Rescuing World War II History by Paul Craig Roberts

The American Free Press has published a book by John Wear titled Germany’s War: The Origins, Aftermath & Atrocities of World War II. The book is a compendium of WW II revisionist history. Wear pulls together work of Harry Elmer Barnes, James Bacque, Viktor Suvorov, David Hoggan, David Irving, and others to deliver a picture of WWII very different from the standard view that is familiar to all of us.

This is a courageous undertaking as Hitler and the Third Reich are respectively the most demonized leader and government in history. Adjusting the familiar story in the interest of a more truthful history opens John Wear to charges of being a Nazi sympathizer. Powerful Jewish lobbies also have vested interests in defending the official story, and those who trespass upon it are designated anti-semites and holocaust deniers.

To review a book that itself is a review of extensive historical research is beyond my capability. I have secured permission from the American Free Press to post Wear’s book chapter by chapter. You will see that there is a different story from the one taught to us. You make of it what you will.

My reason for posting Wear’s chapters is that of all of the many articles I posted in 2019 on a large variety of subjects of intense interest, the ones most read were about World War II. My article, “Germany Did Not Start World War II,” was the most widely read. My article, “The Lies About World War II,” was the second most widely read. My article, “The Truth About World War II Is Beginning To Emerge 74 Years Later,” was the fourth most widely read. That three of the four most widely read articles of the 834 postings this year on this website as of December 28 are about WW II indicates great interest in understanding WWII.

The carefully controlled explanation of World War II has shaped post-war history as much as any other force. If we are to be an aware people in charge of our destiny, we have to escape from controlled explanations even when the new explanation is unpalatable.

This is not to say that Wear is completely correct and the official story is completely incorrect. What is clearly wrong is the standard emphasis that Germany was the sole villain. Revisionist historians have made nonsense of this false claim.

It should not be surprising that the official history is problematic. It was written by the court historians of the victors for the purposes of making the court historians popular and successful by presenting the war as a great moral achievement. Unfortunately, this led to self-worship as Americans were declared to be the “The Greatest Generation” and then by the neconservatives to be the “exceptional, indispensable people.”

In the 21st century this view of ourselves has so far had two disastrous outcomes. One is the destruction in whole or part of seven Muslim countries. The other is the resurrection of the highly dangerous nuclear arms race and Cold War with Russia.

Truth is the best protection against destructive self-deception. Those who attempt to get at the truth should be respected rather than smeared and shouted down or locked away on false charges as Julian Assange and Manning are.

World War II, as far as I can tell, was the result of the ambitions of four men. Hitler wanted to put Germany, dismembered by the Versailles Treaty after WWI despite President Woodrow Wilson’s “guarantee” of no territorial losses, back together. Churchill wanted to use war and the threat of war to gain the Prime Minstership and to be a successful war leader like his ancestor the Duke of Marlborough. Roosevelt wanted England ruined by war so that Washington could take the world reserve currency role away from the British pound and control international finance. Stalin wanted to take advantage of a war torn Europe to add Eastern and Western Europe to his Communist empire.

Historians have not explained WWII in this way. In the official history, Hitler’s ambitions are misrepresented or overstated. The ambitions of Churchill, Roosevelt, and Stalin are largely ignored. The revisionist historians are bringing these neglected ambitions into the story.

Everyone is entitled to his own opinion, but only if it is an informed and considered opinion. Don’t be too hasty to arrive at an opinion until you have considered all aspects to the story. Keep in mind that fake news did not begin with the Democrats’ attack on Trump. It has always been a control mechanism that governments have used to coverup their crimes and to justify and build public support for their policies. War propaganda is the epitome of fake news.

Some years ago I wrote that if Hitler had not followed Napoleon into self-destruction by invading Russia, the Third Reich would still be standing. In order that the incompetents and trolls who denigrate truth-tellers on Wikipedia do not misrepresent me as a person who regrets Hitler’s demise, I will say that I am not lamenting Hitler’s demise, only acknowledging the folly of invading Russia, a folly that some of those who denigrate me wish to repeat.

A couple of readers corrected me about Hitler’s march into Russia. The German invasion of Russia was not a folly, they said. It saved Europe from Soviet conquest. The readers said that Hitler had no choice as Germany was faced with Soviet invasion. Their contention seemed implausible to me. I was influenced by standard history, such as Overy’s account that Hitler, frustrated by Britain’s refusal to negotiate peace, decided the reason was Britain’s hope that the Soviet Union would enter the war on the British side. Hitler decided to defeat the Soviet Union in order “to bring Britain to the negotiating table.” I attributed Hitler’s amazing initial success of his invasion of the Soviet Union to Stalin’s purge of the Soviet officer corps, leaving a leaderless army.

Not being a WWII history buff I was unfamiliar with Suvorov who has conclusively proven that Stalin was on the verge of a massive invasion of Germany and Western Europe with the most formidable army in history assembling on Germany’s border. As the Soviet army was being assembled in attack formation and not in defense in depth, caught offguard it was decimated. Suvorov says Hitler was aware of the impending Soviet attack and struck first. But David Irving reports that Hitler later said to his generals that if he had known of the massive size of the Soviet Army, its superior weapon systems, and its massive war production capability, he would not have attacked. I wait for historians to resolve whether Hitler’s attack was pre-emptive or a fortuitous event that saved Western Europe from Soviet conquest. Either way, the history of WWII is substantially different from the official history.

I have not read all of the revisionist historians or all of the standard histories. Nevertheless, I think I might be able to provide a brief indication of basic differences. Revisionist historians begin with Hitler’s aim of restoring the boundaries of Germany. Hitler’s aim was motivated less by territorial ambition than by the persecution, dispossession, and murder of German people under Polish and Czech rule. The pressure on Hitler, leader of a resurgent Germany, to protect Germans was intense.

Everywhere except Poland, Hitler suceeded in restoring Germany’s boundaries and in uniting with German Austria without war. Official history attributes Hitler’s success not to its inherrent rationality but to the cowardice of the British and French who appeased Hitler. British Prime Minister Chamberlain’s return from Munich with “peace in our time” has been much ridiculed by standard history. Revisionist historians see it differently. The British and French understood that the Versailles Treaty had been a mistake and to avoid war were willing to accept the reconstitution of Germany until it came to Poland. Here the British interferred in the negotiations between Hitler and the Polish military dictatorship by giving Poland a “guarantee” to come to Poland’s defense against Germany. This extraordinary act gave the Polish military dictatorship control over British war policy. This control was immediately used by breaking off negotiations with Germany. When Hitler attacked Poland, together with the Soviet Union, the British and French declared war on Germany, but not on the Soviet Union. The fact that the British caused WWII by giving Poland an unenforceable guarantee and by declaring war on Germany is the most neglected aspect of standard histories.

In standard histories the war is from start to finish Hitler’s War. Even Richard Overy’s sensible standard history, The Origins of the Second World War, begins with Hitler’s responsibility: “Without Hitler’s restless quest for empire, war might have been avoided.” In his quest for empire, Hitler “provoked” and “launched” World War II. Later in his book Overy repeats his claim: “The choice of war and grandiose imperialism was Hitler’s . . .”

Overy knows that revisionist historians have gained in credibility and acceptance. Overy is unwilling to stick with the traditional account with which he opens, but he knows he has to be careful in moving away from it. Having blamed Hitler’s restless quest for empire on his first page, Overy acknowledges on his second page British and French responsibility:

“It must not be forgotten that war in 1939 was declared by Britain and France on Germany and not the other way round. A large part of any explanation for the war that broke out in September 1939 must rest on this central point. Why did the two Western powers go to war with Germany? Immediately the question is put this way round, the role of Germany assumes a new and very different perspective.”

Overy makes an honest and reasonable attempt to explain WWII in terms of resource conflicts between the British and French empires on the one hand and the empire-desiring “have-not” countries of Germany, Italy and Japan on the other hand. Overy finds another cause of the war in the decline of the British and French empires. The impression that their power was fading made the British and French even more determined to assert their influence as predominant. The rise of nationalism is also an ingredient in Overy’s pot. His conclusion is:

“The cause of the Second World War was not just Hitler. The war was brought about by the interplay beween specific factors, of which Hitler was one, and the more general causes making for instability in the international system.

“These general causes can be traced back, as we have seen, to the strains placed on the diplomatic world in the late nineteenth century by the rise of nationalism, empire-building, and industrial power.”

In other words, Hitler was a catalyst that set off impersonal forces that were primed for war. The ambitions of Churchill, Roosevelt, and Stalin are not in the picture. In this way Overy succeeds in adjusting standard history for some revisionist facts while protecting the victorious allies from accountability. In Overy’s index and bibliography, there are no references to Barnes, Bacque, Irving, Suvorov and other revisionists who have pushed Overy through four editions of his history to a more inclusive account of WWII. I don’t know the reason for the absence of revisionist references, but I suspect that Overy wishes to protect his incremental improvements to the history of WWII from charges of soft-on-Hitler revisionism.

Truth can only be arrived at, if at all, through free expression and fact-based open debate. Ruling entire subjects closed to investigation does not advance truth. In many countries doubting the Holocaust is illegal and lands a person in prison. According to reports I have read, the German government has apparently gone further and has made it illegal to doubt the official history of Germany’s sole guilt for WWII. With constraints like these, how can we know the truth? Moreover, such severe constraints on historical investigation make historians shy away from making any correction to historical accounts. All revisionism is suspect because it might move into forbidden territory and ruin the historian’s career.

Overy has maneuvered his way through this minefield carefully and has succeeded in moderating the one-sided history of German guilt. Perhaps in his fifth edition Overy will bring the guilt of Churchill, Roosevelt, and Stalin into focus.

With this column serving as an introduction, John Wear’s book will appear chapter by chapter in the Guest section of my website. Not much of Wear’s book needs to be correct in order to substantially alter the history of the Second World War.

The first chapter of Wear’s book is here:

Replace These Two

Replace These Two

Please recall their compassionless incompetence next time you have to fill in a ballot paper. And don’t think Labor would have done better. It’s well past time we scrapped those parties and elected representatives of the people rather than people who represent the parties!

“The truth about mobile phone and wireless radiation” — Dr Devra Davis

Microwaving The Brain

“Based on this work and other work done the magazine Consumer Reports recommends that nobody keep a mobile phone in their pocket.”

Tom: That goes for you girls putting one in your bra too! I might be male but I have spoken to enough girls to know that breast cancer is no fun, believe me!

The second pic is that of radiation penetration into the brain of a 3 year old of a 6 minute phone call.

Community-Led Efforts to Ban Glyphosate in Public Spaces Pick up Speed

Ban Glyphosate

A decade ago, when Kathleen Hallal’s three young sons were battling auto-immune disorders, the Irvine, California, resident realized that powerful herbicides were often being sprayed in the schoolyards, fields, and parks where they spent most of their time.

“I’d see my kids stretch and roll in the grass. Other kids would be digging in the dirt where they had just sprayed Roundup. No one paid attention to the yellow warning signs,” said Hallal, referring to the controversial herbicide that contains glyphosate.

Hallal contacted pediatricians, organic lawn managers, even a retired scientist from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). For over two years, she pushed the school district to ban glyphosate and other synthetic pesticides—and succeeded in 2015. The following year, she formed a group with several other parents and they convinced the entire city of Irvine to ban pesticides in public spaces and switch to organic lawn care. In the following months, activists in nearby cities of San ClementeMalibu, and Burbank also moved to implement bans.

Today, Hallal’s organization, Non-Toxic Communities, is a model for others around the country hoping to do away with herbicides in public spaces and transition to organic lawn management. And while she says the fight was lonely and arduous for a long time, over the past two years, hundreds of cities, counties, schools, and other entities have followed suit. They include Los Angeles Countythe University of California systemHawaii CountyMiamiTucson, and Seattle. Many places have made these moves amid intense public interest stemming from a flood of litigation against Bayer (formerly Monsanto), the maker of Roundup.

In WWI More Soldiers Died of Disease Than War

Serum From Horse Blood

More soldiers died from disease than bullets during WWI.

The Spanish Flu was neither Spanish nor Flu. According to a 2008 study by the U.S. National Institute of Health, the “predominant” killer in 1918-19 was bacterial pneumonia, and the first cases were not in Spain.

Initial outbreaks can be traced to U.S. military bases. A bacterial vaccine experiment on soldiers at Fort Riley, Kansas is one of the military epicenters of the epidemic.

The serums, anti-toxins and vaccines used on soldiers were made in horses at the Rockefeller Institute in New York (and in NJ). The same horses were used “in the preparation of diphtheria, tetanus antitoxin and antimeningococcus serum.” Same horses, multiple pathogens.

When WW1 ended on November 11, 1918, soldiers returned to their home countries and colonial outposts, spreading the killer bacterial pneumonia worldwide.

During WW1, the Rockefeller Institute also sent similar batches of the antimeningococcus serum used at Fort Riley to England, France, Belgium, Italy and other countries.

Vaccine experiments like the WWI experiments on soldiers in WW1 are not a thing of the past. Watch as Dr. Stanley Plotkin,(2) the Godfather of the US vaccine program, describes his vaccine experiments on the mentally handicapped, orphans, children of mothers in prison. Dr. Plotkin expresses a preference for experimenting “on children and adults who are human in form but not in social potential.” The deposition was taken in January 2018.

In Part 1, I asked if medical products made in horses may have played a role in the new disease which killed millions worldwide in the pandemic of 1918-19.

The December 1917 issue of Popular Mechanics magazine (3) sheds light on the vaccine manufacturing process of 100 years ago.

The feature article, “How New York City’s Health Department Makes Serums and Vaccines for the United States Army” describes processes in place in 1917:

“After the horse has been inoculated with the disease poison in gradually increasing doses he is bled and his serum is found to be antitoxin.

This is administered to human beings and renders them immune to the disease …. Some horses give more antitoxin serum than others.

The same horse may be used at several different times for the preparation of distinctly different antitoxins … Horses are used in the preparation of diphtheria, tetanus antitoxin and antimeningococcus serum. “

It is difficult to believe that they used the same horses to make multiple disease serums, but they did.

If safety had been a concern, perhaps certain horses would have been dedicated to producing serum for one disease (or “poison” as the article calls it), but safety does not appear to be on the list of concerns.

These muddled and potentially contaminated serums were then given to soldiers (and to the public).

Were pathogens transferred from these horses to humans in mass quantities in ways they had never transferred before?

Humans and horses had interacted closely for centuries, but horse serum had not been injected into humans in that way before, bypassing the human immune system.

Is it possible that this new method of exposure caused the bacterial pneumonias which ripped human lungs apart in ways never seen before?

Could pathogens relatively harmless to horse lungs make a species-jump and destroy human lungs?

In 1919, a Dutch military veterinarian named Captain Emile Bemelmans “developed an extensive theory on the relation between human and animal influenza …. In 1919, he argued that ‘the human ‘flu’ and the so-called ‘infectious disease of the breast’ of horses are exactly identical in aetiological, bacteriological and epidemiological senses’.

In her 2014 paper “‘Spanish’ flu and army horses: what historians and biologists can learn from a history of animals with flu during the 1918–1919 influenza pandemic”, Dr. Floor Haalboom describes Bemelmans’s work:

“In 1919, Bemelmans’s argument on the identical nature of human and horse influenza in the Nederlandsch Tijdschrift voor Geneeskunde (the Dutch medical journal) was reviewed in the veterinary journal,

… in 1914 he extended his theory on horse flu to several human and animal infectious diseases in an article in the Dutch medical journal. Bemelmans listed human influenza as an example among many other animal and human diseases which he thought were accompanied by (deadly) infections of streptococci.

Although he did not yet argue that human and horse flu were exactly equal, he did explicitly note their similarities: ‘Also between the human influenza and the so-called breast disease in horses peculiar similarities exist’…

… In these papers, Bemelmans addressed the nature of influenza (although he still preferred the name ‘flu’) of both humans and horses. He opposed the ideas that Pfeiffer’s bacterium or a filterable virus caused the disease, but thought toxins made by the bacteria streptococci were responsible for its deadly secondary complications. “ (4)

Dr. Bemelmans’s contemporaneous observations have largely been lost to history, in part because of the self important attitude of the medical community.

The hubris of the medical community prevented them from listening to a lowly veterinarian.

However, Dr. Bemelmans’s observations and persistence in getting them published are extraordinarily valuable. His awareness at the time that bateria was the killer of both humans and horses in the pandemic of 1918-19 put him decades ahead of his contemporaries.

The NIH paper describing bacteria as the predominant killer was published in 2008.(5)

If Dr. Bemelmans was correct that horses and humans were suffering from an identical disease, are there diseases identical (or very similar) in both horses and humans? Do any of those diseases target the lungs?

“Animal Models – A Neglected Medical Resource”, Cornelius, CE, DVM, Ph.D.N Engl J Med 1969; 281:934-944 (6)

In a 1969 paper, Kansas State University veterinarian Dr. Charles E. Cornelius compiled a list of diseases which were very similar or identical in humans and various other species. Among the diseases identical/very similar in humans and horses is pulmonary emphysema, which targets the lungs.

Did a pathogen which causes pulmonary emphysema “species-jump” from horses to humans in these serums and vaccines?

The vaccines were obviously manufactured in primitive, unavoidably unsafe conditions and then given to WW1 soldiers as an experiment.
What exactly was in the serums and vaccines made in the horses at the Rockefeller Institute – especially considering that the same individual horses were used to for variety of serums for multiple diseases?

Recall from Part 1 that Streptococci bacteria were commonly found in the tissue samples from the autopsies of those who died in 1918-19. (5)

Cornelius said human and horse pulmonary emphysema are identical. Bemelmans reported that humans and horses were suffering from the same disease.

Did doctors treating soldiers suffering from “Spanish Flu” report on encountering a new killer type of pulmonary emphysema, causing lung damage that they had ever seen before?

“Acute Pulmonary Emphysema Observed During the Epidemic of Influenzal Pneumonia at Camp Hancock, Georgia”Robert G. Torrey American Journal of the Medical Sciences 1919, p. 170 – 181 (7)

Captain Dr. Torrey served at Camp Hancock, just outside of Augusta, GA. The soldiers who came through Camp Hancock were likely on their way to Charleston, SC to board ships to France, but many of them would not survive to get to the front.

Thousands died at Camp Hancock. Some who survived the illness likely made it to the ships, potentially passing the infectious bacteria to other soldiers in the unsanitary conditions which were rampant during WWI.

From Dr. Torrey’s report:
“… Certain conditions were invariably present, including an intense bronchitis and peribronchitis similar to that found in a previous epidemic of pure hemolytic streptococcus infection (Scarlet Fever). There was also present from the first a destructive softening of the lung parenchyma.

“In addition to this there was always an early and persisting generalized pulmonary emphysema which frequently was the main factor in causing death by interference with the mass movement of venous blood.

“These conditions were found in every case examined at autopsy. Except for frequent otitis media (ear infection) there were almost no complications or sequelae outside of the chest.

“The pulmonary emphysema, with consequent venous stasis, accounted for the cyanosis (turning blue/purple color), epistaxis (nosebleeds) and fixation of the chest in the phase of extreme inspiration (inhaling), with low stand of the diaphragm, which characterized these cases, and also accounted for the paradoxical physical signs (paradoxical breathing) in which fluid developed in the chest.”

Torrey describes what happened to these soldiers as they died. They were coughing, becoming “cloud adults” (8) (as described in Part 1).
It looked like a bacterial infection to him. Autopsies showed lung tissue had been damaged, which restricted blood flow, turning the dying a bluish/purple color, due to lack of oxygen.

When the patients tried to inhale, their diaphragms constricted instead of expanded, the opposite of what diaphragms are supposed to do.(9) Fluids then filled their lungs, and many did not survive, literally the fluid in their lungs strangling the soldiers to death.

There is a highly contagious horse respiratory infection called Strangles (or Distemper). If this disease can kill horses, what would it do to human lungs if introduced into humans, via injection and therefore bypassing the immune system, on a mass scale?

“Strangles is a highly contagious upper respiratory infection of horses caused by the bacteria Streptococcus equi subspecies equi (S. equi). It is transmitted by inhalation or direct contact with contaminated surfaces (for example horses sharing water buckets).“ (10)

Did streptococcus equi contaminate the serums and vaccines made in horses produced at the Rockefeller Institute and injected into soldiers in a vaccine experiment? Was streptococcus equi in the medical serums given to the soldiers as treatments? Was it some other pathogen which species jumped?

Did medical hubris lead to a mistake which caused a species jump which killed 50-100 million people 100 years ago?

The vaccine industry is always looking for human test subjects. They have the most success when they are able to find populations who are not in a position to refuse. Soldiers (11), infants, the disabled, prisoners, those in developing nations – anyone not in a position to refuse.

Vaccine experimentation on vulnerable populations is not an issue of the past.

Watch this video clip of Dr. Stanley Plotkin where he describes using experimental vaccines on orphans, the mentally retarded, prisoners, and those under colonial rule.

The deposition was in January 2018.

The hubris of the medical community is the same or worse now than it was 100 years ago.

Watch as Dr. Plotkin admits to writing,

“The question is whether we are to have experiments performed on fully functioning adults and on children who are potentially contributors to society or to perform initial studies in children and adults who are human in form but not in social potential.”

In part because the global community is well aware of medical hubris and well aware of the poor record of medical ethics, the Universal Declaration on Bioethics and Human Rights (13) developed international standards regarding the right to informed consent to preventative medical procedures like vaccination.

The international community is well aware that the pharmaceutical industry makes mistakes and is always on the lookout for human test subjects.

The Declaration states that individuals have the human right to consent to any preventative medical intervention like vaccination.
Article 3 – Human dignity and human rights

  1. Human dignity, human rights and fundamental freedoms are to be fully respected.
  2. The interests and welfare of the individual should have priority over the sole interest of science or society.

Article 6 – Consent

  1. Any preventive, diagnostic and therapeutic medical intervention is only to be carried out with the prior, free and informed consent of the person concerned, based on adequate information. The consent should, where appropriate, be express and may be withdrawn by the person concerned at any time and for any reason without disadvantage or prejudice. (13)

Clean water, sanitation, flushing toilets, refrigerated foods and healthy diets have done and still do far more to protect humanity from infectious diseases than any vaccine program. Doctors and the vaccine industry have usurped credit which rightfully belongs to plumbers, electricians, sandhogs, engineers and city planners.

For these reasons, policy makers at all levels of government should protect the human rights and individual liberties of individuals to opt out of vaccine programs via exemptions.

The hubris of the medical community will never go away. Policy makers need to know that vaccines like all medical interventions are not infallible. Vaccines are not magic. We all have different susceptibility to disease. Human beings are not one size fits all.
In 1918-19, the vaccine industry experimented on soldiers, likely with disastrous results.

In 2018, the vaccine industry experiments on infants every day. The vaccine schedule has never been tested as it is given. The results of the experiment are in: 1 in 7 American children is in some form of special education and over 50% have some form of chronic illness. (14)

In 1918-19, there was no safety follow up after vaccines were delivered.

In 2018, there is virtually no safety follow up after a vaccine is delivered. Who exactly gave you that flu shot at Rite Aid? Do you have the cell number of the store employee if something goes wrong?

In 1918-19, there was no liability to the manufacturer for injuries or death caused by vaccines.

In 2018, there is no liability for vaccine manufacturers for injuries or death caused by vaccines, which was formalized in 1986. (15)

In 1918-19, there was no independent investigative follow up challenging the official story that “Spanish Flu” was some mystery illness which dropped from the sky.

I suspect that many of those at the Rockefeller Institute knew what happened, and that many of the doctors who administered the vaccines to the troops knew what happened, but those people are long dead.

In 2018, the Pharmaceutical industry is the largest campaign donor to politicians and the largest advertiser in all forms of media, so not much has changed over 100 years. This story will likely be ignored by mainstream media because their salaries are paid by pharmaceutical advertising.

The next time you hear someone say “vaccines save lives” please remember that the true story of the cost/benefit of vaccines is much more complicated than their three word slogan.

Also remember that vaccines may have killed 50-100 million people in 1918-19. If true, those costs greatly outweighed any benefit, especially considering that plumbers, electricians, sandhogs and engineers did, and continue to do, the real work which reduces mortality from disease.

Vaccines are not magic.(16) Human rights and bioethics are critically important. Policy makers should understand the history of medical hubris and protect individual and parental human rights as described in the Universal Declaration on Bioethics and Human Rights.
Kevin Barry is the President of First Freedoms, Inc. a 501.c.3. He is a former federal attorney, a rep at the UN HQ in New York and the author of Vaccine Whistleblower: Exposing Autism Research Fraud at the CDC. Please support his work at
Read the full article at

  1. Part 1 of this series
  2. Dr. Stanley Plotkin: vaccine experiments on orphans, the mentally retarded, and others (January 2018)
  3. “How New York City’s Health Department Makes Serums and Vaccines for the United States Army,” see Slide 7
    Popular Science, December 1917
    Courtesy Smithsonian Libraries, National Museum of American History
  4. Haalboom, F., 2014. ‘Spanish’ flu and army horses: what historians and biologists can learn from a history of animals with flu during the 1918–1919 influenza pandemic. Studium, 7(3), pp.124–139. DOI:

5,. J Infect Dis. 2008 Oct 1; 198(7): 962–970. Predominant Role of Bacterial Pneumonia as a Cause of Death in Pandemic Influenza: Implications for Pandemic Influenza Preparedness
David M. Morens, Jeffery K. Taubenberger, and Anthony S. Fauci

  1. Animal Models – A Neglected Medical Resource
    Cornelius, CE, DVM, Ph.D.
    Department of Physiological Sciences, College of Veterinary Medicine, Kansas State University October 23, 1969
    N Engl J Med 1969; 281:934-944
  2. “Acute Pulmonary Emphysema Observed During the Epidemic of Influenzal Pneumonia at Camp Hancock, Georgia”
    Robert G. Torrey
    American Journal of the Medical Sciences 1919, p. 170 – 181
  3. Horse Strangles | Streptococcus equi subsp equi infection in horses (2015)
    Ashley G. Boyle, DVM, DACVIM (Large Animal Internal Medicine), Department of Clinical Studies, New Bolton Center, University of Pennsylvania, School of Veterinary Medicine
  4. Deaths from Bacterial Pneumonia during 1918–19 Influenza Pandemic
    John F. Brundage* and G. Dennis Shanks†
    Author affiliations: *Armed Forces Health Surveillance Center, Silver Spring, Maryland, USA; †Australian Army Malaria Institute, Enoggera, Queensland, Australia
  5. What is paradoxical breathing?
    Sun 5 November 2017
  6. Is Military Research Hazardous to Veterans’ Health? Lessons Spanning Half a Century, A Staff Report Prepared for the Committee on Veterans’ Affairs, United States Senate, December 1994
  7. Dr. Stanley Plotkin: vaccine experiments on orphans, the mentally retarded, and others (January 2018)
  8. Universal Declaration on Bioethics and Human Rights (19 October 2005)…/ev.php-URL_ID=31058&URL_DO=DO_TO…
  9. CDC Offers New Stats On Disability Prevalence
  10. 1986 Vaccine Injury Compensation Act
  11. “How New York City’s Health Department Makes Serums and Vaccines for the United States Army,” see Slide 7
    Popular Science, December 1917
    Courtesy Smithsonian Libraries, National Museum of American History