Scientists Find A Way To Erase Unwanted Memories

Scientists Find A Way To Erase Unwanted Memories
“Scientists believe that memory is found in a structure of the brain that is responsible for the transmission of chemical and electrical signals, and by manipulating it they can make certain memories history.”
This is about as bad an idea as I think I’ve ever heard!
Firstly, memories are not stored in the brain.
Over 60 years ago a researcher figured out that there are simply not enough “holding slots” in the brain to store more than three months worth of memories as we take 32 pictures per second, each with 57 perceptics, not merely the 5 most obvious senses you were told about in school.
Secondly, optimal health is NEVER the absence of a drug.
Most drugs merely suppress symptoms. The average drug has 75 side effects, one of which is death.
And of course a drug/protein combination could never possible go wrong and cause an effect other than what was intended. Just as iatragenic deaths are not one of the top 5 causes of death at present.
And it’s not the memories you CAN recall that are causing you to feel as bad as you do,when you do, it’s the hidden memories you CAN’T recall that are having the most negative effect on you!
If you want to have less attention on the past, more attention on the here and now, improved health and intelligence then contact me. I have non-drug solutions that handle accumulated toxins, recover attention units stuck in the past, improve intelligence, health and happiness. All without drugs!

Lew Rockwell On Governments

Lew Rockwell On Governments
This applies in America and Australia as much today as it ever did.
Currently, members of political parties have a greater allegiance to their party and their donors than to their electorate.
We need to start campaigning NOW to elect representatives of the electorate NOT representatives of political parties.