ALIVE From New York: The Day Abortion Died


Grab your tissues, this is sure to wet your eyes!

On May 4th 2019, a near perfect 70 degree afternoon, in the middle of Times Square, in New York City, from three sound stages blasting thousands of decibels into the surrounding neighborhoods, the final speaker of the day said that, “Soon… Abortion will become… unthinkable!”

The statement came after a 90 minute program that had been slated as a “public celebration of life.”

Not content to believe the organizers, protestors attempted to disrupt the proceedings. But those protests, which began with profane chants, obscene signs, and thundering drums, ended with nary a whimper, and dispersed far more mysteriously than they had appeared.

Ode to the Warriors of the Light

Here’s an acknowledgement to the warriors I know, interestingly enough. most of them women Mary Szental, Sheryl Pyers, Dyan Thomson, Irene Kondostanos, Karen Hadley, Elaine Wilhelm, Jeffrey Smith, Robert F Kennedy Jnr, Del Bigtree and Rohn Walker as well as the team at Moms Across America are the ones who come instantly to mind but there are many more who don’t…

May your strength attain new highs,
May your courage only grow,
May your wisdom ever rise,
May peace each night you know.

May the strategies you devise,
Permit others to hear your truth,
May your message cut through the lies,
To restore sanity and sooth.

May others spread your word,
So the pace of progress grows,
‘Til many like voices are heard,
In song, speech, poem and prose.

Until combined efforts free the many,
From invisible chains with which they’re bound,
‘Til we’ve a land of honey and plenty,
Where peace and love and harmony abound.

by Tom Grimshaw

Kahlil Gibran, The Garden of The Prophet

“Pity the nation that is full of beliefs and empty of religion.
Pity the nation that wears a cloth it does not weave
and eats a bread it does not harvest.

Pity the nation that acclaims the bully as hero,
and that deems the glittering conqueror bountiful.

Pity a nation that despises a passion in its dream,
yet submits in its awakening.

Pity the nation that raises not its voice
save when it walks in a funeral,
boasts not except among its ruins,
and will rebel not save when its neck is laid
between the sword and the block.

Pity the nation whose statesman is a fox,
whose philosopher is a juggler,
and whose art is the art of patching and mimicking

Pity the nation that welcomes its new ruler with trumpeting,
and farewells him with hooting,
only to welcome another with trumpeting again.

Pity the nation whose sages are dumb with years
and whose strongmen are yet in the cradle.

Pity the nation divided into fragments,
each fragment deeming itself a nation.”

― Kahlil Gibran, The Garden of The Prophet


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Solid Advice

Man Up!

Some more advice, don’t let the government take your guns away. They will say it’s for your safety, It’s not, It’s for their safety. #gunrights #guns #trump2020 #maga2020 #magamemes