Psychiatric Eugenics Then and Now—You Betcha It’s Still Happening

Psychiatric Eugenics

“Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.” (George Santayana)

The Santayana passage with which this article begins is a compelling reminder of the enormous importance of history. We forget societal developments of the past to our peril. What this article particularly invites you to remember is psychiatric and psychiatrically driven eugenics. What makes the Santayana quote particularly tricky when it comes to the subject of this article is that while most people are at least somewhat aware that psychiatry played a role in the sterilization and murder of people deemed unfit to live or to breed, this is generally not even close to the full extent of it. Moreover, in part because the psychiatric industry covers its tracks well, most are unaware that there were a great many more forms of psychiatric eugenics. Similarly, most are oblivious to the fact that psychiatric eugenics initiatives continued to exist—and beyond that, to flourish—long after the end of what is normally thought of as “the eugenics era” (roughly, late nineteen century to 1945).

The upshot? Sadly, in critical ways we are not learning from history what we direly need to learn. And we are now facing an upsurge in twenty-first century psychiatric eugenics, strangely unaware of what we are encountering—and as such, ill-equipped to counter it or even to know that we should be countering. Such is the reason for this blog.

Politics Is The Science Of Fraud

Politics Is The Science Of Fraud

Only yesterday I was thinking of providing a definition of democracy that is apt to today’s corrupt scene. Something along the lines of, “That political system wherein the government takes a percentage of your money then politicians bribe you to vote for them by poromising you personal gain from what they stole from you in the first place while secretly collecting funds from corporate sponsors to fund their election campaigns then passing legislation in the best intersts of those sponsoring corporations, not the people.”

As time goes on I am becoming more convinced that democracy, while it sounds great, is not yielding us good governance.

We need a new system where managers are promoted on their competence as measured by their products and the best managers manage the largest area, federal government.

I doubt this will happen in my lifetime, too many changes would need to occur and they would be too heavily fought by those who stand to lose power and control.

German Historian Predicted the Decline of Western Civilization 100 Years Ago

Oswald Spengler

Is Western Civilization in Decline? I think nearly everyone in the manosphere would agree that it is.

There is a lot of discussion these days about America and the other nations comprising Western Civilization being in decline, and there is certainly a lot of evidence to support this claim.

Whether it be dying populations among the Caucasian races that created the civilization, unchecked immigration rapidly replacing native populations in Europe and the United States, evidence that America is currently and has been behaving as an imperialistic empire but is now slowly losing its power around the world, a culture that seems to completely disregard the importance of family, the building block of civilization, or a loss of religiousness and sense of purpose, signs that something is wrong are everywhere.

You may be surprised to learn that many of the things that have been happening to Western Civilization were written down in a predictive model of history written by German historian and philosopher Oswald Spengler nearly 100 years ago.

Teacher traumatizes 6-year-old by telling her ‘there is no such thing as boys and girls’

Teacher traumatizes 6-year-old by telling her ‘there is no such thing as boys and girls’

This is a direct attack on the children. The most valuable thing you can do for a person is to increase their certainty. This push only decreases a child’s certainty so is destructive in the extreme!

Early on, definitely before school age, if you sanely, without any misemotion, shyness or upset, show a child the difference between a boy and a girl then they have a stable datum with which to hold back the confusion these low life are trying to generate.

Teach kids to look rather than listen. This will hold them in good stead to be able to see the difference between the insanities they hear and the reality of the universe.

First global look finds most rivers awash with antibiotics

Bramaputra River

First global look finds most rivers awash with antibiotics

Each year, humans produce, prescribe, and ingest more antibiotics than they did the year before. Those drugs have done wonders for public health, saving millions from infections that might otherwise have killed them.

But the drugs’ influence persists in the environment long after they’ve done their duty in human bodies. They leach into the outside world, where their presence can spur the development of “antibiotic resistant” strains of bacteria. In a new study that surveyed 72 rivers around the world, researchers found antibiotics in the waters of nearly two-thirds of all the sites they sampled, from the Thames to the Mekong to the Tigris.

That’s a big deal, says Alistair Boxoll, the study’s co-lead scientist and an environmental chemist at the University of York, in the U.K. “These are biologically active molecules, and we as a society are excreting tons of them into the environment,” he says.

That leads to the potential for huge effects on the ecology of the rivers—as well as on human health.

Resistance is growing
Antibiotics prevent harmful infections, saving millions of lives each year. But the populations of the bacteria they fight against can evolve in response, morphing and changing in ways that let them evade death by the drugs designed to kill them. That means an infection by one of these “resistant” bacteria strains is harder, and sometimes impossible, to treat. The U.K. Chief Medical Officer, Professor Dame Sally Davies, says the problem is getting worse each year, and poses a “catastrophic threat” to doctors’ ability to treat basic infections in the future.

A 2016 report found that each year around 700,000 people worldwide die of infections that are resistant to the antibiotics we have today. Scientists, medical experts, and public health officials worry that number could skyrocket as resistance to commonly used medicines increases. In 2014, a U.K.-commissioned study warned that by 2050, antimicrobial-resistant infections could be the leading cause of death worldwide.

Agenda 2030

Agenda 2030

This UN “2030 Agenda” document that pushes a blueprint for so-called “sustainable development” around the world.

This document describes nothing less than a global government takeover of every nation across the planet.

The “goals” of this document are nothing more than code words for a corporate-government fascist agenda that will imprison humanity in a devastating cycle of poverty while enriching the world’s most powerful globalist corporations like Monsanto and DuPont.

In the interests of helping wake up humanity, I’ve decided to translate the 17 points of this 2030 agenda so that readers everywhere can understand what this document is really calling for.