Compulsory Medication versus Freedom of Choice a (very) short play by Tom Grimshaw

A little background before the play.
During WWII the Nazis engaged in horrific and despicable medical experiments on their Jewish prisoners, obviously without their consent. After the war the Nuremberg Code was created to prevent that from ever happening again.

Article 1 of the Nuremberg Code: The voluntary consent of the human subject is absolutely essential.

This means that the person involved should have legal capacity to give consent; should be so situated as to be able to exercise free power of choice, without the intervention of any element of force, fraud, deceit, duress, overreaching, or other ulterior form of constraint or coercion; and should have sufficient knowledge and comprehension of the elements of the subject matter involved as to enable him to make an understanding and enlightened decision. This latter element requires that before the acceptance of an affirmative decision by the experimental subject there should be made known to him the nature, duration, and purpose of the experiment; the method and means by which it is to be conducted; all inconveniences and hazards reasonably to be expected; and the effects upon his health or person which may possibly come from his participation in the experiment.

Now you may already know that after the war Operation Paperclip brought many Nazis to the US so what they learned could be gleaned by the US.

You may also know that the Nuremberg Code has been widely ignored by the US ever since. (Either click directly on the provided links or look up the following in Google: MK Ultra, the Tuskegee Syphilis Experiment, or for a list of 13 – the U.S. Government has been caught conducting an insane amount of vile, inhumane, and grisly experiments on humans without their consent… and often without their knowledge. These are the thirteen most evil, creepy, disturbing cases of human-testing ever conducted by the United States of America.

Now, I am not confining my distrust of government to the other side of the pond, here in Australia we have our own dark history – and present! Fluoride and vaccinations are the two that come most readily to mind.

Compulsory Medication versus Freedom of Choice a (very) short play by Tom Grimshaw

Changes in the metabolism of normal cells promotes the metastasis of ovarian cancer cells

Changes in the metabolism of normal cells promotes the metastasis of ovarian cancer cells

From Tommy Wells…

Focusing cancer treatments on shrinking the tumor has been a catastrophic failure. 100 years ago Otto Warburg, Nobel Prize winner, informed the world that cancer was a metabolic dysfunction. Nobody in science listened. For 100 years the medical establishment looked the other way, and for the past 60 years has distracted people with genetics. Despite the war on cancer being a dismal failure and metastatic cancers being nearly impossible to stop with traditional treatments, the mainstream continued on its merry way making billions off of unsuspecting customers, er patients, who have been tricked into believing that the tumor is the enemy.

Let’s think about something. Knowing that tumors are magnets for heavy metals, toxic chemicals, parabens, and various carcinogens (links below), what do you think the outcome would be of obliterating a tumor with chemotherapy or radiation? Obviously all that toxicity would be spewed out into the blood stream and deposited all throughout the organs and tissues. (Not to mention the toxic nature of the treatment itself) This is why treatments so often cause cancer to come back…it’s because the system is more toxic than it was before, when the original tumor had all the bad stuff relatively contained and isolated from the system. Fat cells do the same thing — if you were to obliterate a whole swath of fat cells, toxicity would flood the system too. They are both warehouses for toxicity. Incidentally, tumors often form in deep layers of fat.

The goal should not be for doctors to shrink the tumor. The goal should be for the patient to flood his body with light and living foods, which will build up and strengthen his immune system so that IT can shrink the tumor at its own pace, so that the body can deal with the wastes. Cancer-elimination is one of the major jobs of the immune system — it knows how to do it, but it needs the light/energy to do so!

But even if the tumor doesn’t shrink, people live decades sometimes with tumors in them. Tumors don’t generally kill people (unless they happen to block a major organ function); toxic/acidic terrains are what kill people — via systemic poisoning. This is why end-stage cancer patients look snake-bit… …it’s because they’re actually being poisoned to death.

Chemo, radiation and surgery should all be discontinued for the vast majority of cancer cases. A new paradigm demands a new treatment. The new paradigm is energy: adding energy. Adding light. Adding strength and building up the immune system, detoxing the body. You don’t get rid of cancer by flooding the body with more toxic chemicals.

“Until quite recently, scientists have focused on the tumor itself,” said the study’s senior author Ernst Lengyel, MD, Ph.D., professor and chair of obstetrics and gynecology at the University of Chicago Medicine. “Everyone does.”

“But given the lack of progress with that approach and the fact the tumors are complex organs comprised of different tumor-supporting cell types (stroma), “we thought it might be better to focus less on the cancer and more on the stroma, the supporting tissue that surrounds the cancer and enables its growth.” “There were significantly higher concentrations of methoxychlor, dichloro-diphenyl-trichloroethane (DDT), hexa-chlorobenzene (HCB), and chlordane in tumor tissue samples compared to the surrounding normal tissue.”

Pesticides in tumor tissue:

Metals strongly accumulate in tumors: “Data suggest that accumulation of Cr and Ni in lung tumors may play a role, at least in part, in the development of lung cancer in Taiwan.”

Parabens in tumors:

Tom’s comments…

So, this begs the old question, “Which comes first, the chicken or the egg?” Does the body create cancer to encapsulate toxins or do tumours attract toxins? If the former, then having less toxins in the body should generate less cancer. This would apear to be born out by the fact that of 150 Egyptians mummies tested for cancer, only one was found to have it whereas today 50% of women and two thirds of men will get cancer.

So my strategy is to consume as few toxins as possible and to detox the body. What’s yours?

MSM Kills Cancer

MSM Kills Cancer

6 Peer reviewed papers below showing the incredible ability of MSM (sulfur supplement) to cause apoptosis of cancer cells, shrink tumors and/or stop metastasis. MSM evidently kills cancer cells within hours, as sulfur is the substance your cells draw on for energy/resources to help kill the bad guys. Almost everyone is low on sulfur because the soils/foods have been depleted of it… which may be a big reason why the cancer epidemic is getting worse and worse.

If you or someone you know either has cancer or doesn’t want cancer, MSM (sulfur) appears to be the real deal. Take your MSM with lots of non-fluoridated/non-cholorinated water (this is critical), some vitamin C and get your sunlight. When the body is sufficiently charged up, cancer doesn’t happen. Allergies don’t happen. Asthma doesn’t happen. Auto immune diseases don’t happen. On and on…I just did a search on cancer. These journal papers are all relatively recent.

Metastatic Melanoma and other cancers: “In conclusion, methyl sulfone may be important, first, as an effective and non-toxic chemotherapeutic compound to treat metastatic melanoma cells and perhaps other metastatic cancers. Additionally, methyl sulfone appears to reprogram metastatic Cloudman M3 melanoma cells into normal healthy melanocytes.”

Breast cancer: “The live cell microscopic study confirmed the ability of MSM to inhibit cell migration and in vivo studies with breast cancer xenograft model confirmed the ability of MSM to suppress tumor growth. Both from in vitro and in vivo analysis we confirmed that MSM had a regulatory mechanism on STAT3, STAT5b, IGF-1R, IGF-1, and VEGF. This confirmed the ability of MSM to suppress tumor initiation, growth, and metastasis.”

Liver cancer: “RESULTS: MSM decreased the growth of HepG2, Huh7-Mock and Huh7-H-rasG12V cells in a dose-dependent manner. That was correlated with significantly increased apoptosis and reduced cell numbers in MSM treated cells. Liver tumor development was greatly inhibited in the H-ras12V transgenic mice treated with MSM, compared to control, by showing reduced tumor size and number.

Prostate cancer: “We observed that MSM decreases the viability and invasiveness of PC cells through the induction of apoptosis and cell cycle arrest in the G0/G1 cell cycle phase. Moreover, MSM in a low dose (200 mM) is able to reduce the migration and invasion of PC cells.”

Colon cancer: “In conclusion, our results show for the first time that MSM induces apoptosis in HCT-116 colon cancer cells regardless of their p53 status. Since p53 is defective in >50% of tumors, the ability of MSM to induce apoptosis independently of p53 may offer an advantage in anti-tumor therapy. Moreover, the remarkable effect of MSM on Bim, an apoptotic protein, also suggests its potential use as a novel chemotherapeutic agent for Bim-targeted anti-cancer therapies.

Squamous cell: “Moreover, treatment with MSM induced apoptosis and up-regulation of BAX in YD-38 cells.”

We’re Now At A Million Plastic Bottles Per Minute – 91% Of Which Are Not Recycled

Coke Bottle

Every person reading this has used a plastic bottle, many of whom likely used one in the past day or week. Plastic, in the recent decades, has become a staple of convenience and a modern lifestyle. The surge in plastic bottle use has accompanied a desire for bottled water as Asia has modernized its lifestyle.

Several recent reports indicate the dire global situation associated with the world’s plastic use. Two statistics jump out immediately. One, that globally humans buy a million plastic bottles per minute. The second, 91% of all plastic is not recycled. On top of that, it is estimated that over half a trillion plastic bottles will be sold in 2020.

This presents an overwhelming challenge in responding to an exponential increase in recyclable yet un-recycled products.

Preserve Our Wildlife!

Hi Tom
Every three years, the NSW Environment Protection Authority releases a report card on the health of our wildlife, forests, rivers, ocean, air and climate. Late yesterday, it released the latest State of the Environment Report, and the results are damning.
In just three years, the number of critically endangered species has jumped 30%, approved land clearing has skyrocketed 244%, and 1025 native species are now threatened with extinction.
We know what the NSW Government needs to do to turn things around – it must end deforestation, protect koala habitat, return water to our rivers and tackle climate change – but they won’t act if we don’t push them.
As I write this email, MPs are setting priorities for this term, so it is the perfect time to tell them to take urgent action to save koalas, forests and our climate.
Please email your state MP and ask them to commit to protect our koalas, forests, rivers and climate this term of government.
With a new parliament and a new team of MPs sitting on the benches, we have a fresh chance to push our leaders to act before it’s too late.
Alarm bells have been ringing loud and clear this week, here and around the world. A few days before the EPA released its report, United Nations scientists warned one million species would become extinct if we keep trashing the planet the way we have been, with catastrophic consequences for people everywhere.
Thanks to these two reports and recent opinion polling in the run up to the state and federal elections, MPs know the environment is a top priority for the community.
On Tuesday, when Matt Kean was asked his first question in parliament as our new Environment Minister, he said the UN report was an “important wake up call for all of us”. Importantly, he said it was not too late to make a difference and “that’s exactly what I intend to do”.
Please take a moment to email your local MP now to ask them to commit to protecting our koalas, forests, rivers and climate.
People power is already helping turn the tide. Australia’s nature laws have been letting us down, allowing habitat destruction and mining interests to trump community interests and our unique wildlife. But thanks to people like you speaking up, the federal Labor Party has promised to overhaul Australia’s nature laws if elected on May 18. This is a step in the right direction and could provide significantly more protection for our wildlife and wild places.
Let’s show our MPs that the people expect urgent action to save our wildlife and natural places. Email your MP today.
Thank you for being a voice for nature,
KateCEONature Conservation Council of NSW

Are They Insane?

The Illusion Of Free Choice

I read a meme on Facebook that said the only thing between us and extinction is a six inch layer of topsoil, sunlight and rain.

Then I read the US are planning on block the sun’s rays and the Australian government is allowing coal companies to destroy our farming land for the coal underneath it.

And I wonder, “Are they insane?”

I read about the deformed babies being born in Iraq after exposure to depleted uranium munitions.

Then I hear of the Australian government letting the US Navy bombard our coast with depleted uranium munitions during war games.

And I wonder, “Are they insane?”

I see a video of a mother turning on her kitchen tap, holding a lighter to it and the gas in the water catching alight from the water polluted by gas fracking.

Then I read of the Australian Labor Party promising to spend AU$1.5 BILLION dollars to build a pipeline to transport fracked gas from the Northern Territory.

And I wonder, “Are they insane?”

I hear of generous welfare amounts being given to migrants who have (and in some cases will never) contribute to this country.

Then I hear from a mate in his 70s how difficult it is for social workers to find accommodation for people like him and how the social worker tells him she cries sometimes at the injustice of the system grossly favouring migrants rather than people who have worked and paid their taxes for 40+ years.

And I wonder, “Are they insane?”

I hear of our farmers, desperate for water.

Then I hear of Adani polluting with their operations, being given approval despite not satisfying ecological requirements, illegally drilling prior to approval and the danger their coal mine presents to the Great Barrier Reef, the billions of litres of water that will be used by them without payment, depriving our farmers of much needed water.

And I wonder, “Are they insane?”

I read about the Vietnamese civilians born with deformities and the US troops with health issues after exposure to Agent Orange and the same company that made it being successfully sued for their glyphosate containing weedkiller, Roundup, causing cancer and the WHO calling glyphosate a probably carcinogen.

Then I read the US EPA preparing to allow it to continue to be sold AND IT STILL BEING ALLOWED TO BE SOLD HERE IN OZ.

And I wonder, “Are they insane?”

I hear the Liberal Party claiming their great management of the economy.

Then I hear the coutry is in more debt than we have ever been and we have more than 30% of people over 65 living on or below the poverty line.

And I wonder, “Are they insane?”

I see a whistleblower video of organ harvesting from live patients, apparently state sanctioned in China. So you can appreciate their respect for the value of human life is a tad less than you and I might want it to be. I read of the food reserve buffer in the world shrinking which makes us more vulnerable to crop failures.

Then I hear we have sold a huge quantity of a farmland and infrastructure to Chinese interests with government approval. And I wonder, “What would happen if there was a crop failure in China? What if a significant portion of our local crop was just shipped offshore without us getting any?”

And I wonder, “Are they insane?”

I hear of African migrants forming gangs and terrorising honest, law abiding citizens in their own homes and on the streets and still allowed to stay here. I here of other migrants brought before the courts on sexual assault charges and not even serving jail terms because it was due to cultural differences.

And I wonder, “Are they insane?”

We have an election coming up in a couple of weeks. Please think about these points (and probably others you have in mind) before doing the same old, same old and voting Greens, Labor, Liberal or Nationals. They are the architects of the above insanities.

And Clive Palmer wants to give one of the great polluters of the world the go ahead to mine coal and potentially destroy the Great Barrrier Reef. We can do better than that Clive!

Here are some alternatives to check out:
IMOParty and Health Australia are both solidly pro vaccine choice and anti-compulsory vaccination.
CEC are dead against the criminal bankers and thier parliamentary coconspiritors stealing your bank deposits with bail in legislation.
Liberal Democrats are for more personal freedoms than the majors. Here’s one person’s take on it:

A Word From my 15 Year Old Granddaughter, Shianne

Just wanted to share something with everyone.

The world would be a much better place if we were all kinder to each other. Not just when you’re talking to a teacher, waiter, boss or barista, but also in situations where others aren’t being kind to you. Sometimes we have every right to not be kind to others because of how they are treating us, but if we can recognise that everyone has their own shit going on and treat everyone kindly, the world will be a much better place.

Have a great morning/afternoon/night!

The Vaccine Issue Braxton DeGarmo MD

The Vaccine Issue Braxton DeGarmo MD

First and foremost, everything you’ve ever heard or read stating that “the science on vaccines is settled” is wrong.

Five years ago, I stood firmly in the pro-vaccine camp. As a physician, we were never taught specifically about vaccines, although we learned about the forms of immunity our bodies possess.

We were told that vaccines worked, they were crucial to public health, and that we could trust the CDC, WHO, and other health agencies which had only our “best interests” at heart.

Since retiring from practice, I’ve actually had the time to research the topic and discovered just how naive I was.

This is just a “brief” summary of what I’ve learned. I could add pages and pages on each vaccine.