Human Rights Video #11: Innocent Until Proven Guilty

One of my principle concerns with the current scene is the rapidly escalating speed with which human rights are being trampled.

The UK just passed a 350+ page bill that gives the government unfettered, tyrannical powers.

The USA and Australia are undertaking similarly ill advised actions.

This trend needs to be reversed. The entrance point is educating people that they do have rights.

Watch the video and if you think so too, please share it!

If You Are Worried About COVID-19 You Are Worrying About The Wrong Thing!

This fowarded post was allegedly written by a friend’s husband. The writer does not name themselves so it is to be treated accordingly. Except that I have heard the very same predictions from eminent medical professionals on The Truth About Vaccines 2020 Round Table video which I suggest you watch part oneand part two as a matter of the highest priority.

This is coming from my husband who is a microbiologist. He has worked at many institutions helping to create vaccines, and better science. But during his time at many, many world renowned institutes he saw very deadly unethical practices- he no longer works in that field because of how corrupt it had become.


We are moving to step 5. Mandated MRNA vaccines are coming. The fear campaign of Covid has failed. People are not scared any longer of Covid, but that’s not the problem anymore and truthfully Covid never was.

The problem is now that Covid failed and you are seeing this chess game of totalitarian control unfold, let me tell you what is really coming. If this is a mandatory vaccine campaign and it gets rolled out rapidly, you better be aware, educated and terrified.

Globalists in the next 2-3 months will magically find the cure for Covid and roll it out in a mass vaccination campaign. This vaccine is MRNA vaccine. This roll out will come out very fast for two reasons.

1) so that you have no choice but to comply, you’re stuck in your house and you’ll beg for it to get out.

2) so the side effects are not revealed until the vaccine has been widely distributed.

Why is this relevant. Well, MRNA virus carry the instruction to replicate and build its viral protein right away. It doesn’t require anything other than the host cell machinery to operate. In other words, it cuts down the manufacturing process significantly.

Why is that a problem? Well, MRNA has direct coding. It will do what they are programmed it to do.

In this case the RNA cause direct DNA mutation which leads to cancer, they can change your emotion, give you autoimmune diseases, autism, anything that it is programmed to do. Possibly even worse.

There is no coronavirus vaccine and there never will be one. You think that you are getting a vaccine for immunity, when in reality it’s a trojan horse for something different. I tried to make this as reader friendly as possible.

This is real. I never thought in my life this would ever be real. Just because we can manipulate biology in ways doesnt mean we should.

I left research biology for ethical reasons. Bioethics is a major problem. Data is falsified for the sake of rapid profits. I have personally witnessed it.

A Word (or Two) About My Book

Psst! You want to have more energy, a better memory and be healthier? If so, read on!

I want to share with you a few things about the contents of my book, How to Live The Healthiest Life.

While the press are keen to scare us with how everybody these days dies from coronavirus, you know the vast majority of people suffer and die of degenerative diseases like heart attack, cancer, stroke, dementia, Alzheimer’s etc.? Despite what the disease racket will say about those diseases, they are all preventable. What I do in my book is expose the mostly unknown causes of those diseases and share with you workable solutions so you can live healthier for longer. Do you want to stay healthier for longer?

What this book is NOT is a simplistic, single datum, cure all.

A few years ago someone rang me all excited about an author promoting his book who lost 10 kilos just by significantly reducing the amount of sugar in his diet.

While that is great, if you are still eating crap, even if it’s crap with less sugar IT’S STILL CRAP!

It might be less bad for you than sugar filled crap but it’s still crap!

Nutritionally devoid, processed food in your diet, with or without sugar, is still inflammatory – that’s destructive. Even more destructive than cholesterol for which many people take drugs with deadly side effects. So allowing your attention to be put onto a single datum solution, even if it has validity, can be just as destructive as doing nothing different from what you are doing at present.

My book is the result of a careful sifting through the last 12 years of reading to select the most relevant and applicable data that, in my considered opinion, will make the most difference to your short and long-term health and well-being. It is a comprehensive, some would say encyclopedic, review of the latest data on what is and isn’t the best for you, diet, exercise and lifestyle wise.

If you are looking for a simplistic, one size fits all, brain-dead, partial solution, look elsewhere.

If you have spent any time at all researching almost anything on the internet you will have come across conflicting ideas. One person says, “Drink 6-8 glasses of water a day.” another says, “Do not drink water! Drink fresh fruit and vegetable juices instead.”

There is probably an infinite, gradient scale of truth that applies to data but for the purpose of simplicity, let’s say there are three types of data. True data, partially true data and false data.

In my limited experience the law of gravity is a relatively true datum, “When released above the ground, objects heavier than air will fall to the ground.” Some people point to the limitations of that datum when applied to larger objects, like stars, planets and moons, in space, but that’s another discussion. At least here on Earth the datum holds true.

Some ideas sound benign but can be dangerous. A few years ago to promote the launch of a gaming console an LA radio commentator held a “Hold your wee for a Wii” competition. One overweight person died as a result of holding too much wee for too long.

Sometimes you can recognise an idea as at least a wacky, if not dangerous false data. Some sound off beat until you know why they are promoted. Coffee enemas for instance. When I first heard of them I thought the guy who dreamt it up must have been warped or on drugs.

Turns out coffee enemas help the body get rid of toxins faster. According to the late Dr. Max Gerson, a pioneer of coffee enema therapy and its effectiveness as part of his famous Gerson Diet to help a person rid themselves of cancer, caffeine and other beneficial compounds in coffee stimulate the production of glutathione S-transferase (GST) in the liver. GST is said to be the “master detoxifier” in the body, as this powerful enzyme binds with toxins throughout the body and flushes them out during the enema process.

According to a 1982 study conducted by the National Research Council (NRC), the effect of green coffee bean consumption on the production of GST in test mice was an astounding 600 percent increase in the liver, and a 700 percent increase in the small intestine. In humans, the effect is similar, if not amplified, during a coffee enema, as coffee is able to directly stimulate the liver without having to first run through the digestive tract. The result is a powerful detoxifying effect that is unmatched by sheer diet alone.

Sometimes it’s hard to tell who’s right and who’s wrong. Sometimes what we are being presented with is a datum with limited applicability. Sometimes we a given a datum that applies to a limited area and it is presented as being applicable to a wider area. Often we are told as fact what is just someone’s opinion.

One of the hardest challenges is when we are given a datum relating to an area about which we have limited or no information with which to cross check or verify the truth or otherwise of what we are told. This is why we tend to rely on experts in that field.

The distinct liability here is that in many areas of society, not the least of them medicine, the truth often plays second fiddle to, if not is downright suppressed by, vested interests.

I’ll give you an example. Medical professionals in America are told to count as a COVID-19 death anybody who died who tested positive for the virus, whether that killed them or not. Let’s just ignore the high percentage of false positives for which the tests are commonly known. Obviously this is designed to pump up the death toll as a scare tactic to make us more compliant with what they want to promote next but also, what long-term damage is this wrong attribution of death going to do to mortailty analysis?

From your perspective, one of the advantages of my book is that I have no vested interest greater than your health and well being. So there is no lifestyle or dietary practice in there that I have any slightest doubt about following myself and the vast majority I do!

Check it out at

Vaccine-Autism Link

Vaccine-Autism Link

Dr Tenpenny observes, “We have to be mindful of the fact that while the Corona Virus is dominating the global headlines, Autism is not going away. It’s simply the epidemic that the CDC, PHARMA, the AAP & the Media have decided to be silent on.”

Stop Gas Industry Bailouts

Stop Gas Industry Bailouts

BREAKING: Morrison’s Crooked Covid Commission just recommended billions for a pointless and polluting gas pipeline.

Under the cover of a global pandemic, Scott Morrison set up the National Coordination COVID-19 Commission stacked with his mates from the gas industry1.

And surprise surprise, they’ve just unveiled a wish list that includes billions of dollars in bailout for a polluting gas pipeline2. More taxpayer money for polluting projects that have few jobs and no future.

But we know we can stop it, because we’ve done it before. That’s why tens of thousands of GetUp members and allies joined together to stop a $1 billion bailout for an Adani rail line.

If we join together again to create a massive public outcry, we can stop this bailout too.

Can you add your name to end public bailouts for the gas industry?

Nuremberg War Crimes Trials

Nuremberg War Crimes Trials

Because vaccinations do not have a certain and predictable outcome (they confer immunity to some but not others, some get sick with the illness they are designed to prevent, some get Guillain-Barre, many suffer autoimmune disease and other side effects and some die as a reaction to the vaccine) they are therefore an experiment and are covered by this code.

In Oz, no one is allowed to force you to vaccinate while this is in play

Cease and Desist Letters

It’s official. We received our proof of delivery of the cease and desist documents to the Prime Minister and Aged Care Minister yesterday. Today, the Health Minister will be served the same document.

The Government are officially on notice now and are compelled to respond to our questions and statements in writing within 28 days from the 12th May 2020.

Our group has had huge success with a cease and desist for the 5G tower in Mullumbimby. More exciting news on this to come soon.

We are getting there, guys.
It’s a massive move and one that will finally make the government answer to their stupid claims.

Below are the photos of the notarised documents, meaning they carry the weight of the court and are a legal document which can NOT be ignored.

Effectively it means no one is allowed to force you to vaccinate while this is in play and until we have resolved the issue which could take a month or two.

But our legal team are ready to go all the way now.
When it ends up in court, we’re ready and this will be the end of all forced vaccines in the country.

Biggest move yet!

Share this far and wide and let everyone know they CAN’T be forced to be vaccinated now that they are on notice.

If anyone tries, show them this post and the photos and template of the cease and desist.

Medical Freedom Australia.