Fernald State School Experiment

Fernald State School Experiment

Think your governemnt is looking after you and would not do anything harmful?

If the government would do this then, why do you hold that they would not do it now? Especially given the degradation in moral and ethical standrards in the intervening 63 years since this particular program ended.

In the last few years the US FDA has collected over 2.5 Billion dollars from drug companies – GlaxoSmithKline, Eli Lilly, Johnson & Johnson, Pfizer, Bristol-Myers and Merck – in order to fast track the approval of drugs. (Please remember that the average drug has 75 side effects, one of which is death.)

If you think $2.5 Billion dollars is easy to turn your back on so you can recommend herbal remedies that do as good with no negative side effects, then you should do some more homework on the nature of greed and man’s inhumanity to man and the corruption of US government agencies!

I am not saying this to be alarmist or a scare monger. I am saying it so you have a correct understanding of the influences counter to your intention to live a healthy, happy life. Ignorance is deadly! As is depression and hopelessness, so ensure you look always for how you can be at cause. By all means see a GP for a diagnosis but rather than accept a prescription from a GP, consult a naturopath or herbalist for something that will not just suppress the symptoms but rather cure the cause.

Roundup In The Rain And Air!

Wow! How bad does it get? We must petition Australian authorities to ban the use of this toxin!

The GMO farming system has made exposure to Roundup herbicide a daily fact of our existence, and according to the latest US Geological Survey study its probably in the air you are breathing.

The researchers discovered the following:
Thirty-seven compounds were detected in the air or rain samples in 2007; 20 of these were present in both air and rain.

Glyphosate was the predominant new herbicide detected in both air (86%) and rain (77%) in 2007, but were not measured in 1995.

Decreased overall pesticide use in 2007 relative to 1995 generally resulted in decreased detection frequencies in air and rain, but observed concentration ranges were similar between years even though the 1995 sampling site was 500 m from active fields while the 2007 sampling site was within 3 m of a field.

Mean concentration of detections were sometimes greater in 2007 than in 1995 but the median values were often lower.

Seven compounds in 1995 and five in 2007 were detected in =50% of both air and rain samples. Atrazine, metolachlor, and propanil were detected in =50% of the air and rain samples in both years.

Total herbicide flux in 2007 was slightly greater than in 1995, and was dominated by glyphosate.



Lectins are a toxic substance that plants make to prevent insects from eating them. They are lethal to some insects and apparently not that good for many people too.

Like many things there is probably a gradient scale of toerance to lectins. Some bodies probably have a much better tolerance to them and some are extrememly sensitive to them and do much better without them.

If you have unexplained stomach issues, here is some data from Dr Gundry that you may want to use as a basis for experimenting with your diet.

Lectins Cause Digestive System Damage
Some lectins can survive both heat and stomach acid.
Lectins stick to many types of cells.
Lectins strip away the mucosal lining of your gut making it suseptible to IBS, colitis, Crohn’s etc.

Lectins Punch Holes In Your Intestinal Walls
This acauses them to leak into your blood stream (laky gut).

Lectins Increase Appetite
Stick to cells that produce leptin, the hormone that signals satiety or fullness.

Lectins Damage Blood Vessels
This endothelial dysfunction leads to hypertension, diabetes and heart disease.

A 200 person study of people who cut out lectins showed that after 6 months there was:

A 72% decrease in endothelial dysfunction and
the markers of cardiovascular disease decreased in 100% of those in the study.

Mono and oligosaccharides prevent lectins from sticking to your cells.

Foods that contain lectins are:

Soy Beans
All Soy Products
All Grains:
All Nightshades:
All Peppers
Almost All Tree Nuts
Most Seeds
String Beans
Dairy Products
Eggs (most especially from grain fed chooks)

Watch Dr Gundry explain the subject here www.lectinblocker.com