As well as Being a Traitor to the People, is PM Gillard a Common Criminal?

Seems our PM has some answering up to do!

Things are hotting up!
Still no answers
In the late 1980s, the West Australian Government established the Building Construction Industry Training Fund (BCITF) into which all contractors for projects in Western Australia paid a levy which was supposed to fund training.
Bruce Wilson, the WA and Victorian Branch Secretary of the AWU established a dummy ‘incorporated association’. It’s alleged Gillard set this up for him (her handwriting is expert-verified as being on the paperwork). Once established, Wilson set up a bank account in the name of the association, the AWU Workplace Reform Association. The account was operated in Perth between April 1992 and April 1995.
Wilson then funnelled funds meant for training construction workers into this account for his own benefit.
Wilson duped developers into paying into this unauthorised account. The developers believed they were complying with the government scheme. The money in fact became the personal cash cow for expenditures such as a home purchase, renovations and thousands of dollars paid to a women’s fashion house.
Bob Kernohan looks tired. I sat opposite him slurping coffee in Lygon Street, Carlton. He has a kind face that hides his bitter resolve to bring justice to his beloved, bereft AWU Members.
He rails against current AWA Boss, Paul Howes, and his fatuous promise to clean up the union while he, Howes, continues to sit on the mountain of evidence that would help recover his members’ stolen funds.
Unfortunately that very same evidence would kill the AWU-anointed Gillard. So, as with the HSU, once again union members lose and the vile, unelected, political power-brokers thrive.
Bob rubs his forehead, “One day this will be a best seller Larry, there is more to this than Watergate”
Revelations exposed in The Pickering Post last week have been verified by sacked radio host, Michael Smith, to 2GB’s Alan Jones this morning.
Michael Smith, among others, was sacked for attempting to run the story on his radio program.
The “Pickering Post” interviewed the players in this dirty little game and came away with a clear picture of extortion, fraud and corruption that led all the way to the door of the Prime Minister’s Office.
Gillard is now protected by the very same unionists who put her there.
Paul Howes and Bill Shorten, assisted by Stephen Conroy were the driving force behind the Gillard coup. While members of Caucus were conducting doorstep interviews saying, “don’t be so silly”, “there is no challenge”, “it’s just another media beatup”, it was union boss, Howes, who was at the same time, brazenly announcing the successful knifing of Rudd on the ABC’s Lateline.
ALP Members of Parliament were entirely unaware of union moves to oust Rudd.
Never has there been more visible proof that the Gillard Government is ruled totally by unelected unionists. ALP democracy has been hijacked and corrupted in this way for 60 years. It must stop.
The knifing of Rudd was not, in itself, enough to crown Gillard. Gillard then had to succour the Greens and bribe treacherous Independents to form a make-shift government, a government that is arguably the worst in Australia’s history.
The true hero in this sad saga is Bob Kernohan. He has tried over many years to recover union members’ funds misappropriated by Wilson and allegedly Gillard. He has been bashed and intimidated by union heavies protecting Gillard, he is broke and an outcast. It is bloody cold in Melbourne and he worries about his next power bill.
He represents the epitome of a good union boss; a diligent minder, tirelessly looking out for worker’s interests. Labor blue blood runs through his veins.
Unions are now threatening to withdraw funding from the ALP if their wishes are not met. It is they who decide who the Prime Minister will be and who, if anyone, will replace her.
Let’s look at the involvement of Gillard in the fraudulent activities of her lover, Bruce Wilson.
The Kerr Street house, owned by Bruce Wilson and Ralph Blewitt, was paid for with funds diverted from the WA Government via construction company Thiess. Gillard set up the receiving account knowing full-well that it was an “Association” account and not within the rules of the AWU.
Gillard was an Industrial Lawyer and was aware the AWU did not know the fraudulent account she set up even existed. Yet the AWU was a client of her law firm.
The account was: AWU Workplace Reform Association Inc. (whatever that means). There were a further 12 accounts that appear to have been involved in fraudulent activities.
A handwriting expert has verified it is indeed Gillard’s handwriting on the above fraudulent account application.
Gillard was living with Bruce Wilson in the Kerr Street house. Union officials have confirmed that, when they visited the house on union business, even on weekends, Gillard was running around in her dressing gown. Although she owned another house in Collingwood it was known by one and all that she was living with Wilson. She was at one time pregnant to him.
Her employer, Left-wing Law firm Slater & Gordon, were also aware of the illegal accounts. They did the conveyancing on the ill-gotten house and lent Wilson a further $138,000 in a mortgage to complete the sale.
The fraud surfaced in May of 1995 when renovation contractors working on both Wilson’s and Gillard’s house complained of not being paid.
Immediately realising the gravity of the situation, Gillard raced into AWU offices with handwritten receipts. We cannot identify if the receipts covered all the expenditure nor can we identify the source of the funds Gillard used. But the question must be asked: “Why should Gillard have been concerned if she was not aware of anything untoward?”
Slater & Gordon sacked Gillard anyway as they were likely to be dragged into the political backwash. They then refused to release any documentation regarding the case. Peter Gordon resigned.
Wilson was sacked, along with his partner in crime, Ralph Blewitt. A peeved Ralph Blewitt, not having been paid his severance pay of $12,000 for many years, wrote to Gillard as PM asking for his money. Gillard’s Office wrote back threatening his arrest by the AFP if he did not go away. It worked, Blewitt dropped his claim. It appears Blewitt (who isn’t the sharpest tool in the shed) at least knew of Gillard’s involvement.
Bill Shorten knew of the Wilson/Gillard alleged fraud before AWU Boss, Bob Kernohan, did. Kernohan hit the roof. Shorten advised him to keep it quiet, Kernohan refused.
Shorten has also tried to keep quiet the HSU fraud concerning Craig Thomson. As Minister he has appointed Administrators to the HSU East Branch in order to shut down another whistleblower, Kathy Jackson.
Subsequent AWU Boss, Ian Cambridge, wrote a damning affidavit itemising particulars of the fraud. Gillard promptly promoted Cambridge to her Fair Work Australia Bench. Cambridge has not uttered a word since.
So, the whole filthy affair is starting to come apart at the seams. Wilson, who is broke and camped in Newcastle, wants Gillard’s blood for the way she has betrayed him. Kernohan is tired of receiving bullets in the post and being bashed.
Simpleton Blewitt, and his wife, have been paid by a Melbourne law firm to fly back from Malaysia, where he is hiding out, to give evidence on behalf of a group of other people who also want Gillard’s blood. He is in Melbourne now. Stay tuned.
The mainstream Press won’t touch this for fear of Gillard’s retribution. She has made that open and clear. I have been warned not to persist with this story. I told them to get fucked so I fully expect to get bashed myself now, but little do the union hoods know who I know. Good luck boys!
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