
Lectins are a toxic substance that plants make to prevent insects from eating them. They are lethal to some insects and apparently not that good for many people too.

Like many things there is probably a gradient scale of toerance to lectins. Some bodies probably have a much better tolerance to them and some are extrememly sensitive to them and do much better without them.

If you have unexplained stomach issues, here is some data from Dr Gundry that you may want to use as a basis for experimenting with your diet.

Lectins Cause Digestive System Damage
Some lectins can survive both heat and stomach acid.
Lectins stick to many types of cells.
Lectins strip away the mucosal lining of your gut making it suseptible to IBS, colitis, Crohn’s etc.

Lectins Punch Holes In Your Intestinal Walls
This acauses them to leak into your blood stream (laky gut).

Lectins Increase Appetite
Stick to cells that produce leptin, the hormone that signals satiety or fullness.

Lectins Damage Blood Vessels
This endothelial dysfunction leads to hypertension, diabetes and heart disease.

A 200 person study of people who cut out lectins showed that after 6 months there was:

A 72% decrease in endothelial dysfunction and
the markers of cardiovascular disease decreased in 100% of those in the study.

Mono and oligosaccharides prevent lectins from sticking to your cells.

Foods that contain lectins are:

Soy Beans
All Soy Products
All Grains:
All Nightshades:
All Peppers
Almost All Tree Nuts
Most Seeds
String Beans
Dairy Products
Eggs (most especially from grain fed chooks)

Watch Dr Gundry explain the subject here www.lectinblocker.com

Turmeric treats depression without side effects


A landmark study on curcumin and its effects on depression, however, could spell new hope and an increased quality of life for those suffering from this disorder. The new breakthrough research concluded that curcumin was as effective as Prozac in treating depressive disorders but lacked any serious side effects and was well-tolerated by patients across the board.


Help When You Can

I have come to the conclusion that many things in life are like the Kelloggs All Bran ad from 20 years ago, “If you eat it, you don’t need it.”

I send these little messages out and the people who would read and heed it probably don’t need it and the people who need it wouldn’t read or heed it.

But sometimes some of us need reminding from time to time so for the few who know it but need to be reminded of it, here it is!

Don’t Watch The News!


Constant negative news stories are instilling ‘learned helplessness’ in Americans

Don’t let the actions of the small minority of evil doers dull your light. Be aware of them, avoid the negative consequences of their actions as much as possible, share the truth but most importantly, continue to use your own unique creative, constrive ability to make a better world for you and others!
