Be Amazing

Be Amazing

Some time ago I read a researcher found it takes 10,000 hours to become world class at something. Doesn’t matter if it’s sport, music, painting… …whatever, 10,000 hours and you are up there with the best in the world.

If that seems daunting, instead of watching TV from 7 to 11 of an evening, put that time into doing something you love and in under 7 years you could be one of the best in the world at it.

What would you enjoy doing for 4 hours a night to become world class at?

the Voice – The Crux Of The Matter

As I was walking home this morning I reflected on the points I made about the Voice in that infographic I posted overnight. If you missed it you can see it here:

I am always trying to distill my messages to the irrefutable simplicity.

One of the most important lessons I have learned this lifetime is to evaluate relative importances, to ‘sort the wheat from the chaff’ as goes the old saying.

It occurs to me there is a sea of data and an ocean of opinion about the Voice but one indisputable datum stands head and shoulders above all others.

That fact is that we are being conned.

How is that indisputable?

Because it comes directly from the mouth of Anthony Albanese. Now granted, he is not honest enough to call it a con but no conman ever alerts you in advance to the details of the sting.

This article reports:

“Details about a proposed Indigenous Voice to parliament will not be known before a referendum on the issue, Prime Minister Anthony Albanese says, arguing he does not want a repeat of the failed 1999 republic referendum.

“Albanese, speaking from the Garma festival in Arnhem Land, said the detail of the Voice would be left to federal parliamentarians to debate rather than let it be a central element of a proposed referendum…

“…There have already been calls for more details about the Voice, including from Coalition spokesman for Indigenous Australians Julian Leeser who says while the referendum question was a positive start there were many details to be explained.

“But Albanese said he wanted to avoid the situation caused by the republic referendum where people may have disagreed with one element within the proposed model and were then urged to vote no.”

“One of the things I’m trying to avoid here … [is] people looking for all of the detail and saying well, if you disagree with these 50 clauses, if you disagree with one out of the 50 but 49 are OK, vote no. We’re not doing that. We’re not doing that. We’re learning from history,” Albanese said on ABC television on Sunday.

Well, that’s all very well, but would you sign a contract without having the opportunity for you or your solicitor to read it?

What if one of the 50 clauses is to cede sovereignty over your house and land to a new council with no redress?

Or take a percentage of your income or spending as reparations?

Shouldn’t you have the right to reject the whole thing over that one clause?

The whole idea of a referendum is so that Australians can decide on issues of importance, like changes to the Constitution. How can we make an informed decision if we don’t know on what we are deciding?

Albo continues, “We’re appealing to the goodwill of the Australian people and as I said, the Australian character as I see it.”

In my opinion that means he takes us for fools who can be easily manipulated emotionally to do something that is logically not in our best interests.

I think it’s time to show him we are smarter than that and vote “No”.

the Voice – Before You Vote

The Only Graph You Need To Know


Once harm has been done, even a fool understands it. – Homer. the Voice is worth understanding BEFORE harm has been done!

I recommend you play The Who’s ‘We Won’t Get Fooled Again’ in the background while reading this:

You may recall the last time a large media campaign was run in this country. The one to get us all on board with the Covid agenda the government was running.

What you may not know was that every single thing the government said was a lie. If you care to check it out I documented more than 40 of them here:

What makes you think that this time with the Voice will be any different? If you need more proof that the government would not like to be restricted to telling only the truth, look no further than the proposed misinformation bill currently available for comment. Penalties are proposed for saying or writing anything that contradicts the official story. The two parties excluded from complying? The government and the media! The most blatant hypocrisy I have ever seen.

Disinformation Bill 2023

Rod Cullerton exposes the Voice to be illegal:

The Voice: Five More Problems by John Anderson

Rita Panahi exposes the link between Albanese’s #VoiceToParliament and a race-based Treaty!

Admitted to here: ideo/0cfce189a09a088b893ccfde578661b4

We Already Have An Indigenous Body That Fulfills The Stated Aims Of “the Voice”, It’s called the Coalition of Peaks:

Albo admits to not even having read the 26 page Uluru Statement yet calls Dutton a liar for saying what is in it:

Albo refuses to provide detail of how the Voice will work because he does not was a repeat of the failed 1999 referendum. In other words if we knew the details of what he proposes there is no way we would vote yes. Makes sense to keep it secret! He’s not just selling us a pig in a poke! He’s telling us what is in the bag is not a pig!

No To the Voice

I stand with those Aboriginals and other Australians who accurately recognise the duplicity involved and do not wish to be a party to this racial divisiveness let alone what skulduggery he is not admitting to. 

Tom Grimshaw

US Officials keep boasting about how much the Ukraine War serves US interests


One of the most glaring plot holes in the official mainstream narrative on Ukraine is the way US officials keep openly boasting that this supposedly unprovoked war which the US is only backing out of the goodness of its heart just so happens to serve US interests tremendously.

In a recent article for the Connecticut Post, Senator Richard Blumenthal assured Americans that “we’re getting our money’s worth on our Ukraine investment.”

“For less than 3 percent of our nation’s military budget, we’ve enabled Ukraine to degrade Russia’s military strength by half,” writes Blumenthal. “We’ve united NATO and caused the Chinese to rethink their invasion plans for Taiwan. We’ve helped restore faith and confidence in American leadership?—?moral and military. All without a single American service woman or man injured or lost, and without any diversion or misappropriation of American aid.”

(Tom: Absolutely, unquestionably, incontrovertibly criminal action on the part of the US!

Probably fast closing in on 500,000 Ukrainians dead, plus Russians, no counting how many wounded or maimed, billions stolen from the US taxpayers to fund the military industrial carnage, European economies devastated… ..US interests? How is destroying other countries in ANYONE’S best interests? You’d have to be a psychopath to say that. Oh, but they are.)

CDC Data Reveals COVID Vaccine Could Shave Off 24 Years from Men’s Lives!

The long-term consequences of Covid-19 vaccination are now being realised…

A year ago, doubly vaccinated Australians were 10.72x more likely to catch Omicron than the unvaxxed. Now they are 20x more likely and the triply or more vaxxed are 35x more likely, as the latest NSW Health stats show (see below).

Meanwhile, the latest Cleveland Clinic Data and the latest US data analysed by Josh Stirling, founder of Insurance Collaboration to Save Livess and former #1 ranked Insurance Analyst, shows a really really disturbing trend.

The damage to health caused by each vaccine dose does not lessen over time. It continues indefinitely.

In fact, CDC All-Cause Mortality data show that each vaccine dose increased mortality by 7% in the year 2022 compared to the mortality in year 2021.

So if you have had 5 doses then you were 35% more likely to die in 2022 than you were in 2021. If you have had one dose then you were 7% more likely to die in 2022 than you were in 2021. If you are unvaxxed then you were no more likely to die in 2022 than you were in 2021.

The population of NSW in Australia is 6½ million people. They are a highly vaccinated group. Looking at the Australian Government data for the last 6 weeks of 2022 we see that.

1. Those with 1 or 2 doses are 20x more likely to be admitted to hospital with Covid than those with no doses.
2. Those with 3 or 4 or more doses are 35x more likely to be admitted to hospital with Covid than those with no doses.
3. Being unvaxxed provides 100% protection from having to go to the ICU. Being vaxxed gives you a 6 in 100,000 chance of being hospitalised in the ICU.
4. Vaccines are unsafe and extremely ineffective.
5. COVID-19 vaccination is putting unsustainable pressure on hospitals and ICUs in NSW and by implication all over the world.
6. The NHS in the UK will be destroyed unless vaccinations are banned immediately. It may already be too late.
7. The vaccines prevent herd immunity. Herd immunity will never be reached in the vaxxed. It has already been reached in the unvaxxed
8. The continuation of the pandemic is entirely caused by the anti vaccines.

The last time I looked at the data in NSW, for the last 6 weeks of 2021, the double vaxxed were 2.18x more likely to catch Omicron than the unvaxxed.

Here were are today, 12 months later in the last 6 weeks of 2022, and the double vaxxed are not 2.18x, but actually 20x more likely to catch the latest variant. And the triple jabbed are 35x more likely!

So there is the immune system destruction that I predicted in October2021. There is the progressive vaccine-mediated AIDS. These are farcical Monty Python kinds of numbers. As I understand it the Australian government is now going to stop classifying hospital data by vax status.

Talk about bury your head in the sand. In any event. It is too late. The cat is out of the bag. These figures are an accelerating immunological catastrophe.

Half Medical Research Untrue

Half Medical Research Untrue

One of my friends posted:
So, before you all throw away your Swerve…
When I read the article on erythritol for the first time yesterday, a couple of things jumped out.
1. The authors said they discovered this link “by accident”. Right there, we need to stop. This means that they were not controlling for any concomitant factors. That means erythritol may have nothing to do with the clots at all.
2. The article never said whether any of these people were at risk for clots from other conditions. Were they diabetic? Heart disease? Turns out, the answer is yes.
3. The article made no mention of other dietary risk factors that existed in these people. Did they consume a lot of sugar? Well, it appears none of them were on any specific diet.
4. Where did the erythritol in their blood come from?
Then today, I see this.
So, a quick Google search turned up a very simple explanation for the results found in this paper.
Sugar is metabolized into sugar alcohol in the body. In fact, blood sugar alcohol from sugar metabolism and blood sugar alcohol from erythritol are practically indistinguishable in the blood.
During the time of the study (2011-2016), keto wasn’t much of a thing and erythritol wasn’t widely available on the market to begin with. There is no explanation by the authors as to how these people would have been able to consume a product that wasn’t even available on the market during that time.
So, now let’s put 2 and 2 together.
1. Sugar alcohol from sugar and erythritol are identical in the blood.
2. Study participants were not on a controlled diet.
3. Study participants had health conditions known to be exacerbated by sugar.
4. Blood clots are caused by sugar. (In a super simple explanation, sugar makes blood sticky; fat makes blood slick. Sugar causes clots; dietary fat does not, although not all fats are created equal).
5. These people likely had no to limited ability to consume erythritol during that time frame.
So, did the nonexistent erythritol cause the clots? Or was it sugar?
Y’all, it was the sugar.
This “study” is very much like me saying “I ate an organic meal, then I got a headache, so organic foods cause headaches.”
This very much reminds of the industry funded hatchet job on coconut oil a few years ago. Remember when the FDA told us that a “study” showed that coconut oil caused heart attacks and we should all eat corn oil? Then we found out that the corn industry funded that “study”?
I suspect something similar is behind this bogus “study” as well.
As for myself, I don’t like erythritol. I am one of the unlucky few who detect an unpleasant cooling sensation from erythritol. For most people it has a neutral taste and causes less bloat and gastric upset than other sugar alcohols. I don’t think there is any reason to ditch your erythritol based on this article.
And PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE stop sharing things if you haven’t vetted the accuracy of it. That happened with the coconut oil fiasco too. People started freaking out, sharing the article, saying “OMG, stop eating coconut oil”, only to find out later that the study was bogus. It took me longer to write this post than it did to research the truth of the article. All total, I have spent 20 minutes.
Twenty minutes and I can feel confident that I am sharing information that is as accurate as possible based on the data we have.

When ‘Drink More Water’ Turns Into a Health Crisis

Tim Noakes MD

Runners can jeopardize their life by drinking too much water during a long-distance event. An estimated 10% to 20% of people have inappropriate secretion of antidiuretic hormone and retain fluid even though they’re overhydrated. As a result, they can lose consciousness and may die unless treated with concentrated salt solutions.

The treatment for overhydration is to give a high-saline IV (3% to 5% sodium). The sodium will absorb and help expel the excess water through urination, typically resulting in rapid recovery.

For non-athletes who are metabolically inflexible and have insulin resistance, a low-carb diet can help you regain your metabolic flexibility.

Dr. Mercola believes that once you’ve regained your metabolic flexibility, scientific evidence suggests a diet higher in carbs (primarily from ripe fruit) and restricting fat to about 30% of calories can optimize energy production and minimize harmful reactive oxygen species (ROS) production.

In this interview, Timothy Noakes, Ph.D., a physician and sports medicine researcher in South Africa, clarifies common confusions about sports hydration and high-carb diets.