Hot Cross Poison

Hot Cross Poison

You know those hot cross buns you buy at the supermarket? Have a read of the poison warning on the label of the spice ingredient. The REALLY disturbing nature of this ingredient is bad enough but then you are not given this data on the packet of the final product.

We Need Leaders

As we turn the corner to the next federal election, keep this in mind and look for an independent candidate more loyal to their constituents than to a political party or their corporate sponsors.

Senior Moments?

Copied from a friend on Facebook:

I realized that I have something that older people need to know!

As one ages the ability to produce L Citrulline diminishes. It breaks down ammonia in the body. If it can’t be broken down, the body dumps it into the blood. The result is you start to forget things! It can get so bad that you don’t know where you are or who you are. I take 3000 mg / twice a day. If you need it you will notice a difference in three or four days and a large difference in 7-8 days. I have a large suspicion that at least some part of Alzheimer’s is just a lack of L Citrulline. If you try it and it helps, please let me know.

You can get it from or

The Vaccination Debate

The Vaccination Debate

Now—we have remarkable new information: a respected pro-vaccine medical expert used by the federal government to debunk the vaccine-autism link, says vaccines can cause autism after all. He claims he told that to government officials long ago, but they kept it secret.