Plants actually know when they are eaten and send distress signals

Plants actually know when they are eaten and send distress signals

Biologists have found out that if the leaf of a plant starts to get eaten it is able to give off a warning to other leaves. They do this by using similar signals to animals in distress. Biologists are continuing to study the mystery of how plants are able to take to each other. This is right. It was proven in the late 50s and written up in the press at that time!

Medicine Is Sick Care

Medicine Is Sick Care

This is spot on. And yet the vast majority of us have yet to adopt an operating basis based on this truth. We are under and misinformed and outright lied to about what is healthy and what is not and most of us consider ourselves too busy or not interested enough to take the time to educate ourselves on the subject of nutrition. Even most of the articles available online barely scratch the surface.

For instance if you look online using the search term “types of nutrients” and will read every article on the first page of search results (the vast majority of people don’t get past page one) all you get is protein, carbohydrates, fats and water. Some mention fiber. A few go to the micronutrients of vitamins and minerals. You have to dig deep to get to fulvic minerals. And not one mentioned the 40,000 phytonutrients or enzymes.

So save yourself potentially decades of misery and ill health, get a copy of How To Live The Healthiest Life and read just a page a day. Everyone can find the time to read a page a day. Even if you are super busy, pick the least productive thing you do and swap it out for reading a page of my book. At that rate it will take you more than two years to get through it but it is one of the best investments you can make in your future health!

Click here:

Vaccinegate – Zero Antigens, Tons of Toxins plus 65 Non-Recogisable Substances!


Not only vaccine antigens have been not detected, there were also 65 signs of chemical contaminants of which only 35% is known, there are among these various processing residues and cross-contaminations from other manufacturing lines, and their identification will be checked during the second level of the analytical study (i.e. with standard controls). 7 chemical toxins among these signals have also been identified, probably deriving from chemical contaminants of the manufacturing process or other manufacturing lines at the vaccine manufacturing site; these toxins have a structure that could probably be partially derived from the formaldehyde, glutaraldehyde and cyanogen bromide reaction with other chemical contaminants in the vaccine. We’d like to point out that the toxicity of many of these toxins have been confirmed and published in Pubchem or Toxnet and this poses important safety problems, issues and concerns.

Court Awards $137,500 After 8 Vaccines Kills Infant In Just 12 Hours

Vaccines Kill Baby

Kara Krause tragically lost her baby girl, Peyton, 12 hours after being injected with eight vaccines in 2008. Through the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (NVICP) and Special Master’s “Vaccine” Court, it was proven the DTaP, Hib, Hepatitis B, PCV, IPV, and Rotavirus vaccines killed her daughter.

Almost two years after her death, I was told about the NVICP (National Vaccination Injury Compensation Program). This is a “non-fault” government-run program funded by a tax on the vaccines. It acts as an insurance policy to protect vaccine manufacturers from being sued for vaccination related deaths and injuries. Their cases go to trial as any other court cases, but they are overseen by a Special Master, not a jury. The Special Master hears both the victim and government’s arguments. If, and only if, proven scientific data or testimony (not a casual link or circumstance) is presented by the plaintiffs, the master then decides on the amount of compensation to be awarded to the victim or their family.

I was told by the lawyers who accepted Peyton’s case, (apparently VICP lawyers take very few of the cases submitted to them) that in order to be able to pursue a wrongful death or civil case, I had to go through the VICP process first. This was a complete lie. (I blame myself for not doing more research on the program.)

The VICP process took approximately 2-1/2 years. In that time, all my questions were answered. The medical experts found the evidence that proved that the DTaP, Hib, Hepatitis B, PCV, IPV and Rotavirus vaccines, were in fact, the cause of her death. I thought this was a great thing. I now had scientific proof, expert testimony, and a sum of money to be able pursue other suits, to bring awareness that vaccines actually do cause deaths. What I didn’t know, was filing with the VICP did not extend the statute of limitations (as I thought), in essence making it legally impossible to file for a wrongful death, medical malpractice, or any civil suit. But at least I had the medical evidence to educate others, right?? Instead what I’ve found is no one listens.

Every pro-vaxxer spouts out statistical data and research trends to argue their case. Herein lies the problem: we aren’t capable of doing the same. Victims of vaccination related death that go through the VICP are NEVER accounted for. Their “non-fault” clause covers up the data that would reveal the truth behind these deaths. My daughter’s death certificate will ALWAYS read, “Sudden Unexplained Death in Infancy (SUDI).” Her death will NEVER be part of any statistical data that would show the truth behind vaccines. Her death, and many others, aren’t accounted for in any material that pro-vaxxers or doctors use to attempt to convince us on how “safe and effective” vaccines are.

New HepB Vaccine Approved For Testing On General Population

Four Pregnant Women

Health Freedom Idaho
Vaccines August 20, 2018

This new HEP B vaccine was approved for use on pregnant women. It includes an entirely new synthetic DNA adjuvant that will trigger a part of the immune system science discovered in the past decade. There was limited study information, so instead post-marketing data gathered to determine if there are any issues. The US Vaccine Advisory Panel called the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP), is the group that approves vaccines for public use in the United States. Most members have connections to the pharmaceutical (aka vaccine) industry. Vaccines are approved for use and included in CDC recommendations by this organization. An adjuvant is a substance added to produce a high antibody response using the smallest amount of virus (antigen) possible. By definition adjuvants are considered to be “pharmacologically active drugs.” They are designed to be “inert without inherent activity or toxicity” and yet they are required to “potently augment effects of the other compounds” in the vaccines. [8] It is difficult to explain how a substance can be defined as pharmacologically active and at the same time be described as inert and have no activity or toxicity. With this newly approved vaccine with a brand new adjuvant, the initial study 19 people had heart issues – 16 DIED! The panel approved 100% to use on the general public. Safety of the product will be measured with post-marketing data. What exactly does that mean? Uninformed mothers will be the experiment, any negative outcomes will be recorded to determine if the safety of the vaccine. No one will be liable or accountable for the negative outcomes that include harm, injury or death.

Those who believe that science is settled and thoroughly studied – is this your definition of science?