What Will It Take!

I posted a comment recently on FB to which someone asked my opinion, was it hopeless?

This was the guts of my response. I have added slightly to it.

I am currently asking myself the all important four word question (as well as discussing it with my daughter) “What will it take?”

To get vaccines from poisoning our children.
To get fluoride out of the water.
To stop destroying farmland for coal.
To stop destroying our aquifers for gas.
To stop the sell off of our farms, electricity and other assets to foreign nationals.

All of which I consider insane.

All these non-optimum conditions occur because someone gains from them.

The conclusion I have come to is nothing happens by chance.

Everything happens because it benefits someone – follow the money.

JFK said “There are no accidents in politics.”

I can see three reasons that politicians vote for these insanities. All require that they do not look for themselves.

I. They have been fed a steady stream of lies so they believe them.

  1. They are lobbbied by representatives of donors to their reelections campaigns so are swayed in that direction.
  2. They are given or promised or otherwise stand to obtain personal gain by votring a certain way.

Since it is hard to convince a man to change his mind when his livelihood depends on him maintaining his existing point of view and donations to political parties by corporations are allowed (let alone the guy who sold the port of Darwin to the Chinese is now employed by that company at a salary of $800,000 a year) then I do not believe putting the facts in front of our elected representatives will make much difference.

I beieve it will take educating and enlightening a sufficiently large enough group of active people so that the demand to change will overwhelming. That can take a long or a little time, depending on how effective we are at communicating the necessity to upset the status quo – which most are reluctant to embrace.

So anything you can do to “foward the message” in the way of reposting what I post, signing up for my newsletter (www.tlat.net) so you have those on file and can refer to them, seaching my blog (www.tomgrimshaw.com/tomsblog) or just engaging others in conversation adds to the movement.

Higher levels of urinary fluoride associated with ADHD in children


Higher levels of urinary fluoride during pregnancy are associated with more ADHD-like symptoms in school-age children, according to University of Toronto and York University researchers. “Our findings are consistent with a growing body of evidence suggesting that the growing fetal nervous system may be negatively affected by higher levels of fluoride exposure,” said Dr. Morteza Bashash, the study’s lead author and researcher at the Dalla Lana School of Public Health.


Spain plans to ban alternative medicine in health centres


The drug companies are pushing world wide to have a monopoloy on “solutions” to your ills. If you do not want to be a “forever customer” on drugs, demand better and look for alternatives – nutrition, naturopathy, homeopathy, Chinese herbs, chiropractic to name a few. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2018/nov/14/spain-plans-ban-alternative-medicine-health-centres

FDA Announces that Permanent Peripheral Neuropathy is to be Added to Warning Labels for Fluoroquinolone Antibiotics

FDA Announces that Permanent Peripheral Neuropathy is to be Added to Warning Labels for Fluoroquinolone Antibiotics

I finally found someone saying what I have felt for years, that some antibiotics are so dangerous that they should only be used in a life or death situation.

On August 15, 2013 the FDA announced that a new, highlighted warning would be added to all orally administered and injected fluoroquinolone antibiotics (Cipro, Levaquin, Avelox, etc.), noting that these drugs cause peripheral neuropathy. The announcement can be viewed through this link – http://www.fda.gov/Drugs/DrugSafety/ucm365050.htm The Related Information links give further details on the dangers of fluoroquinolones and the rationale behind the FDA’s decision to finally, after 30 years of consumer complaints, to warn people of this devastating effect of fluoroquinolones.

The FDA announcement is a HUGE step in the right direction. Now, when patients go to their doctors with sudden, severe pain in their extremities, their doctors are going to be more likely to connect the patient’s peripheral neuropathy with the fluoroquinolone antibiotic that the patient took. As more and more doctors make the connection between their patients’ painful, burning, swollen feet (among other symptoms of peripheral neuropathy) and fluoroquinolones (again, Cipro, Levaquin, Avelox, etc.), they will be more likely to recognize the severity and frequency of adverse reactions to these drugs. They may even start connecting the other symptoms that their patients experience with fluoroquinolones and really, truly acknowledging the damage that these drugs do. This recognition may/should/will start the ball rolling in the direction of doctors actually using fluoroquinolones appropriately – as a drug of last resort, to be used only in life-or-death situations.


Central Coast doctor suspended by health watchdog for anti-vaccination views

Central Coast doctor suspended by health watchdog for anti-vaccination views

The tyranny continues.
Rule 1
Thou shalt have no opinion other than that which the state decrees acceptable!
Rule 2
Where the state is observably and scientifically proven wrong by its own departments, (as in the case of vaccines) refer rule 1.

The article is full of lies (the discredited link between vaccines and autism) which have been well documented even in the CDC’s own data.
