2016 Federal Election

2016 Federal Election
I am campaigning this election – FOR YOU! I want YOU to have the right to decide what goes into your body, without pressure or coersion. I want YOU to have a future where the land is arable and the water drinkable. I want YOU to have a future where the country is not so deeply in debt it is owned by the international mob, I mean banksters. None of the major parties want that for you, so DON’T VOTE FOR THEM!

Best Reason For Gun Freedom

Best Reason For Gun Freedom
Those wise old Founding Fathers did not put the second amendment in there to do anything other than to protect the citizens from their government.


Just imagine if there were that many cases of something for which a drug could suppress the symptoms? Notice I didn’t say “cure”? The drug companies would be onto it faster than flies on kangaroo dung in the bush!