A Good Newsletter from Peace Action!

Dear Tom,
We did it!

Yesterday, the Senate made history by voting 56-41 to pass S.J.Res. 54, legislation directing President Trump to end U.S. support for the catastrophic war in Yemen. But really, it’s you who made history.

Take a moment to think about how many times you’ve contacted your members of Congress, how many times you’ve contributed to the peace movement, how many times you’ve talked to friends about the importance of this issue. Without your tenacious activism — your determination to get Congress to take action to end U.S. support for the war — this vote would never have happened, let alone succeeded.

As we said yesterday in our statement to press on the vote: “this vote is a testament to the power of political activism, and a reminder that we must continue the struggle for a just and responsible foreign policy, because that struggle makes a difference.”

We’ve already heard from folks involved in the negotiations in Sweden between the warring parties in Yemen that this congressional action is making a difference in those negotiations. Yesterday, the parties agreed to a ceasefire in and around the key port city of Hodeidah, through which most of the humanitarian aid coming into Yemen makes port. Thanks to your activism, the Saudi-led coalition is starting to see the writing on the wall: that the U.S. will no longer support the bombing and starvation of Yemeni civilians. That in turn is incentivizing the coalition to negotiate in good faith to finally end the war.

Through a different lens, we also see this vote impacting the broader struggle to get Congress to reclaim its authority over war, which has important implications for almost all of the work we do. As our statement yesterday put it: “Beyond its significance for the people of Yemen, by successfully invoking the War Powers Act, this vote also heralds the beginning of the end of Congress’ abdication of its war powers after nearly two decades of endless war with no meaningful oversight from Congress.”

To be sure, our struggle is not over. While the Senate finally stepped up to pass this vital legislation, House Republican leadership moved to block a vote in the House earlier this week, making it unlikely that the House will take up the issue this year. But we’re already working with our allies in the House to make sure the incoming Democratic leadership makes this a top priority when a Democratic House takes control in January. The bottom line is, if the Trump administration does not act to end the unconstitutional U.S. role in Yemen, we’ll make sure the incoming Congress moves to force its hand next year.

But even if this legislation doesn’t become law, pressure from Congress—made possible by pressure from grassroots activists like you—is changing the calculus of the Trump administration and of Saudi Arabia for the better, and that change is saving lives in Yemen and accelerating an end to the war. In other words, the Peace Movement is winning!

From the bottom of our hearts, thank you for being a part of this movement. In the coming days, weeks and months, we’ll ask you to stay involved, to contribute, to keep telling your members of Congress what’s what.

For now, pat yourself on the back and enjoy this moment, because this is a victory worth celebrating!

Humbly for peace,

Jon Rainwater
Executive Director
Peace Action

Work For The Dole

Work For The Dole

I cannot speak to the intent as I cannot read the minds of legislators.

What I can state with certainty is that the effort is wrong headed. Sane, capable peoplewant to work. Getting something for nothing is a criminal level of exchange and turns the receiver into a criminal.

When one does not want to or is not capable of working, being forced to work is not much fun. The person who cannot work needs to have his willingness to work rehabilitated by having him confess the things he did wrong for which he is now withholding his effort. Only then will he be able to work and feel conmfortable about it.

The Tragedy of a Dead Dolphin

The Tragedy of a Dead Dolphin

What you do makes a difference. For some, the difference between life and death.

This Dolphin was found on the big beach yesterday. He died of starvation due to the water bottle seal that caught on his snout.

When you go to the beach, throw the trash in the trash. Don’t leave it in the sand.
Photo: Kaio Nunes / Institute Institute

At present I do a 20 minute walk, morning and night. Most days I pick up 10-20 bits of trash. My highest ever was 154 pieces on one trip.

For the sake of the wildlife, I invite you to join me and make trash collection part of your daily routine.

A new scam doing the rounds

There’s either a new scam doing the rounds or one of my jokes has offended one of my “mates” right royally!


I host a forum in the deep web, I perform all sorts of services – basically it is demolition to property and injury. Basically, all but the homicide. Often main reasons are unrequited love or competition at workplace. This week he contacted me and set me the task of splashing sourness in your face. Default practice – quickly, hurts, for life. Without too much fuss. I get receive only after finishing the work. Therefore, now I propose you send money to me to be inactive, I offer this to almost all the victims. If I do not receive money from you, then my person will fulfill the order. If you transfer me money, besides to my inactivity, I will provide you the information that I have about the client. After finishing the mission, I often waist the performer, so I have an option, to get $2000 from you for info about the customer and my inaction, or to get $ 4000 from the customer, but with a high probability of waisting the performer.

I’m getting paid in BTC, its my Bitcoin address – 1C4Yj8BbRAWmttuN8JEoWzmgfX9a7TawRa
The summary I told above.
36 hours to transfer.

Chlorella – Benefits


Some reasons why chlorella is a staple in my powders and top bars.

Are you looking for an all-natural supplement that boosts your energy, supports fat loss and helps detox heavy metals like lead and mercury from your body? If so, a freshwater algae called chlorella may be exactly what you need.

Native to Taiwan and Japan, this superfood is rich with phytonutrients, including amino acids, chlorophyll, beta-carotene, potassium, phosphorous, biotin, magnesium and the B-complex vitamins. Chlorella’s rich green color comes from a high concentration of chlorophyll, and chlorella is loaded with chlorophyll benefits.


Sorry Global Warming Alarmists, The Earth Is Cooling

Cool Earth

Climate change itself is already in the process of definitively rebutting climate alarmists who think human use of fossil fuels is causing ultimately catastrophic global warming. That is because natural climate cycles have already turned from warming to cooling, global temperatures have already been declining for more than 10 years, and global temperatures will continue to decline for another two decades or more.
