Merck Accused of Fraud, Deceit and Negligence in US Gardasil Case

merck flag

Merck’s aggressive agenda to increase HPV vaccine uptake rates, despite causing thousands of severe injuries, is hitting a stumbling block in a court case alleging blatant corruption.
There has been documented evidence that the HPV vaccine has caused more injuries than any other vaccination in history. Despite this evidence however, the HPV vaccination has continued to be hailed a success by the pharmaceutical industry and governments alike.
According to the World Health Organisation’s (WHO) VigiAccess database, as of April 09, 2018, a total of 85,329 reports of adverse reactions have been filed regarding the HPV vaccination. These reports include 37,699 reports of nervous system disorders; 2450 cardiac disorders, (including 38 cardiac arrests) 533 reports of Postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome (POTS); over 3200 reports of seizures or epilepsy, 8453 syncope and 389 deaths.

World Renowned Scientists Have Their Lab Shut Down After Troublesome Vaccine Discovery

Another piece of the jigsaw puzzle confirms that it is worse, FAR worse than we thought! This is a great collection of salient points that should open every thinking mind to the corruption that taints where truth should live!

This article originally appeared at this location:

but is no longer there so I am providing the text of it I saved at the time.

Another piece of the jigsaw puzzle confirms that it is worse, FAR worse than we thought! This is a great collection of salient points that should open every thinking mind to the corruption that taints where truth should live!

In the 90’s, Dr. Antonietta Gatti discovered the relationship between micro- and nano-particles as well as a great number of pathologies: cardiovascular diseases, many forms of cancer, multiple neurological diseases, and autoimmune diseases. She’s taken part in many international research projects, including the pathologies induced by depleted uranium, waste incineration, food polluted with inorganic particles, and more.

Currently, she is the coordinator of the Italian Institute of Technology’s Project of Nanoecotoxicology, called INESE.

She is also a selected expert of the FAO/WHO for the safety in nanotechnological food, and a Member of the NANOTOX Cluster of the European Commission and the author of a book titled “Nanopathology: the health impact of nanoparticles,” and on the Editorial Board of Journal of Biomaterials Applications and a member of the CPCM of the Italian Ministry of Defense.

Furthermore, her and her husband Dr. Stefano Montanari founded a laboratory called Nano-diagnostics for the evaluation of the pathological tissues of patients, it’s presently at the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, Italy.

Recently, the Italian police raided their home, the police took all digital assets that were owned by the the two nanopathologists, including laptops, computers, and flash-drives, basically years of work and research.

James Grundvig via the World Mercury Project describes what happened quite well:

“Because Gatti and Montanari had taken their research of nanodust and nanoparticles, from in-vivo (performed in a living organism) and in-vitro (performed in a test tube) to what unseen contamination might reside in vaccines in 2016, they came under the microscope of the United States, European, and Italian authorities. They had touched the third rail of medicine. They had crossed the no-go zone with the purported crime being scientific research and discovery. By finding nano-contamination in random vaccines, Gatti and Montanari revealed, for the first time, what no one knew: Vaccines had more than aluminum salts adjuvants, Polysorbate-80, and other inorganic chemicals in them, they also harbored stainless steel, tungsten, copper, and other metals and rare elements that don’t belong in shots given to fetuses, pregnant women, newborns, babies and toddlers developing their lungs, immune and nervous systems.”

The scientists published their work in January of 2017, titled, New Quality-Control Investigations on Vaccines: Micro- and Nanocontamination. If science wasn’t plagued by corruption, an investigation should have started, healthcare agencies would have become involved and vaccine safety policies would have come under intense scrutiny, but that never happened.

Below is a recent interview with the two, done by Surêté Vaccins, the quick description of the video reads,

“Two Italian researchers have found nanoparticles are polluting almost all vaccines. The small size of these particles allow them to enter our cells and have a permanent inflammatory effect. Mrs Gatti was about to testify in parliament enquiry on vaccine damages of italian military courses but both researches have been raided by police and all their material has been taken away.”

Nano particles are very small bits of matter, and they can enter into the human body, as the pair of scientist discovered in the 90’s. This is why we have so much published research linking various chemical products, like cleaning agents, to the destruction of human health. These nano particles are produced by waste incinerators, car traffic, and many other different ways. Because they float in the air, we can inhale them, which means they enter our lungs and then enter into the blood within minutes. This leads to a number of problems. These particles are carried by the blood to every district of the body, as they explain in the video below. When they enter into the tissues, the body cannot get rid of them, and so those particles stay there forever and are the cause of various diseases we see today.

They explain how they’ve been analyzing and studying vaccines for the past 15 years.

“Both vaccine and the tissue, which was hit by the particles contained in the vaccines, because we discovered that those vaccines were polluted by particles, those particles were contained equally in the vaccine and in the tissue, so we started to analyze vaccines.”

They go on to explain, with regards to their most recent vaccine study linked above,

“After a while, an Italian University sent us a student for her thesis, and we analyzed 19 different vaccines with her, finding all of them polluted by micro and nano particles. Then we went on analyzing them and now we analyzed about 30 vaccines with many samples of each vaccine, and, we discovered that they were all polluted…”

When all said and done, they analyzed 44 different vaccines. All of them contained these harmful particles, which are foreign bodies entering into the body. Whenever this happens, the body has a reaction, and it’s not good.

“Those foreign bodies, those particles, are like a bullet. If I shoot somebody, and that bullet makes a hole in the heart, it’s not very important if the bullet was made of stainless steel, of titatium, of iron whatever, what’s important is that that they punched a whole in the heart.”

In it, they talk a little bit about the study and what’s currently going on.

This Is Simply The Truth About Modern Day Science That Continues To Be Ignored
There are three quotes I love to use to illustrate best what I’m trying to get across here,

In the case of medicine, a lot of information has emerged showing just how much corruption really goes on in the industry. The Editors-in-Chiefs of several major medical journals have been quite blunt, with perhaps one of the best examples coming from Dr. Richard Horton, the current Editor-in-Chief of The Lancet, who says:

“The case against science is straightforward: much of the scientific literature, perhaps half, may simply be untrue.”

Dr. Marcia Angell, a physician and longtime Editor-in-Chief of the New England Medical Journal (NEMJ), also considered one of the most prestigious peer-reviewed medical journals in the world, alongside The Lancet, has said that:

“It is simply no longer possible to believe much of the clinical research that is published, or to rely on the judgment of trusted physicians or authoritative medical guidelines. I take no pleasure in this conclusion, which I reached slowly and reluctantly over my two decades as an editor of The New England Journal of Medicine.”

John Ioannidis, an epidemiologist at the Stanford University School of Medicine, published an article titled “Why Most Published Research Findings Are False,” which subsequently became the most widely accessed article in the history of the Public Library of Science (PLoS).

Here is another great quote by Arnold Seymour Relman (1923-2014), Harvard professor of medicine and former Editor-in-Chief of The New England Medical Journal:

“The medical profession is being bought by the pharmaceutical industry, not only in terms of the practice of medicine, but also in terms of teaching and research. The academic institutions of this country are allowing themselves to be the paid agents of the pharmaceutical industry. I think it’s disgraceful.”

Other Examples Of Corruption
In 2016, a group of scientists in 2016 at the CDC named, SPIDER (Scientists Preserving Integrity, Diligence and Ethics), put out a list of complaints in the form of a letter to the CDC’s Chief of Staff, where they say,

“It appears that our mission is being influenced and shaped by outside parties and rogue interests… and Congressional intent for our agency is being circumvented by some of our leaders. What concerns us most, is that it is becoming the norm and not the rare exception.”

This was covered by several activists, from Robert F. Kennedy Jr. to another article from the Huffington Post, but unfortunately it received little to no mainstream media attention.

Shortly before this, and perhaps even more shockingly, is the whistleblower testimony from a senior CDC scientist, who has authored multiple commonly cited studies that show no link whatsoever between the MMR vaccine and autism. In fact, one of his studies, published in 2004, is the most commonly cited study used to debunk the link between the MMR vaccine and autism.

His name is Dr. William Thompson, and he bravely told the world that it was “the lowest point” in his career that he “went along with that paper.” He said that the authors “didn’t report significant findings” and that he is “completely ashamed” of what he did, that he was “complicit and went along with this, and that he regrets that he has “been part of the problem.” (source)(source)(source)

Here is an official statement from Dr. Thompson describing the situation in his own words. This is perhaps the best source of information regrading this matter.

These are a few examples out out of many.

So What?

We are living in a time of great transparency, a lot of new information is coming out that’s completely countering what we’ve been told, and some rather ghastly examples of scientific fraud have been made, it’s not just with vaccines.

Information like this, unfortunately, can create a divide among the population, with one side spewing venom at the other, using terms like “anti-vax” or “pro-vax.” At the end of the day, these labels and the way we argue over them doesn’t really solve anything. If all we do is react with emotions when it comes to such important topics, we might as well not even have a conversation about them at all.

All of us have to wake up and realize that nothing is set in stone, and the way we do things here is constantly changing. There is no denying the that fact that corporate/government funded media is severely fraudulent and basically presents one side of the coin.

The media pays absolutely no attention to vaccine research that does not fit the narrative of their owners. Something is seriously wrong here, and there are more than enough opportunities to see it.

The key here is to disseminate information in a peaceful manner, and remember, you still have the choice with regards to the decisions you make about your health, and the health of your child.

Don’t be afraid to think for yourself.

“The main reason we take so many drugs is that drug companies don’t sell drugs, they sell lies about drugs. This is what makes drugs so different from anything else in life… …Virtually everything we know about drugs is what the companies have chosen to tell us and our doctors… …the reason patients trust their medicine is that they extrapolate the trust they have in their doctors into the medicines they prescribe.

The patients don’t realize that, although their doctors may know a lot about diseases and human physiology and psychology, they know very, very little about drugs that’ve been carefully concocted and dressed up by the drug industry… If you don’t think the system is out of control, please email me and explain why drugs are the third leading cause of death… If such a hugely lethal epidemic had been caused by a new bacterium or a virus,or even one-hundredth of it, we would have done everything we could to get it under control.” – Dr. Peter Gotzsche, co-founder of the Cochrane Collaboration

This article was originally published by Collective Evolution

Think About It…

Had an interesting chat yesterday with the General Manager of a vitamin company here in the USA. He took a small bite of my top bar, pulled a “that’s GROSS” face and then passed the rest to his staff to try. They were similarly unimpressed. Or, more accurately, VERY impressed – negatively.
The owner of the company will not release a product that does not taste good. Smart marketer!
But it got me thinking. How do you get the nutrients into your body that come only from spicy or strong tasting foods if you eat only good tasting food?
There’s a thought worth chewing on!

Throw Out Your Non-Stick Cookware!

Food might not stick to it but it certainly sticks to you if it has been cooked in it!
From Dr. Al Sears
April 18, 2018
In a shocking study from Harvard School of Public Health, people who simply switched their cookware lost an average of 14 pounds of body weight in six months.
Because the pots and pans they started using didn’t contain perfluorinated chemicals, or PFCs.
Let me explain…
If you can’t lose weight, the problem might not be the food you’re eating — it could be your cookware.
Non-stick pots and pans are made with fluoride compounds that turns into a toxic gas when heated.
These fumes can cause an illness called the “Teflon flu.”
If the pan is scratched or old, you could be eating these chemicals.
And these toxins can make you fat.
Research shows that PFC plays a big role in weight gain and obesity.1 A brand new study says PFC can make you regain MORE weight after a diet.
Harvard researchers conducted a two-year trial called POUNDS LOST. They measured PFC in 621 overweight and obese people. They also measured changes in their body weight and resting metabolic rate.2
During the first six months, the people followed a diet and lost an average of 14 pounds of body weight. During months six through 24 they went off the diet and regained an average of 6 pounds.
But the data showed that people with higher levels of PFC at the start of the study — especially women — regained more of their weight.
In fact, those with the highest levels of PFC regained almost twice as much weight compared to those with the lowest levels.
People with higher PFC also had a bigger decline in their resting metabolic rate (RMR) while they were counting calories. And they had less of an increase in their RMR after they stopped. In other words, they burned fewer calories.
But these toxins don’t just make you pack on the pounds…
They also disrupt your estrogen balance.
When they get into your bloodstream, they attach to your estrogen receptors. They mimic real estrogen but they are MUCH stronger. All of these alien estrogens knock your other hormones out of balance.
And that triggers mood swings, extreme emotions, low sex drive, night sweat — as well as loss of muscle, bloating and increased belly fat.
It’s a double-whammy of weight gain.
These chemical toxins have been around since the 1950s. And they’re not just in your cookware. PFC is also dumped from chemical plants into our water supply.
Other PFCs are used to make fabrics and carpets resistant to stains and water. They are in many household items like upholstered furniture, carpeting, car seats, luggage, shoes and boots. You’ll find them in products like GORE-TEX®, Scotchgard™ and Stainmaster®.
They’re also added to cosmetics, shampoos, dental products, medical products and nail polish.
These chemicals are very stable. They break down slowly and stay in your body for a long time.
They are also linked to cancer. They can lead to low thyroid function, infertility, immune system dysfunction, cognitive impairment and developmental issues in children.3
Some PFCs including some in Teflon pans and Scotchgard™ have been banned or phased out as hazardous. But they are quickly being replaced with new PFCs that may be just as toxic.4
It’s almost impossible to avoid PFCs in our modern world. When the CDC tested the blood of 2,094 people, they found them in 98% of the people.5
Purge PFCs Naturally
I recommend detoxing on a regular basis to keep your liver working well and to eliminate PFCs from your body. Here’s what you can do:
Clear out toxins with intravenous chelation. I offer safe intravenous (IV) chelation to just about every patient I see. For IV chelation, I inject calcium disodium EDTA directly into your bloodstream. In no time at all, EDTA grabs toxins and drags them out — painlessly.
If you’d like more information about IV chelation, contact the Sears Institute for Anti-Aging Medicine at 561-784-7852. My staff would be happy to answer your questions.
Try some activated charcoal. Like EDTA, activated charcoal grabs onto toxic molecules. Then it escorts them from your body. Just a tiny amount can absorb and wash away years of toxins and even heavy metal buildup.
Look for activated charcoal as a very fine, black powder in your local health food store or online. I like activated charcoal made from coconut shells. Take 20 to 30 grams mixed with water once a day for one to two weeks.
Eat the oldest food on earth. Spirulina is an algae that’s rich in cleansing nutrients that make it a powerful blood detoxifier. Its blue-green pigment stores nitrogen atoms. These atoms bond with heavy metals, toxins, and radioactive substances. Once the nitrogen grabs a toxin, it sweeps it safely out of your body.
You can buy spirulina supplements in pill or powder form at health food stores or online. Try adding the powder to smoothies, guacamole or salad dressings. Start with 500 mg and work up to 3,000 mg per day.
And when detoxing or cleansing, drink lots of water to help flush everything away.
To Your Good Health,
Al Sears, MD, CNS

Banking Royal Commission is a game-changer—it must be expanded

From our friends at the CEC:
The Financial Services Royal Commission in its first fortnight of hearings in March laid bare the massive mortgage fraud in the major banks, and exposed the banks as criminal enterprises. This week it is holding hearings into the big banks’ financial advice scams, and the “vertical integration” structure that enables the banks to direct depositors into their other businesses to be fleeced. The political shock waves coming from the Royal Commission’s hearings prove that this sort of inquiry was long overdue, and that the politicians like Malcolm Turnbull and Scott Morrison who opposed it were protecting criminal activity.
Commissioner Kenneth Hayne must be allowed to expand his inquiry—beyond Turnbull’s limited terms of reference that was approved by the banks, into a full investigation of not just banking misconduct, but also APRA (Australian Prudential Regulation Authority) and the other regulators which have abetted the banks’ crimes, and APRA’s domain of so-called “macro-prudential policy”.
Like a bright light that sends the cockroaches scurrying, the Royal Commission has sparked all kinds of reactions, in politics, finance and the regulators. Many of these reactions were aired at the Australian Financial Review’s Banking and Wealth Summit held in the first week of April.
Treasurer Scott Morrison made a declaration that should be used against him in a court of law. As the 4 April AFR reported, “The banking industry royal commission hasn’t uncovered bad behaviour that the government didn’t know about, Treasurer Scott Morrison said”. (Emphasis added.) Wait, what?! For years the government conveyed the impression that the banks were following world’s best practice, with the very best regulation, and any abuses were only on the margins, so there was no need for an investigation. In its first two weeks the RC exposed fraud, involving all of the banks, on a scale that few outside of the victims had considered was possible. Morrison’s statement is an admission that the government has actively protected such criminality. The Treasurer went on to say that the issues being uncovered were already being addressed, but tell that to the thousands of ruined victims.
Bankers whinged at the AFR’s summit that, effectively, they can’t make profits if they can’t commit fraud! Westpac CEO Brian Hartzer feared that the Royal Commission could force the banks to process mortgage applications manually rather than via the automated computer approval systems that have been at the centre of the mortgage fraud. His entire complaint was an admission that fraud is a huge component of bank profits. According to the 5 April AFR, he said, “It’s going to have a consequence for cost and efficiency. It’s going to have a consequence for the availability of credit and that is most likely going to hit the people who are at the lower end of the spectrum.” Hartzer’s concern for the “lower end of the spectrum” is fake. They are the people who can’t actually afford loans because the fraud has driven house prices sky high, so the banks give them interest-only loans, but also ruthlessly repossess those homes en masse when they default.
UBS analyst Jonathan Mott repeated his bank’s warning that if the RC called for a higher level of due diligence, meaning a proper level of due diligence, it could lead to a credit crunch—the total freeze in bank lending that plunged the USA and Europe into deep recession in the 2008 financial crash. Again, this is an admission of the extent to which the financial sector has become dependent on fraudulent practices.
The problem for the banks and their political protection is that the cat is out of the bag. The RC has already forced high-level individuals and agencies to take stock of how Australia’s financial system operates, in light of its revelations. For instance, Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) chairman Rod Sims, a dissonant voice at the AFR summit on 5 May, pointedly criticised the collusion between the banks, that one executive had virtually confessed to on the stand at the Royal Commission. Noting that there is very little competition between the Big Four banks, Sims said they “accommodate” a “shared interest” when they determine interest rates. “Their behaviour more resembles synchronised swimming than it does vigorous competition”, he said. This came very close to accusing the banks of being a cartel, which is highly illegal and would attract huge fines and jail terms. Bank victim advocate Denise Brailey tweeted, “Rod Sims ACCC delivers speech on WHY the BANKS are running a CARTEL but he won’t say ‘CARTEL’. I will call it!!”
Another indication of the game-change was on display in Parliament on 27 March when APRA chairman Wayne Byres appeared before the House Standing Committee on Economics at the end of the first fortnight of RC hearings. Committee chair Sarah Henderson, a Liberal, grilled Byres about APRA’s culpability in the crimes of the banks, in a way that the chief bank regulator would not have been grilled by a member of the pro-bank Liberal Party before. Like the public, all MPs have long been assured by the government that the banks are very well regulated, and no doubt many have been shocked by the revelations of the Royal Commission, which prove that APRA has been the banks’ accomplices. Henderson repeatedly pressed Byres to own up to APRA’s failings to police the banks, and would not let him deflect blame on to APRA’s fellow regulator ASIC (Australian Securities and Investments Commission), as APRA always does.
Expand the investigation!
The Royal Commission is doing a stellar job within the bounds of the terms of reference, which it is pushing to the limit. For instance, it is now inquiring into vertical integration, which Turnbull had not wanted Hayne to do. It must be expanded to investigate macro-prudential policy, which is currently off-limits to the Royal Commission, but it is crucial, as it concerns the rules whereby APRA incentivised the banks into reckless mortgage lending that led to massive mortgage fraud—fraud that APRA ignored.
Is Malcolm Turnbull afraid that if he expands the terms of reference to allow the Royal Commission to investigate APRA and macro-prudential policy, Commissioner Hayne may recommend a Glass-Steagall separation of deposit-taking banks from all other financial businesses?

Trump Threatens WW3 Over Unverified Chemical Weapons Attacks In Regions Controlled By Terrorists

It’s the second chemical weapons attack to happen in Syria since President Donald Trump took office; and once again the attack seems to be convenient, as Russia and the U.S. both announced a withdrawal of troops from Syria. Why would Syrian President Bashar al-Assad gas his own people as two foreign countries are readying to leave its territory? None of this makes sense.

Help Protect NT From Fracking!

The insanity of this is beyond gob smacking! The potential reprecussions of fracking are deadly and disastrous for the environment, the flora and fauna as well as the people of the region.
People across the country are standing with the communities risked by fracking
Send a message to the NT government by sharing your photo and using the hashtag #WeWillProtectNT #DontfracktheNT #WaterIsLife