Ignore Logic – Follow The Money

Ignore Logic - Follow The Money

What in heaven’s name are you trying to introduce logic into a discussion prioritising health resources?
Follow the (drug company) money!
It’s ALL about the money!
What does Merck make in profit a day from that non-effective cervical cancer vaccnine, Gardisil? 4.6 million dollars a day?
How many politicians does that buy? A LOT apparently!

All Four Vaccine Makers Are Convicted Felons

All Four Vaccine Makers Are Convicted Felons

Get your head around this if you will. Then tell me you trust vaccines.

Pharma’s rap sheet:







Struggling with Depression? Your Gut May be Damaged by GMOs


It is probably no surprise to anyone that since the fear campaign was launched on the population 911, deressions rates have gone up. What is disturbing is that 13+ years on, the trend worsens! And GMOs do not help! They harm. From the article:

A survey of 41 million health records shows that depression rates have risen universally across the United States. The study reviewed depression rates from 2013 to 2016, and in just three years the rate of increase was very significant. According to health records, major depression among teens rose by a whopping 63%. Young adults faired a little better with a rise of 47%, and those over age 35 saw an increase of 23 to 26%. Of note, however, is that while the older adult population did not rise as much, they already had substantial rates of major depression in 2013—meaning that the increase shows an already bad situation getting worse.

Vaccines Linked To Mental Health Problems

Vaccines Linked To Mental Health Problems

A recent Yale study has called into question the safety of vaccines and could lend fuel to anti-vaccine advocates like Robert F. Kennedy Jr., who has already written a piece covering the study on the news site EcoWatch.

The study, published last month in the journal Frontiers in Psychiatry, reports that patients diagnosed with neuropsychiatric disorders like obsessive-compulsive disorder and anorexia nervosa were more likely to have received vaccinations three months prior to their diagnoses. Though the collaboration between researchers at Pennsylvania State University and the Yale Child Study Center yielded results that seem to dispute the safety of vaccines, the authors asserted that the study needs replication on a larger scale and does not establish a causal relationship between vaccines and neuropsychiatric disorders.

UN Disarmament Pgm

UN Disarmament Pgm

This is a list of conditional targets to genocide.

Don’t think it can’t happen again. Last centrury over 100 million people were killed by their governments.

When a government fears the people, you have freedom.

When a people fears the government, you have tyranny.

When a government wants their citizenry educated, informed, armed and willing to resist oppression, in any form, you have a saner government and a saner, freer society.

When a government wants a controlled, obedient, uneducated and ill informed populace you have dependence and slavery.

Do your own histroy on these points so you recognise these truths then educate and inform your fellow citizens because it is useless only you knowing and acting on these things.

You CAN do something effective.

Be educated.

Be informed.

Spread the word.

Not everyone will listen. A small percentage want to destroy everyone and every thing. 20% of people support them. Only 20% want to improve. Reach those 20% and help them.