the inventor of the test, Kary Mullis saying it was not designed to test for infection and two German tourists taking the Portuguese government to court for compulsory detainment on the basis of a positive PCR test and the court after viewing the evidence agreed that it was not suitable for the task and the CDC coming out last week saying the test could not even tell if the person had the flu or COVID. In other words the whole scam has been a fraud from day one!) AND THE LAB HAS NO WAY OF KNOWING IF THE PERSON HAS THE DELTA VARIANT OR NOT! The caller asked from where the government were getting the data? The lab personnel said to ask the government.