

That which you resist and fail you become.
That’s how those with anti-social traits became so.
They resisted someone with anti-social traits.
Instead of resisting the bad, fight FOR the good!
Remember, you get that on which you put your attention!
Put your attention on what you want!

(Note to self: Apply this principle more in your own life!)

Dr. Russell Blaylock Warns: Don’t Get the Flu Shot — It Promotes Alzheimer’s

Dr. Russell Blaylock Warns: Don’t Get the Flu Shot — It Promotes Alzheimer’s

The government is ratcheting up its efforts to convince Americans to get flu shots. “You can’t walk into a pharmacy without seeing lines, and the government is now telling preachers to tell their congregations to get flu shots,” says Dr. Russell Blaylock, renowned neurosurgeon and editor of the Blaylock Wellness Report. “I’ve never seen anything like it.

The incidence of flu across the United States is extremely low — there are virtually no outbreaks — and not a single child has died. Yet, the flu vaccine is being pushed as if it’s the greatest health advance ever discovered.

“The vaccine is completely worthless, and the government knows it,” says Dr. Blaylock. “There are three reasons the government tells the elderly why they should get flu shots: secondary pneumonia, hospitalization, and death. Yet a study by the Cochrane group studied hundreds of thousands of people and found it offered zero protection for those three things in the general community. It offered people in nursing homes some immunity against the flu — at best one-third — but that was only if they picked the right vaccine.”

The government also says that every baby over the age of six months should have a vaccine, and they know it contains a dose of mercury that is toxic to the brain. They also know the studies have shown that the flu vaccine has zero — zero — effectiveness in children under 5.

Here’s the bottom line: The vast number of people who get the flu vaccine aren’t going to get any benefit, but they get all of the risks and complications.

Flu vaccines contain mercury in the form of thimerosal (ethylmercury), a brain toxin, which accumulates in the brain and other organs. “It’s incorporated into the brain for a lifetime,” says Dr. Blaylock. “After five or 10 years of flu shots, enough mercury accumulates in the brain that every single study agrees is neurotoxic. Mercury is extremely toxic to the brain even in very small concentrations, and there are thousands of studies that prove it.”

The changes that we see in the brain associated with neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s are all easily produced by mercury in these doses.

War On Corrupt Politicians

War On Corrupt Politicians

I was thinking the other day, if “Bait and Switch” is an illegal practice according to the ACCC, shouldn’t politicians who do not keep their election promises be held to the same level of accountability?

Don’t Have Enough Time?

 Don't Have Enough Time?

Look harder!

Most people grossly overestimate what they can get in a day and grossly underestimate what they can get done in 10 years.

What’s your ten year target?

The 5G disconnect – the biggest next gen uncontrolled experiment?

The 5G disconnect – the biggest next gen uncontrolled experiment?

The roll-out of genetically modified foods and animal feeds from 1996 is undoubtedly one of the biggest uncontrolled experiments of the modern era. But ploughing full-steam ahead with 5G, with precious little research on its potential impact to humans or wildlife, is a least its match.

Despite growing amounts of scientific data pointing to potential risks associated with increased exposure to new-to-nature radiofrequency (RF) electromagnetic fields (EMFs) – plans to roll-out 5G across the world are accelerating at pace.

This piece takes you through a quick why, what, how and where of 5G, and then calls on you to become an activist so that together we can help stop the uncontrolled global roll-out of 5G – at least until we understand its implications on health and the environment.