Starbucks Caught Covering Up $100 Million GMO Deal With Monsanto

‘In the past two years alone, Starbucks has been a part of a GMA-led coalition that has donated more than $70 million dollars to defeat GMO labeling efforts in California and Washington State,’ said a spokesperson for Food Democracy Now. ‘By opposing GMO labeling, Starbucks has willingly climbed in bed with Monsanto and the GMA and is intentionally misleading customers about their commitment to sustainability and ethical sourcing.’
OK Coffee drinkers, you know what to do about this!

Would Grandma Recognise It

Would Grandma Recognise It
Wise advice this. The only caveat is that she would need to be versed in all culinary cultures to avail herself of the best of the world’s nutrition. The meat and three veggies my grandmothers would have been pleased to dish up doesn’t come close to being the best diet possible.

Request to Defend Homeopathy

It’s a long story, but we’ll try to make it short. It’s crunch time for homeopathy in Australia. There isn’t much time to have your say; responses need to be sent by Sunday 23rd July.
On 22 June 2017, a government report The King Review recommended that homeopathic products (eg hayfever drops, teething and colic formulas) should not be sold in Australian pharmacies. The report used a review conducted earlier by the National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) which concluded homeopathic medicines are ineffective. If The King Review is approved, it could mean homeopathic medicines will be removed from pharmacies around Australia.
This report is the latest in an ongoing trend to remove homeopathy as a healthcare choice for Australians. There is real concern that homeopathy could the first in a long line of other natural therapies due for this kind of legislation resulting in the community’s choice of other natural therapies being difficult to access in the future. It also means that the manufacture of homeopathic medicines in Australia is under threat – homeopaths themselves may not be able to access homeopathic medicines either.
Here is a link to the document: