‘If We Don’t Stop This, We’re Dead’ One Chemtrail Expert Says

“This is the most dire and most immediate threat we face short of nuclear cataclysm, period.” says Dane Wigington from Geoengineering Watch.org. Dane and I last spoke one year ago and Dane says the biosphere collapse of planet earth has only gotten far, far worse. From the Great Barrier Reef to 165 degree temperatures in Iran and Iraq, the ability of earth to sustain life, is rapidly reaching the point of no return. If we don’t stop these malevolent Geoengineering and climate modification programs, we’re dead.
https://truthkings.com/dont-stop-dead-one-chemtrail-expert-says/Before During After Chemtrails

A One-Liner For You…

The cell phone people say there’s absolutely no danger from cell phone raadiation. Boy, it didn’t take those tobacco executives long to find new jobs, did it ? – Bill Maher