Bill Gates, The Vaccine Industry and Government Mandated Medication – Will This Menage a Trois Made In Hell Lead To A Potential Extinction Level Event For Humanity?

“The best road to progress is freedom’s road.”  John F. Kennedy (1917 – 1963)

Mandated medication violates the principle of informed consent, the Nuremberg code and freedom of choice. It should be rejected out of hand as a possible solution to any health problem.

Given the government’s propensity to get things wrong, mandated medication is not just a potential for disaster, it is an extinction level threat to humanity.

The Funder – Bill Gates
The young amongst us have not lived through the history of Bill Gates’ efforts at Microsoft of creating brilliant marketing presentations (that came to be known as vapourware due to their promises being vastly in excess of the delivered product) but initially rushing to market half-baked software that frequently crashed and was eventually refined to a point of workability over many, many interactions of release. “Promise the world and deliver an atlas!” as one of my friends puts it. And now he wants us all to have his Coronavirus vaccine? No. Thank. You!

The Maker – The Vaccine Producers
The vaccine producers have a similar track record of promising freedom from infection/disease while producing products that provide a “cure” more destructive than the infection/disease they seek to prevent while funding studies that discredit and lobbying to outlaw vitamins and herbs efficaciously used for centuries because they are seen as a threat to its business model which is based on a perpetually ill customer. Do I want to be a “perpetually ill customer”? No. Thank. You!

The Enforcer – The Government
What you are looking at in a modern democratic government is a group of people who can raise election funds, be convincing enough with their promises to get people to elect them than spend their time in office being lobbied by special interest groups and legislating to spend other people’s money with no personal accountability.

Despite their portrayed confidence and their know best attitude, for a very quick view of how wrong headed they can be just look at how successive Austalian governments have destroyed local industry and are hard at work destroying our farming capacity. Remember the one meter wide canteen from Rudd’s profligate spending spree? For recent examples you need to look no further than the lack of a sane bushfire prevention strategy leading to January’s horror fires and the state government’s gross mismanagement of the Murray Darling waterway here in Australia and I’m sure my overseas friends could supply plenty of examples local to them.

So do I trust government to get things right? No way!

A Menage a Trois Made In Hell
So combine the Gates’ product paradigm of “rush something to market to satisfy a demand then improve it till it works” with the vaccine industry’s lack of understanding of how the immune system actually works and their desire to override the body’s defense system rather than support it leading to a great many people with immune system disorders and the government’s horrendous track record of getting things right and you don’t just have a recipe for disaster, you’re looking at an extinction level threat to humanity.

What most people in government around the world fail to understand is that you cannot long govern without the agreement of the people. Slave states do not last. Sure, you might get a few years or a few decades out of one but that is a very temporary affair compared to the ideal scene of a stable, advancing civilisation that lasts for centuries, if not millennia.

I am happy for those who want a vaccine to have one, at their expense, not the tax payer’s because unlike Mr Gates I do not want to fund destructive vaccine poisoning campaigns. For those who see the downsides of vaccines and understand that a properly functioning immune system is the best defense against current and future pathogens, it is our right to exercise our freedom of choice to do what we believe to be best for us and our family.

Anyone who wants to override that right is a tyrant, not a leader. So the current PR line as espoused by Gates and his cohorts and government leaders that we cannot return to normal until a vaccine is created and given to all is nothing more than a blatant extortion threat from someone who stands to gain billions at our expense.

I for one say, No. Thank. You!