Want to Give Up Smoking? Don't Swap A Nicotine Addiction for a Stroke or Suicide

Taking Pfizer’s drug to help you stop smoking may light the fuse on a health time bomb for you.

Researchers analyzed data from 14 clinical trials, involving 8,216 patients. They concluded that the drug was associated with a 72 per cent increased risk of hospitalization due to serious cardiovascular events, such as heart attack, arrhythmia or stroke. The findings were published in the Canadian Medical Association Journal.

Lead researcher Professor Curt D. Furberg, said, “We have known for many years that Chantix is one of the most harmful prescription drugs on the US market, based on the number of serious adverse effects reported to the FDA. It causes loss of consciousness, visual disturbances, suicides, violence, depression and worsening of diabetes. To this list we now can add serious cardiovascular events.”

The Goal of Psychiatry

The goal of psychiatry is not, as is presumed, to improve the patient. Their goal is to control. Their modus operandi is the restraint of unwanted motion. Stillness.
How still can you be?
Their physical and chemical restraints are unfortunately all too often deadly.
It is a barbaric practice that cannot be outlawed quickly enough.