Reiner Fuellmich: “New Findings… Enough To Dismantle The Entire (Vax) Industry!”

Virtual Roundtable Expose

An analysis of the VAERS database exposes the fact that most of the Covid vaccine injuries come from a limited number of lots/batches. The conclusion is that each of the vaccine manufacturers is conducting an experiment within an experiment.

This opens the floodgates to compensation from the pharmaceutical companies.

Dr Mark McDonald Quote

Dr Mark McDonald Quote

As explained by McDonald, this is not a data war. We won that a long time ago. It’s a psychological war, and it really needs to be thought of that way. An interesting article.

Prioritise to read it soon as Mercola only leaves them up for a short time:

Finish reading:

URGENT! – Have you or a loved one been injured by a C19 vaccine?

Mark Playne writes:

I am helping lawyers Philip Hyland, Lois Bayliss, Dr Samuel White, and ex-policeman Mark Sexton, who are establishing a case for an injunction to pause the vaccine roll-out.

Are you a UK citizen and C19 vaccine-injured?

We need witness statements that can be presented to the investigating police by the 4th of January.

The lawyers are especially looking for these cases:

Vaccine damage acknowledged by health professionals

Please pass this link to anyone you know who could make a statement for themselves, or, on behalf of a deceased loved one.

Dr David Martin: This Man Is A COVID/Vaccine Legal Genius! Must Watch!

A brilliant explanation of what the Covid shot is and is not, with history.

Currently, Dr. David Martin is leading the charge against the tyranny we have been experiencing. He has had 20/20 vision so far in what’s been taking place. Dr. Martin exposes so much more new information and who’s behind all of this.

I can’t recommend this video enough!

Pilot Covid Deaths

Pilot Covid Deaths

Apparently there were 6,000 flights canceled over the Christmas weekend in the US due to Covid. Someone asked me if I had seen the list of 100 pilots who had died after receiving the jab. Then I saw this. We have a ringside seat on the breakdown of a civilization here. A bit like how it must have been watching Rome self-destruct.