Vote Them Out

Vote Them Out

I could not agree more with this post! For the last 100 years we have been sold down the river by successive liberal and labor governments and it’s high time we as a populace woke up to the insanity of swapping between those two horse each election race.

We need to ditch the two major parties and start electing representatives who stand for we the people.

Representatives more loyal to their constituents than a party or their political donors.

We need people in parliament who understand the present system delivers the present problems and that to prevent the problems we need to alter the system. The system isn’t broken, it is working as designed! We need a new system! One where corporations with the money to make large political donations do not dictate political, economic and environemental decisions.

I disagree with the violence of the French protestors. Violence is not a workable or sustainable solution. I do agree that we the people need to take a more active role in determining the outcome of decisions made in parliament as we as individuals and as a country are suffering from the way those decisions are being made at present.

THIS type of bread is easiest to digest and better for blood sugar than most breads


Bread gets a lot of bashing these days, especially in light of ‘low-carb’ or Paleo diets. And there is good reason for it—bread (even whole grain bread) contains gluten, and can contribute to inflammation in the body–especially the gut, and even the healthier ‘whole grain’ versions of bread can increase the blood sugar levels dramatically… In fact, some blood sugar tests have shown that 2 slices of “whole wheat” bread can spike blood sugar as high as an equivalent amount of calories of pure table sugar.

Gluten free bread can often be just as bad or worse, with its highly refined grains and starches. However, one particular type of bread is far healthier and easier to digest and it’s been around for centuries…

Sourdough bread is made in an entirely different way than commercially prepared breads and gluten free breads. Sourdough is a fermented bread, and the fermentation process makes it easier to digest and less likely to spike blood sugar levels, while also making the gluten in sourdough bread easier to digest than standard white, wheat, or multigrain breads.

Vaccinated vs. Unvaccinated: Mawson Homeschooled Study Reveals Who is Sicker

Vaxxws Versus Unvxxed Health

Vaccinated vs. Unvaccinated: Mawson Homeschooled Study Reveals Who is Sicker

It’s never been done before.The first-of-its-kind study of vaccinated vs. unvaccinated American homeschooled children shows who is really ailing…and parents should be worried

Something is wrong with America’s children. They are sick – allergic, asthmatic, anxious, autoimmune, autistic, hyperactive, distracted and learning disabled. Thirty-two million American children – a full 43% of them – suffer from at least one of 20 chronic illnesses not including obesity. Across the board, once rare pediatric disorders from autism and ADD to Type 1 diabetes and Tourette’s syndrome are soaring, though few studies pool the data. Compared to their parents, children today are four times more likely to have a chronic illness. And while their grandparents might never have swallowed a pill as children, the current generation of kids is a pharmaceutical sales rep’s dream come true: More than one million American children under five years old takes a psychiatric drug. More than 8.3 million kids under 17 have consumed psychiatric drugs, and in any given month one in four is taking at least one prescription drug for something.

Fast food, bad genes, too much TV, video games, pesticides, plastics – name the environmental factor and it has been implicated in the surge of sickness, although none adequately explains the scale or scope of the epidemic. There is one exposure, however, that has evaded the search, despite that children have received it by direct injection in steadily accumulating doses far beyond anything past generations ever saw: 50 doses of 14 vaccines by age six, 69 doses of 16 pharmaceutical vaccines containing powerfully immune-altering ingredients by age 18.

We’re assured vaccines are “safe and effective” even though public health officials acknowledge they sometimes have serious side-effects including death and despite the troubling fact that no long-term study of their effects on overall health has ever been conducted. Remarkably, not a single published study has ever compared vaccinated kids to unvaccinated kids to see who is healthier years after the shots. Until now.

A pilot study of 666 homeschooled six to 12-year-olds from four American states published on April 27th in the Journal of Translational Sciences, compared 261 unvaccinated children with 405 partially or fully vaccinated children, and assessed their overall health based on their mothers’ reports of vaccinations and physician-diagnosed illnesses. What it found about increases in immune-mediated diseases like allergies and neurodevelopmental diseases including autism, should make all parents think twice before they ever vaccinate again:

* Vaccinated children were over four-fold more likely to be diagnosed on the Autism Spectrum (OR 4.3)

* Vaccinated children were 30-fold more likely to be diagnosed with allergic rhinitis (hay fever) than non-vaccinated children

* Vaccinated children were 22-fold more likely to require an allergy medication than unvaccinated children

* Vaccinated children were over five-fold more likely to be diagnosed with a learning disability than unvaccinated children (OR 5.2)

* Vaccinated children were 340 percent more likely to be diagnosed with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder than unvaccinated children (OR 4.3)

* Vaccinated children were 5.9-fold more likely to have been diagnosed with pneumonia than unvaccinated children

*Vaccinated children were 3.8-fold more likely to be diagnosed with middle ear infection (otitis media) than unvaccinated children (OR 3.8)

*Vaccinated children were 700 percent more likely to have had surgery to insert ear drainage tubes than unvaccinated children (OR 8.1)

* Vaccinated children were 2.4-fold more likely to have been diagnosed with any chronic illness than unvaccinated children

Lead vaccine developer of Gardasil comes clean says ‘adverse side effects much greater than risk of cervical cancer’

Dr Diane Harper

Lead vaccine developer of Gardasil comes clean says ‘adverse side effects much greater than risk of cervical cancer’

Dr. Harper explained in her presentation that the cervical cancer risk in the U.S. is already extremely low, and that vaccinations are unlikely to have any effect upon the rate of cervical cancer in the United States.

In fact, 70% of all HPV infections resolve themselves without treatment within a year, and the number rises to well over 90% in two years. Harper also mentioned the safety angle. All trials of the vaccines were done on children aged 15 and above, despite them currently being marketed for 9-year-olds.

So far, 15,037 girls have reported adverse side effects from Gardasil alone to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (V.A.E.R.S.) and this number only reflects parents who underwent the hurdles that are required for reporting adverse reactions.

At the time of writing, 44 girls are officially known to have died from these vaccines. The reported side effects include Guillain Barré Syndrome (paralysis lasting for years, or permanently — sometimes eventually causing suffocation), lupus, seizures, blood clots, and brain inflammation. Parents are usually not made aware of these risks.

Quote From Dr William Howard Hay

Quote From Dr William Howard Hay

I have read of other pediatricians’ observations that their unvaccinated kids are healthier than their vaccinated ones. But there are those who denigrate direct observation as unscientific. Poor souls.

Women Apologising At Christmas

Women Apologising At Christmas

The original poster wrote: At Christmas, women apologized to their husbands for the mistakes committed during the year. Let’s not let this good customs get lost.

Tom’s addition: I think a reciprocal arrangement would do a lot to restore harmony in the home. And to the female commenter who said if men had to do it the practce would take until Easter, you especially need to do this! 🙂

Natural fructose vs. HFCS—there IS a difference!

It has long been suspected by many nutrition professionals (myself included) that all fructose is not created equal, and studies are starting to illustrate the different impacts on your health from natural fructose versus HFCS.

Research performed in November 2018 by the Clinical Nutrition and Risk Factor Modification Centre of St. Michael’s Hospital in Toronto, Canada showed that natural fructose in the form of fresh fruit and fruit juice, when consumed in reasonable amounts and not to excess, did not have a harmful effect on blood sugar and insulin levels.

Plus the fruit’s fiber and nutrients were added healthy bonuses.

On the other hand, foods and drinks sweetened with HFCS had a definite harmful metabolic effect and raised the risk of insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes considerably.

And as if that’s not enough, HFCS is typically made with GE corn to boot, so you’re taking in cancer-causing glyphosate with every sip or bite.

Grandmas Measuring Spoons

How The US Narrowly Avoided A Nuclear Holocaust 33 Years Ago


My opinion is that is insanity to have nuclear weapons or nuclear power when we as a species have not been shown to be trustworthy enough to protect all life fropm potential destruction with its use. Here is some evidence that confirms my point of view.

“Thirty-three years ago to the day, the United States narrowly missed a nuclear holocaust on its soil. The so-called ‘Damascus Accident’ involved a Titan II intercontinental ballistic missile mishap at a launch complex outside Damascus, Arkansas. During a routine maintenance procedure, a young worker accidentally dropped a nine-pound tool in the silo, piercing the missile’s skin and causing a major leak of flammable rocket fuel. Sitting on top of that Titan 2 was the most powerful thermonuclear warhead ever deployed on an American missile. The weapon was about 600 times more powerful than the bomb that destroyed Hiroshima. For the next nine hours, a group of airmen put themselves at grave risk to save the missile and prevent a massive explosion that would’ve caused incalculable damage.

“The story is detailed in Eric Schlosser’s new book, “Command and Control: Nuclear Weapons, the Damascus Accident, and the Illusion of Safety,” which explores how often the United States has come within a hair’s breadth of a domestic nuclear detonation or an accidental war. Drawing on thousands of pages of recently declassified government documents and interviews with scores of military personnel and nuclear scientists, Schlosser shows that America’s nuclear weapons pose a grave risk to humankind.”

“What Would It Take?”

As I was walking along this morning I got to thinking about how to improve various conditions in life. The thought occured to me that one of the most valuable and powerful four word questions in the English language is, “What would it take?”

For several reasons. First, it focuses on the product, what it is you want to accomplish. Second, it demands that one focus not on any old thing you can do, but rather what doingnesses and sub-products will actually bring about the desired result.

So if you are up for some improvement in your life, this week make a list of non-optimum conditions in your job, family, marriage, health, friendships, social groups or society at large that you would like to improve or improvements you would like to see come to pass.

Then ask, “What would it take?” to fix the non-optimum condition or see the improvement occur. May be that will bring to light one or more solutions. Maybe not.

If not, the undercut might be, “What action can I undertake that will start to improve the condition?”

And then slot that action into your schedule for the coming week.

Rarely do major changes happen instantly. Most people are put off when they confront the effort required to accomplish a large goal. And that part of the mind that is set up to trip you up will almost certainly be ready to offer up any number of reasons why you cannot accomplish your goal. So don’t be deterred by the magnitude of the effort involved and all the reasons that will come to you about why you cannot do it. Just keep putting it there that you will accomplish your target.

I read that it takes 10,000 hours of practice to become world class at most things. Sports, playing a musical instrument, painting etc. Sounds like a lot when you say it like that. But many people spend two hours a night chilling out. Probably not most of the people I know, but many do.

Put that two hours a night into a project of your passion and that’s 730 hours a year. 15 years of spare time and you could be world class at a skill of your passion.

Probably most people cannot confront a 15 year plan. But you could confront two hours tomorrow night. And with that success under the belt you could probably confront doing the same the next night. And most things you want to improve won’t take 10,000 hours!

I am told if you do something for 30 days you’ve established a habit that is harder to break than keep.

So this is my “end of year” motivational talk to you to decide how you are going to improve some aspect of your life and not be deterred from implementing those actions that will lead to your success.

So this is a toast from me to you, “To your unbridled success!”